The left is already using the strike against the truckers. Are you suggesting that patriots who are currently supporting the truckers will turn against them once the shelves go bare? If that's the case, then they are fair weather patriots who never really understood the cause. True patriots are prepared for bare shelves...have been for a while now.
Ya and they are riling up the auto workers in MI against them also.
This is bad optics, anyone who thinks blocking that bridge for a few days was a win is fooling themselves.
You failed to address 2 VERY CRITICAL aspects, the good guys & the awakening.
No offense but your post reads like someone who just awoke from their brainwashing and realized who the enemy truly is.
So, sorrry not sorry but the post fails the critical thinking portion of the class. There are more good guys than bad & the general populace is more awake today than the last 40 years.
These aren’t just truckers. These truckers have to have former military or high level corporate leadership running logistics as they’ve prepared for every single attempt by Trudeau & his handlers to thwart them. They even brought food to feed the homeless, lawyers, gas, heat, etc.
In war, any event at the start can appear to mean something else, because 1 side the Patriots/Truckers is not clear about the organization, while the other, the Canadian Gov., is clearer on their agenda and historical/technological drive as theorized here. Good solid Theory Anon. We will have to see how this all plays out in the end.
Focus on just the battle: You are assuming they are going to lose, you are a glass half empty kind of guy. Me on the other hand says this is a battle we cannot afford to lose; therefore, we will win bigly. I am a glass half full kind of guy. On the other stuff you have assembled: Drones need pilots and immense support staff, we can deal with that when it comes down the pike.
... loosen up, keep your breathren out of their buildings, and use trucker counter-intel to highjack what "they" want the outcome to be. Keep the faith, we win this thing of ours.
By my reasoning, the J6 experience suggests the truckers should not enter into Federal Buildings. Just stay on the road and honk till your hearts content and we win this thing bigly.
I agree it will be used against the truckers as a way to usher in driverless trucks. Think about it, no payroll, no limited hours, etc. Cost effective cheap labor. Everything else is becoming automated, even farm machinery.
I don't believe that the amount of trucks currently out of service due to the protests is significant enough to cause a serious food shortage, the number of truckers protesting is a much smaller percentage than the amount of truckers still hauling freight. Most food producers have their own fleet of freightliners and those that are not owner operators don't have the luxury of just taking their trucks out of service to go protest. Will the government cause a food shortage in order to blame the truckers? Hell yeah they will in a New York minute but I'm pretty sure they were smart enough to discuss the possible consequences of their actions before they took action. STOP WORRYING ABOUT A FOOD SHORTAGE LIKE YOU GONNA STARVE IF YOU VISIT THE MARKET AND SEE BARE SHELVES. JUST TAKE YOUR ASS TO THE OUTDOORS SECTION AND BUY YOURSELF SOME FISHING AND HUNTING GEAR AND SOME VEGETABLE SEEDS BE A REAL MAN AND GO HUNT OR GROW YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILY SOME FRESH FOOD LIKE THE REAL MEN DID BEFORE THERE WERE GROCERY STORES. FK WORRYING ABOUT A FOOD SHORTAGE AND START WORRYING ABOUT THESE SATANIC MTHRFKRS THAT ARE ABOUT TO STRIP YOU ALL OF YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS AND ENSLAVE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. YOU AIN'T GOT NO TIME TO BE WORRYING ABOUT SHIT ELSE BUT FIGHTING THESE TYRANNICAL SATANISTS
I understood where you were going with that you were just trying to make people aware of a possible devastating consequence of having so many Freightliners out of service all at once I get that. These truckers and their families I'm sure they all had a sit down and weighed the possible consequences with the absolute consequences of not taking action in protest and I assure you that the scale of a possible food shortage didn't weigh shit compared to the consequences of not doing anything. Point I was making is that you can catch and hunt yourself and your family some food but you won't ever go out and catch or hunt down you and your family some more freedoms and liberties after they've been taken away.
Could I just ask a couple questions? If that were the case wouldn't people know of that many transports being built? Especially when there has been a supposed shortage of parts and stuff for these trucks? Is it possible Trump pushing this shit out early might have cut them all off at the pass? They didn't have enough time to build their own convoy? If that were true and we get the swamp drained asap, wouldn't things go back to normal in a couple months? Sorry I'm just really thinking that this is too much good to focus on possible bad switch. Not saying not to always be watching and ready, but we are going to win! Canadians will never back down. We know what happens if we do.
