Maybe Obama’s handlers. His dad is Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, a radical Islamic cleric from Indonesia where his mother just so happened to be at during the time he would’ve been conceived.
I’ve also had confirmation from some very prominent people in politics via Twitter IMs & family/friends in power positions within the VA & military. In fact, when I posted this originally to twitter, 3 well known yet small conservative news outlets ran stories on it. I had found it on a small blog that had the Laura Fuddy video of the plane crash & her death after entering the water.
I cant remember where i watched it last night but someone said Durham has run out the clock, something about the statue of limitation, too much time has passed to actually bring charges etc...
No, there are 250+k sealed indictments, they've already been charged, many have probably been executed. Why do I think that? Q told us in 2018 that McNoName was executed, I believe Q did this to let us know that behind the scenes people were being held accountable. I think the recent videos of HRC are deep fakes. Remember when the cabal was talking about deep fakes everywhere in and around 2018 while Q was posting about their misdeeds? Yeah, telling us exactly what their plans were then.
What reason would we have to be against Russia? Name one thing they did to us that comes close to what you scumbags on the left have done over the last 7 years. You low life mother fuckers even treated Osama bin laden with more respect and decency than us.
Something tells me this is bigger than Biden, I think Barry Obama is involved in the corruption. Didn't Q mention Obama's parents spoke Russian?
Maybe Obama’s handlers. His dad is Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, a radical Islamic cleric from Indonesia where his mother just so happened to be at during the time he would’ve been conceived.
How do I know this to be true? For one, have a look:
I’ve also had confirmation from some very prominent people in politics via Twitter IMs & family/friends in power positions within the VA & military. In fact, when I posted this originally to twitter, 3 well known yet small conservative news outlets ran stories on it. I had found it on a small blog that had the Laura Fuddy video of the plane crash & her death after entering the water.
Can't wait to see them ALL exposed. Nor can I wait to see them all hang for their treasonous acts.
I cant remember where i watched it last night but someone said Durham has run out the clock, something about the statue of limitation, too much time has passed to actually bring charges etc...
Could this be real?
No, there are 250+k sealed indictments, they've already been charged, many have probably been executed. Why do I think that? Q told us in 2018 that McNoName was executed, I believe Q did this to let us know that behind the scenes people were being held accountable. I think the recent videos of HRC are deep fakes. Remember when the cabal was talking about deep fakes everywhere in and around 2018 while Q was posting about their misdeeds? Yeah, telling us exactly what their plans were then.
Most conservatives are only 50-75% awake.
That makes a lot of sense.
Anyone who thinks Joe Biden is the mostcrooked person in US history, is not paying attention
He's pretty high up there though
Clinton's, Obama's, Bush's Just a few Rothschilds, Gates, and Zuckerberg Just a few more
I didn't know it was a contest.
LOL. Such intelligence is used to control people, not expose and destroy them.
What reason would we have to be against Russia? Name one thing they did to us that comes close to what you scumbags on the left have done over the last 7 years. You low life mother fuckers even treated Osama bin laden with more respect and decency than us.