This post is a response to THIS QUESTION. The answer ended up becoming so very long, that I decided to make it into its own post for the benefit of ALL. Finally, this post is especially relevant for anyone with (any of) the following questions:
"Will ALL my VACCINATED loved ones die in a MASSIVE mass death tragedy?"
"I'm super FEARFUL of death. Can anyone help me out?"
"I'm super AFRAID of someone close to me DYING. Can anyone help me out?"
"Someone close to me just DIED. Can anyone help me out?"
"Oops! I TOOK the JAB! Can anyone help me out?"
"Is it possible for ME to conquer DEATH ITSELF?"
THE ANSWERS: (super LONG post alert!!!)
First of all: Will ALL of the vaxxed ones die? Or will they ALL live to tell the tale? Well, the answer lies somewhere in the middle. And there are many multiple reasons for this: ONE: not ALL vaccines were toxic necessarily (as is commonly understood as being THE fact); a fact that has little to nothing to do with those of the cabal suddenly having a change of heart or anything --- but rather, many, MANY such toxic vaxxes were simply replaced by those of the White Hat variety into completely harmless injections. That being said, there's no real way (at least, one that we know of or are aware of) to tell which is which; which in turn makes this vax-taking experience more of a Russian Roulette type situation --- for better or for worse.
TWO: There are some amongst us whose life journeys / paths / missions / needed-life-experiences / life-contracts require them to survive this particular predicament, either in good health or in compromised health (depending upon their respective chosen life contract stipulations); and thus, Divine Intervention will save these ones for the time being.
THREE: This is actually THE MOST important point. And you may have to read this one a few times over and over to TRULY get it. But that: Those who truly and firmly BELIEVE that they'll NOT be harmed by the said vax, will simply NOT be harmed by the said vax, boosters, or whatever else there is...even IF these were of the MOST TOXIC variety. What's more, should they firmly believe (i.e TRUST) that this vax will PROTECT / BENEFIT them, then that is EXACTLY what they'll end up EXPERIENCING!
Now, this particular sentence might baffle / anger many folks on here, so allow me to explain this with a simple illustration: Take the common teaching that kids in our world are taught since their very childhood: "Wash your hands any time you touch something unhygienic." So, as a somewhat gross example, should you ever end up peeing on your hands, you'll obviously want to wash those before grabbing a snack, right? So that something terribly dangerous doesn't go into your body?
Weeeeell, not really....
Enter Bear Grylls, who, forget washing hands after peeing; dude's busy drinking his OWN PISS whenever so needed and living a perfectly healthy and happy life. So, no cholera for him...not even a simple diarrhoea.
And this man is as human as you or me. Not like he was raised by the apes in some African jungle like Tarzan or anything either. Not to forget that the very character of Tarzan itself is very much so human too. But let's forget fictional characters for a moment.
Let's talk about Wim Hof, a very, very real person...who is also as normal a human as any of US. At the age of 55, the man has 26, yep, you read that right, TWENTY SIX FUCKING WORLD RECORDS to his name. One of those insane achievements, by the way, is that he climbed Mount Everest wearing just shorts.
Yeah, let that one sink in.
A man as human as you or me or anyone else.
As it turns out, we have been heavily brainwashed and conditioned and lied to through fake manufactured fear porn systems such as "science" and "education" and "modern medical science" created by elites, that will have you believe that humans are somehow super weak, helpless creatures at the mercy of nature; & random & unexpected viral & bacterial outbreaks, and, above all, them (i.e. the elites, big pharma, & what-else-have-you).
Fact is,
The sheer incredible STRENGTH of your MIND, WILL, DESIRE, and, above all, your SELF BELIEF, can even move MOUNTAINS, --- defeating a few "deadly" little VIRUSES and BACTERIA is literally NOTHING for YOU.
THIS IS WHY hypnotherapy WORKS. (go look up Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy aka QHHT for yourself!)
THIS IS WHY people are able to perform UN-IMAGINABLE and IN-CONCEIVABLE FEATS under hypnosis.
THIS IS WHY you need a Guinness BOOK to VERIFY and RECORD those World Records -- because otherwise...NO "HUMAN" should even as much as be able to IMAGINE PERFORMING any of those feats, LET ALONE have people BELIEVE that they did.
THIS IS WHY you have Shaolin Monks performing INCREDIBLE feats on camera (some of them can dodge bullets too).
THIS IS ALSO WHY even many of your "basic" circus performers are often able to perform absolutely unimaginable feats. Because they've never really been taught to LIMIT THEMSELVES.