When you're dealing with essentially lawyers who want you dead, everything you do can be used against you because they're cooking up contingencies for contingencies legally for every move one makes.
Whatever the immediate origins of this well-planned Trucker Convoy strategy, you can bet the Deep State is planning to use it to their own benefit.
Same as with 9/11, with the Reichstag fire, and with every other emergency or tragedy: it doesn't matter who actually did the deed (maybe the Communists really did start the Reichstag fire; who knows?), the Cabal has or quickly manufactures a narrative that supports taking more freedom from the public and gives more draconian power to the tyrants.
EDIT: It should go without saying that the White Hats are doing the mirror image: using the situation to OUR advantage in every way possible no matter whether THEY organized it or whether the Cabal set it in motion. I feel certain that White Hats of various stripes are at the root of the planning here, but I'm fallible. Either way, they're not standing idly by, I'm sure.
can we stop with the 'every little thing is planned in advance'??? that's just not how life works, it's a paralyzing message and misinterpretation of Q.
if you don't believe you have self-agency -- free will and can determine and yes, change the course of events -- then you have not fully been introduced to yourself.
I'm not sure why all the downvotes TBH. You make some insightful points. BTW...thank you for your service to our supply chains. It sounds cliché but I mean it.
Downvotes don’t automatically mean you’re over target.
It could simply be that people don’t agree with your doom. You didn’t provide one piece of evidence to support your argument of this being a deep state play.
Is the deep state capable of pulling off a false flag? Obviously but that doesn’t mean the truckers are in on it nor does it mean the end result will be negative for worldwide chain breaking.
The left is already using the strike against the truckers. Are you suggesting that patriots who are currently supporting the truckers will turn against them once the shelves go bare? If that's the case, then they are fair weather patriots who never really understood the cause. True patriots are prepared for bare shelves...have been for a while now.
Awesome. Thank you!
Ya and they are riling up the auto workers in MI against them also. This is bad optics, anyone who thinks blocking that bridge for a few days was a win is fooling themselves.
Yes, I read it. And no offense, but you rambled just a bit so I was asking for clarification.
I appreciate the clarification. Thank you. I have to agree that there appears to be no left or right at the moment...just good and evil.
You failed to address 2 VERY CRITICAL aspects, the good guys & the awakening.
No offense but your post reads like someone who just awoke from their brainwashing and realized who the enemy truly is.
So, sorrry not sorry but the post fails the critical thinking portion of the class. There are more good guys than bad & the general populace is more awake today than the last 40 years.
These aren’t just truckers. These truckers have to have former military or high level corporate leadership running logistics as they’ve prepared for every single attempt by Trudeau & his handlers to thwart them. They even brought food to feed the homeless, lawyers, gas, heat, etc.
This isn’t Uncle Trucker Tommy’s doing.
Most Can't see past tomorrow ,, thankfully most on here are knowledgeable , alert ,and prepared
In war, any event at the start can appear to mean something else, because 1 side the Patriots/Truckers is not clear about the organization, while the other, the Canadian Gov., is clearer on their agenda and historical/technological drive as theorized here. Good solid Theory Anon. We will have to see how this all plays out in the end.
Focus on just the battle: You are assuming they are going to lose, you are a glass half empty kind of guy. Me on the other hand says this is a battle we cannot afford to lose; therefore, we will win bigly. I am a glass half full kind of guy. On the other stuff you have assembled: Drones need pilots and immense support staff, we can deal with that when it comes down the pike.
... loosen up, keep your breathren out of their buildings, and use trucker counter-intel to highjack what "they" want the outcome to be. Keep the faith, we win this thing of ours.
By my reasoning, the J6 experience suggests the truckers should not enter into Federal Buildings. Just stay on the road and honk till your hearts content and we win this thing bigly.
You are holding on to tight, relax ....
I agree it will be used against the truckers as a way to usher in driverless trucks. Think about it, no payroll, no limited hours, etc. Cost effective cheap labor. Everything else is becoming automated, even farm machinery.
I absolutely agree with that one. They can easily roll that technology right on out today and have them hauling freight tomorrow
Everything you said is right.
When I questioned who was behind the convoy, and it being a potential setup in the beginning, I got downvoted too.
That's what you get when you consume too much hopium.
Thanks for the reminder to keep both eyes open and stay grounded.
