To quote Confucius, the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names. This is one of the biggest red pills there is and most people have trouble getting it down. But once you do, you see the world with new eyes. It's liberating and terrifying.
I’m mad at business owners for supporting the tyranny. They won’t care until their profits start hurting. If the customers start boycotting them that’s where they draw the line
I just want to say that yes, martial law could extend forever... There's a country whose government reigned supreme since 1962, younger generation not taught about it in school to make their situation normal. That there is no questioning of the choice and action taken by the government.
Just want to caution people about tyrannical government being given power; they never let go.
I'm willing to bet that the linguist Noam Chumpsky is directly responsible for much of the word crafting that the left uses, and has been using for decades to obfuscate the true appearance their leftist agendas.
Also, it's DICTATES not "mandates." People who are still calling these totalitarian dictates "mandates" need to be hit in the face to knock some sense into them.
Wow!! How I wish the sheeple would wake up to these TRUTHS!! I still see so many people in my Canadian town wearing masks when they’re walking around outside!
Instead of leftists, how about murderers, pedophiles, rapists, satanists, thieves, corporate fascists and the list goes on...
Commies works for me.
Exactly. They are Socialists... which is just communists that are being nice about stealing your money/property.
👍👍👍 Cheers Anon... ☕☕☕
Good one... Cheers Anon... ☕☕☕
We have to beat then at their own game... The only difference is that our game is truth and their game is gaslighting and lies... Cheers Fren... ☕☕☕
Most definitely and the list goes on and grows KEKEKEK... Cheers Anon... ☕☕☕
This is good! Thanks
To quote Confucius, the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names. This is one of the biggest red pills there is and most people have trouble getting it down. But once you do, you see the world with new eyes. It's liberating and terrifying.
And quit calling them the left,they are commie scum.
Same thing.
Well said and point taken.
This needs a sticky.
Yes, YES, Y E S!!!
I’m mad at business owners for supporting the tyranny. They won’t care until their profits start hurting. If the customers start boycotting them that’s where they draw the line
I just want to say that yes, martial law could extend forever... There's a country whose government reigned supreme since 1962, younger generation not taught about it in school to make their situation normal. That there is no questioning of the choice and action taken by the government.
Just want to caution people about tyrannical government being given power; they never let go.
Their days are numbered.
I'm willing to bet that the linguist Noam Chumpsky is directly responsible for much of the word crafting that the left uses, and has been using for decades to obfuscate the true appearance their leftist agendas.
Also, it's DICTATES not "mandates." People who are still calling these totalitarian dictates "mandates" need to be hit in the face to knock some sense into them.
Agreed. Will make sure I don’t use their language.
If it's terrorism, it's a peaceful protest.
If it's a peaceful protest, it's terrorism.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
1984 was a prediction.
Wow!! How I wish the sheeple would wake up to these TRUTHS!! I still see so many people in my Canadian town wearing masks when they’re walking around outside!
Ding ding ding...
You are absolutely right...Rush always said, "Words mean things." Using the left's language is a form of capitulation. Great post, fren.