THIS IS ALSO WHY you have so-called "myths" of Indian Yogis and Masters directly ingesting poison, sleeping on a bed of nails, and walking over hot coals. And I'm not even getting into the more, well, miraculous parts here.
THIS IS ALSO WHY THIS PARTICULAR STORY about Method Actors creating literal ILLNESSES within their bodies (using just their very minds) EXISTS.
But THAT'S not even THE BIGGEST SCANDAL of them ALL...
The GREATEST BIG PHARMA SCANDAL IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY is something that has commonly been known as the "PLACEBO EFFECT."
Placebo Effect: To put it in laymen's terms, the Placebo Effect is a Researched, Documented, and SCIENTIFICALLY Well Recognized, Verified, and Authenticated phenomenon which basically involves curing people with a literal sugar pill. That's right, you give a patient a LITERAL SUGAR PILL (and tell them / convince them that it's a real "medicine"). And then, LITERALLY magically, they actually get CURED.
Beat THAT.
But what you WON'T be able to beat (no matter how very hard you try!), is the fact that "scientists" have "NOT" been able to figure out as to "WHAT" causes this effect...for... wait for it, OVER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE FUCKING YEARS.
And you thought their asking for 55 years for releasing virus documents was a big deal.
And these are the exact same people who had within them the incredible "scientific capability" to discover a working cure for an entirely UNKNOWN virus in like...what was that again... 3-6 MONTHS?
Even vaxes for KNOWN viruses take a BARE MINIMUM of 10 WHOLE YEARS to just DEVELOP; let alone TEST and RELEASE.
And I'll just put it this way, if I was a pharma scientist or a pharma organization or the very MEDICAL fucking ESTABLISHMENT THEMSELVES, the PLACEBO EFFECT would be the VERY FIRST PUZZLE that I'd devote literally ALL of my energies and attention to.
I mean come on, you potentially have the literal CURE to EVERY HUMAN AILMENT IMAGINABLE waiting to be discovered here; and, GIVEN THAT you can find the way to beat a BRAND NEW VIRUS in a mere 3 MONTHS' TIME... surely... surely 223+ FUCKING YEARS is (more than!) ENOUGH of a time for you to figure out THIS PARTICULAR EFFECT, right?
Alas, THAT is so NOT how MONEY GET$ MADE.
As always, I'd like to end this on a more POSITIVE note, however. And it IS indeed the understanding that no one, and I mean NO ONE is ever, ever, EVER REALLY "SEPERATED" from you (by what you call your (physical) "death".
Of course, I don't want you all to take my word on this...just go read through the BIGGEST LIBRARY OF NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES ON THE INTERNET to discover what the TRUTH is for YOUR SELF! Also, there's another similar such library for OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES too!
And there are many, MANY entire BOOKS and blogs and entire websites dedicated to the said topic -- a simple internet search should help find you MANY of these.
And if you've lost someone (or may lose someone) near and dear to you and are having trouble understanding as to how to deal with the loss of a loved one, then, THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO IS MEANT FOR YOU.
And finally, quoting the epitaph one of the very GREATEST spiritual masters to have ever graced this incredible planet of ours...
Never BORN – Never DIED. Only visited this planet Earth between December 11, 1931 and January 19, 1990.
A few more additional related reads (regarding the sheer POWER of your MIND / WILL) for your perusal:
The BLIND WOMAN with a "SEEING EYE" (Split Personality!) (this one's an incredible (and scientifically validated) read!!!)
HOW just your WILL-POWER ALONE can even help you or your loved ones BEAT DEATH ITSELF.
How you can all too EASILY be killed via MENTAL STRESS ALONE.
FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE through your Social Medias, your conversations, and anywhere else you can think of. ESPECIALLY SHARE IT with absolutely ANY person you know who' is afraid of death, OR, who is afraid of a loved one dying, OR, who is grieving the loss of a loved one. For this is the very LEAST you could do for THEM here!
I give Jesus Christ ALL of the credit.
Christ can be credited to save you despite a toxic medication. Christ can be the reason to save you, despite no medicine.
Sticky reason: Just going to get a few eyeballs on this for a few
“ THREE: This is actually THE MOST important point. And you may have to read this one a few times over and over to TRULY get it. But that: Those who truly and firmly BELIEVE that they'll NOT be harmed by the said vax, will simply NOT be harmed by the said vax, boosters, or whatever else there is...even IF these were of the MOST TOXIC variety. What's more, should they firmly believe (i.e TRUST) that this vax will PROTECT / BENEFIT them, then that is EXACTLY what they'll end up EXPERIENCING!”