I don't believe that the amount of trucks currently out of service due to the protests is significant enough to cause a serious food shortage, the number of truckers protesting is a much smaller percentage than the amount of truckers still hauling freight. Most food producers have their own fleet of freightliners and those that are not owner operators don't have the luxury of just taking their trucks out of service to go protest. Will the government cause a food shortage in order to blame the truckers? Hell yeah they will in a New York minute but I'm pretty sure they were smart enough to discuss the possible consequences of their actions before they took action. STOP WORRYING ABOUT A FOOD SHORTAGE LIKE YOU GONNA STARVE IF YOU VISIT THE MARKET AND SEE BARE SHELVES. JUST TAKE YOUR ASS TO THE OUTDOORS SECTION AND BUY YOURSELF SOME FISHING AND HUNTING GEAR AND SOME VEGETABLE SEEDS BE A REAL MAN AND GO HUNT OR GROW YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILY SOME FRESH FOOD LIKE THE REAL MEN DID BEFORE THERE WERE GROCERY STORES. FK WORRYING ABOUT A FOOD SHORTAGE AND START WORRYING ABOUT THESE SATANIC MTHRFKRS THAT ARE ABOUT TO STRIP YOU ALL OF YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS AND ENSLAVE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. YOU AIN'T GOT NO TIME TO BE WORRYING ABOUT SHIT ELSE BUT FIGHTING THESE TYRANNICAL SATANISTS
I understood where you were going with that you were just trying to make people aware of a possible devastating consequence of having so many Freightliners out of service all at once I get that. These truckers and their families I'm sure they all had a sit down and weighed the possible consequences with the absolute consequences of not taking action in protest and I assure you that the scale of a possible food shortage didn't weigh shit compared to the consequences of not doing anything. Point I was making is that you can catch and hunt yourself and your family some food but you won't ever go out and catch or hunt down you and your family some more freedoms and liberties after they've been taken away.
Could I just ask a couple questions? If that were the case wouldn't people know of that many transports being built? Especially when there has been a supposed shortage of parts and stuff for these trucks? Is it possible Trump pushing this shit out early might have cut them all off at the pass? They didn't have enough time to build their own convoy? If that were true and we get the swamp drained asap, wouldn't things go back to normal in a couple months? Sorry I'm just really thinking that this is too much good to focus on possible bad switch. Not saying not to always be watching and ready, but we are going to win! Canadians will never back down. We know what happens if we do.
Ok fair enough. I wasn't trying to argue. It just seemed that many trucks someone somewhere would be like wow that's a lot of new trucks coming.
At the time basically, everyone knew they were building something large at oak ridge, it was just wartime, and the "Munitions plant" was good enough.
Right now. What huge mega-building project would be used to cover something like that....
Holy creeping cupcakes! A war of attrition on truckers.
When you're dealing with essentially lawyers who want you dead, everything you do can be used against you because they're cooking up contingencies for contingencies legally for every move one makes.
Interesting post.
Whatever the immediate origins of this well-planned Trucker Convoy strategy, you can bet the Deep State is planning to use it to their own benefit.
Same as with 9/11, with the Reichstag fire, and with every other emergency or tragedy: it doesn't matter who actually did the deed (maybe the Communists really did start the Reichstag fire; who knows?), the Cabal has or quickly manufactures a narrative that supports taking more freedom from the public and gives more draconian power to the tyrants.
EDIT: It should go without saying that the White Hats are doing the mirror image: using the situation to OUR advantage in every way possible no matter whether THEY organized it or whether the Cabal set it in motion. I feel certain that White Hats of various stripes are at the root of the planning here, but I'm fallible. Either way, they're not standing idly by, I'm sure.
Wow, use some whitespace every now and then.
can we stop with the 'every little thing is planned in advance'??? that's just not how life works, it's a paralyzing message and misinterpretation of Q.
if you don't believe you have self-agency -- free will and can determine and yes, change the course of events -- then you have not fully been introduced to yourself.
why so sensitive?
I'm not sure why all the downvotes TBH. You make some insightful points. BTW...thank you for your service to our supply chains. It sounds cliché but I mean it.
Downvotes don’t automatically mean you’re over target.
It could simply be that people don’t agree with your doom. You didn’t provide one piece of evidence to support your argument of this being a deep state play.
Is the deep state capable of pulling off a false flag? Obviously but that doesn’t mean the truckers are in on it nor does it mean the end result will be negative for worldwide chain breaking.