Family members ( patriots) have been battling hospital since their daughters birth . Sage is special needs with heart issues and different illnesses. Parents are battling hospital. Please pray for this family I just spoke with dad and told him this prayer request will go out throughout the world where patriots will stand for their baby's healing. Parents are not jabbed and refuse test to get into hospital they won that battle this AM , Thank You Frens
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Dear Lord please look after and heal this child, strengthen the family; may their faith grow, may your love and peace be upon them.
Dear heavenly father I lift up Sage and her parents to you in prayers. Have mercy and place kindness and mercy to these doctors who care for her. Send you blessing to heal her from this illness now. We need you help and mercy. now. Amen
I really appreciate your prayers we all have battles and time is so precious so thank you for spending a few moments of yours to lift this baby and her parents up there in a fight for her literal life
Lord Jesus we place these troubles in your loving hands and humbly request Dear Lord and Savior, that you take over. Amen
I'm sending him copies of this link so that him and his wife will be able to read these prayers while in the hospital when he's able he'll be on here himself
This community answered my plea for prayer for my husband who had a major stroke in early December. He's made a full recovery and started back to work this week. My prayers go out to you. Trust God.
I remember hearing of your husband's stroke. To hear that he recovered and is going back to work is outstanding to hear. Thank you God for answering our prayers
Sage is special -- not because of her needs -- but because she is a child of God. May the Lord of Comfort and Healing watch over her and give her family strength and peace, knowing that God watches over all of His children.
Not that it matters but in Washington state, will spread the request. Also praying for Sage. God bless fren.
Thank you so much they've been battling the hospital since their daughter's birth because she's on different machines she has downs as well as other medical issues they tried to place her in there suggested care facility they had to fight to bring their own baby home. They are refusing as much medical care as possible only what's absolutely needed but as you know hospitals are not a good place to be right now
Prayers on the way.
Stay strong fren.
Little baby Sage has been added to my daily prayer list, along with her parents, who in their wisdom, gave their perfect child the perfect name.
Please do keep us posted.
Dad just called ,, they are home with Sage! Hospital couldn't find anything other than simple cold , which left her yesterday , but they still tried to keep her . Parents said NO and brought her home , would only allow steroids which helps with breathing. I have a Downs daughter as well she's 30 now but steroids are important ! Sage is on feeding tube , Cleft palate and other machines so the hospital tries to pull their , "we know better , she needs to stay here " they are in fights for her freedom constantly , hospitals were bad enough before covid ! Dabs mom is a retired RN but LEFT , she thinks and says hospital knows best get jab etc , so their support is O But God ! Bryce the dad is an adopted son of mine ( not legally ) but has been part of my life since he was a small boy , my sons best friend ! He is thrilled ,,, I sent him the thread of prayers so him and Nicole have read them , what a comfort ,,, thank you Friend and thank you Jesus
Thank you so much for this update! Praying for Sage was the first thing on my mind this morning, and reading this truly warms my heart. God bless Sage and your entire family. I will continue to pray for strength for Bryce and Nicole, and for Sage’s continued improvement.🙏
When it comes down to the truth , nothing is more important than a sister or brother in Christ who is willing to pray. Nothing is more valuable, thanking you with all my heart !
I agree wholeheartedly, and I am moved by your gratitude. We are truly united in Christ.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
I can't imagine living in this world without Jesus
So, so true.
Ahh thank you so much , I plan on speaking to dad tonight , I'll let u know thank u and God bless you
…. may God bless you, too…
Dear God please watch over this family and heal Sage. Thank you. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
I'm on it right now.
God Bless you Fren ,, they had a big battle even bringing their daughter home , hospital was insisting they place her in facility ,, for her best interest of course ! Baby is Downs as well as feeding tube ( cleft palate) as well as other medical situations ! Parents are young 30,s but strong , however , it's a battle hospitals are a demonic place to be these days !
Dear God, if it be your will, place your healing hands on this little one. Protect her from all the evil intentions surrounding her and give her parents the strength to continue to fight for life on her behalf. Bless them with many more years to love and cherish their daughter. Give the medical professionals the courage, insight, and respect for life to do what is right on behalf of this little angel. Give them the wisdom and the healing capabilities to help this little one, for with you God, anything and all is possible. I ask this in your name. Amen.