Well…I dunno about this. My MIL is absolutely a true believer in the vaccines. She was and still is SO scared of China flu and was counting down the seconds until she could get her miraculous, life saving, totally completely Safe and Effective vaccine as soon as it was available to her. The day she got the jab, she was a different person. In her mind, she had been saved by certain death (praise be to St Fauci). That was about a year ago. Now, 3 shots later, she is suffering constant muscle spasms, fatigue, dizziness and debilitating pain in her back, knees and ankles. Blood tests are all normal. CT scan and MRI shows no issues. It has been diagnosed as anxiety and she’s taking the prescribed SSRI and benzos to treat it, and of course those do nothing at all for these symptoms. She doesn’t have a single thought in her mind that any of this could even be remotely connected to the vax. She just “doesn’t know what’s wrong”. She’ll happily get a fourth jab when available.
So while I do of course agree there is much practical value in positive thinking and belief, I don’t think it stops bullets in mid air or anything like that. That said, I find a lot of value in your posts and appreciate your high effort! Thank you 👍
I agree. THREE is bunk. You take a deadly poison in a lethal dose you are going to die.
You won’t be in the position to take a deadly dose. Ye of little faith.
Such an insightful post. It stuns me daily to see so many psychologically broken people unwittingly go about their business firmly believing they are 1) in mortal danger or 2) taking one for the team. I no longer can relate to them, let alone speak to them.
The placebo effect only happens like 50% of the time IIRC.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. What I'll say here is that the very fact that she's scared to death of the China Flu indicates that fear STILL exists inside of her. Which in turn indicates that she has exactly ZERO trust or faith within her own MIND'S / WILL'S abilities and POWERS. Alas, a weak mind equals a weak body, and THAT is why no vaccine or medicine or saint or saviour in all of EXISTENCE can therefore cure her.
When I mentioned the idea of "strong mind" / "strong WILL" above...it indicates that the person has an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY in their power to conquer ANY harmful ailments or poisons out there. Now, there are of course DEGREES to this level of faith --- for not ALL can just go right away and fully TRUST their ability to digest toxic poison itself like the Indian Yogis. But at the most basic level, one MUST at the VERY LEAST know that they are way, WAYYYYYY more powerful than some tiny ass virus.
In other words, the very EXISTENCE of THAT level of fear is clear EVIDENCE of a weak mind. And a weak mind in turn is a direct EVIDENCE of a weak BODY. And NO AMOUNT OF SELF-DECEPTIVE-"FAITH" in some EXTERNAL saviour (rather than an INTERNAL one such as one's own MIND / WILL) --- in this case, the said external saviour being the vaxx...well, no amount of pretend faith in an "outside agent" is fundamentally going to save a WEAK mind / body complex.
In short, for people who are only using the vaxx as a PERMISSION SLIP or a FORMALITY to put ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUST in their OWN mind's/body's healing powers and abilities; THOSE people are the ones that have NOTHING to fear from the said jab. In that, they're merely using the vaxx as a ROUNDABOUT WAY of FULLY trusting THEMSELVES.
Hope this helps!
Nonsense, this is just silly. If I give you poison in secret, you'll be absolutely sure you're not about to die, and then you'll fall over dead.
Also This is a logical trap where you can always say "well they didn't believe hard enough" to sidestep accountability for spreading bullshit.
Stop acting like you KNOW something you dont actually know. You have taken bits and pieces of real information and thrown it together in a big pile of woo woo half truths.
I appreciate the good intentions, but you should preface writings like this with the qualifier "I believe", because these are simply your beliefs that comfort you.
Unless you are Enoch or Elijah it’s safe to say that 99.999999% of all persons regardless of mental capability owe a death and will assuredly provide one.
So how does this work for the people that died within hours from stroke/blood clot or those who developed myocarditis within days of getting the shots? Those weren’t mind over matter/body situations and those people are still very dead of injured for life. You have ventured into the realm of megalomania or narcissism where you would actually post such a long winded pile of psychobabble and actually believe the 💩 you are spewing. Seriously this post is a dumpster fire 🔥 and your chosen handle is a direct reflection of what I am saying.
