They're going to use it as a security threat so they can just pull people out of their trucks. And whatever violence they deem necessary. Now their guns will be lethal. I see it getting bad
Who the fuck would leave a truck full of guns unattended overnight without guards without having it parked in a secured facility, without having absolute surveillance?
Answer: People who planned for it to be stolen for a false flag.
I'm not sure this really happened. It seems like the fake news wants to scare people. When items this sensitive are stolen, that is what won't make it into the newspaper.
Unless, they have a plan and are setting the stage. If and when something bad happens, they want the normies to remember this article and associate it with the folks they are about to frame.
Do I believe this story? No, there's zero evidence this happened. This could be a lead up to a FF in Canada. If the MSM is telling you this be very suspicious and don't take what they say at face value. THEY LIE!
I wonder how ANTIFA got all those firearms? Hmmm.
They're going to use it as a security threat so they can just pull people out of their trucks. And whatever violence they deem necessary. Now their guns will be lethal. I see it getting bad
Who the fuck would leave a truck full of guns unattended overnight without guards without having it parked in a secured facility, without having absolute surveillance?
Answer: People who planned for it to be stolen for a false flag.
They really do think we are stupid. Pathetic!
I'm not sure this really happened. It seems like the fake news wants to scare people. When items this sensitive are stolen, that is what won't make it into the newspaper.
Unless, they have a plan and are setting the stage. If and when something bad happens, they want the normies to remember this article and associate it with the folks they are about to frame.
I've been wondering what Eric Holder has been up to lately...
Now I know
Story is legit:
Certainly sounds like an incoming FF
The story may be legit but it doesnt mean its factual.
100% agree, fren.
In the Clown World it is impossible to tell what is real and what isn't if it is coming from the MSM.
Maybe russia FF comment was a comm?
Come on man, the truck nor trailer had a GPS unit installed?!
Reaks of FF event in the works, and if it isn't, hopefully it goes somewhere beneficial in the chance we may need to even the odds.
Gotta love the spooks, can't let a peaceful protest ride out.
So. Did the police need additional firearms because theirs are all broken or are they running guns for new recruits?
Call the number…
Watch, in a day or two "a truck carrying ammo for said guns". lol.
Posted about some fishy stuff recently:
Do I believe this story? No, there's zero evidence this happened. This could be a lead up to a FF in Canada. If the MSM is telling you this be very suspicious and don't take what they say at face value. THEY LIE!
You ever been hit by one?! Well thrown firearms can hurt! lol
The ammo may be the easier of the two to get...
I'm glad there was no ammo on the truck. What a Joke.
For some reason, could not archive this, so I exported as an image as well.
Link to article