Understand something Don, I’m not trying to be a dick here but any rational, critically thinking person that reads your post would have to think that perhaps it’s time for an intervention. You are a gifted writer and should seriously consider using your talents as perhaps a fiction novel author, but your theories and speculations here just don’t pass the reality check.
This ^^^ use logical thinking people! This stuff is easily falsified with simple thought experiments.
Agreed, except that Don is most definitely NOT a gifted writer.
The experience was muddled hastily by DS. Placebo / Bad Batch / "Real Stuff" all too fumbled to rely on. Time will tell us all.
A compromised immune system is no fun at all. But I know someone personally who's intestinal health was restored by Ivermectin, after years of health care treatment that did nothing. Before Ivermectin and HCQ were revealed by Q, that cure was kept from the public so that the health care industry (as opposed to those who would have done right but weren't educated and/or were prevented from doing so) could make themselves wealthy and keep the general population dependent on them from cradle to grave.
So I think there are more cures to come, and there is hope for everyone.
Side note - I've known for many years that Epsom Salt can remove infections without antibiotics. I'm speaking of minor infections and someone with a healthy immune system. I've had several times where a finger got infected working on stuff in the garage, and getting it to bleed a little and then soaking in a very strong salt solution for 20 minutes several times wipes out the infection in less than 2 days. Disclaimers Of course I wouldn't wait 2 days if it isn't getting better the first day. And this is my personal experience, not scientific proof.
This, and also look into Reiki (personal experience, it's ABSOLUTELY LEGIT). As also I believe are so many natural / nature based cures too. The amount of sheer suppression (and I'm putting what they've actually done to folks here mildly) forced upon many of these perfectly acceptable / working healing modalities has been beyond criminal. Be it natural cures, Shamanic Medicines of the Southern Americas, Chinese Medicine (+Tai Chi), Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda + Yoga), Homeopathy, and SO. MANY. others that we barely even know the NAMES TO. ALL dismissed in one fell swoop as "woo woo" or whatever. For example, QHHT (Quantum Healing HypnoTherapy) developed by the late Dolores Cannon is outright miraculous in what it can do, and has already been able to do, and yet, not a PEEP about it in the mainstream medias anywhere to be seen.
Reiki is nothing but pure new age demonic worship. Get out before its too late for your soul.
I severely blew my back out several years ago and a friend who was a reiki practitioner offered to do a session on me. Sure, I said, what’ve I got to lose? Long story short, hands never made contact with my person. I felt a column of heat shooting through my lower back right out my abdomen. Ten minutes later it was over and the back injury was 90% better. I was…impressed.
Alas, there are so many people on here hating on me and calling me all kinds of names (without even a legit REASON!!!) that I simply just had to go gift them all a custom response of my own lol.
Here, go have a look! (it's a linked comment, so you'll have to scroll down all the way below to even see / find it!)
Enjoy the show!
How did you know that? Did you grow your own toes too?
Bullshit Goddard Luciferian crap. Placeboes and magical thinking are NOT NEARLY as effective as many thousands of actual proven treatments, whether that’s Vit D or HCQ or IVM.
I fear God more than I do Satan.
That means I worry more about my place with God, than I worry what Satan has done with me today.
Imagine if you told God that most of your days was riddled by Satan, but none of your days you asked of God.
That’s your own trap.
Ask and you’ll receive.
"not ALL vaccines were toxic "
I believe in their evil arrogance that, yes, they wanted the vx to be injected in every single human on the planet, but another goal is experimentation and collection of our data from this experiment. So some were stronger, some had aids, some had etc...
It's my opinion, the US took a bigger toxic load because it is the only power structure stopping them from total control.
Plus, they wanted their civil war by pushing a higher death and adverse effects, and we will start shooting each other due to the chaos.
All by design.
Not to disagree with everything stated. But my theory is that when warp speed disrupted their time table, they decided to force tons of injections in a short amount of time and make it Russian Roulette, with higher chances in red states and lower chances in blue states and they would blame the unvaxxed and the variants to justify more lockdowns and vaxxing.
Covid’s over!
Check out "terrain theory" and Dr Andrew Kaufman's film "Terrain"...germ theory is a lie!
Solid post.
Thank you.
You can not purchase health.
God made you perfect.
It took me trial and error modifying my diet.
I would change, stick it out - blood test.
Shift foods. Stick it out - blood test.
I just got them from a lab test vendor for super cheap.
Anyway - I now know I need red meat & green veggies. Carbs absolutely don’t work for me.
If I follow I stay very healthy. I lost over 120 lbs. no short cut. Just focus on feeling a little better every day.
The same for me but without the lab tests, just trial and error and listening to my body. I function best with protein, veggies and occasionally low glycemic fruit...no starch or sugar. Eating clean, real food is amazing... never ate much processed or fried. Don't know how much credence to give to the theory of blood types but this way of life looks great for me and I have Type O. Congratulations on your fantastic success!
Funny enough I am O-
My simple rules:
I do believe the blood type/ metabolic connection as I have friends that consume huge amounts of carbs and eat like termites with AB or B blood type and are slim & trim.
Hah not me. I never could either. What else was I could always build muscle extremely fast compared to my A/AB friends. They would get mad as hell.
If you are so confident, take the jab and show me how this works. Im open to being wrong here.
I took the jab, no problem.
I did ask and received an answer for my fears.
I tried to share that but realized your answer might not be mine.
If you so believe, then you shouldn’t have a moment of disbelief.
I dont believe. I want a provable solution that helps all people, regardless of their beliefs.
AWESOME write up & I appreciate your response to number one as I have a large family who all got vaxxed and I’ve worried about them. Here’s a question though. What happens when these people who believe in the vaxx hear the 9/10 pages of side effects? What happens when they hear the intent of the DS was to kill us off? I expect all of this to come out along with the rest of the DS crimes so people will not believe in the vaxx anymore so do they get sick then?
Covid is over. In 6 months the only people talking about Covid will be?
Anyways Covid is over because omicron mutated to infect the upper airway. I expect the government to be cautious but in 6 months drop all mandates and vaccine talk.
It would be good to prepare now. Because Covid is over. Literally over.
Does anyone get the feeling all the negative comments are trolls trying to brainwash us into agreeing with them? The problem for them is we think for ourselves and can’t be brainwashed.
Covid’s over!
It worked, thank you.
Can anyone really look at this and assume the OP is of sound mind?
Looks like a cocaine overdose to me.
That would depend on one's perception and definition of sanity/insanity.
I think your post holds a lot of merit. There are many people through history who have proven these things to be true, however, I believe faith must be placed in the God who created us, instead of ourselves. The best example of what your post is talking about connecting to what I'm saying is when Peter was walking on water as long as he kept his gaze on Christ. The minute he looked around to all he had to be afraid of, he sank.
THANK YOU for speaking the truth! (May your beautiful seed reach 7+ billion minds, and take root firmly there.)
Excellent, interesting post, and interesting links for the curious. Just when I begin to forget the truth, something like this pops up. Thanks.
Hopeful and even helpful that this may be to some people, I do not know why this is worthy of a sticky.
The idea of science in and of itself is not evil. It was used for evil intentions by the deep state. Science is about objectivity and observably measurable facts - a process of testing a hypothesis and recording results to see whether or not that hypothesis was proven or disproven.
It is why science should not make claims about morality, the spiritual, or the existence of God - these things are not measurable in a way perceivable by the five senses and thus it cannnot prove or disprove these things because they are outside of its realm of authority.
It is also what has been corrupted- "science" is being used as an excuse to support agendas - forced to meet a conclusion rather than accepting when a hypothesis is proven false or correct. Scientists are handed fistfuls of money to say what someone else wants them to say.
Science and research is what we are doing here on this forum when we are investigating claims and demanding valid sources (the "sauce"). It is what you do when you're curious about a thing and try something out to see what happens.
Quite frankly I do believe there is some truth to what OP is saying, but it's absolutely ridiculous to believe that people won't die if you believe hard enough. That is not how life works and it makes us look ridiculous if we start spouting this off to other people. Imagine saying to someone grieving about the death of a loved one that they or said loved one could have survived if they just "believed hard enough".
While I have a handshake badge at present on this account, this is not my first time on this forum, and as far as I was aware - this was a Q research forum.
Q did not talk about psychic healing and magic powers. Q referenced God and prayer many times, however - tenets of Christian faith.
This thread isn't worthy of a sticky, in my honest opinion. I don't know why New Age ideology is so popular lately in our movement. If it works for you, fine, but that's anecdotal, and several of the examples listed above are the results of mutation or years and years of intense training. It doesn't just happen over night because of one's willpower.
As I said, there is some truth to the OP, but not to the extent that they are saying is true. This feels like a sales pitch rather than a Q-research post.
Fantastically beautiful post. I try to think this way all the time. Good to be reminded. Thank you!
According to your faith,.....😃
Great post DS. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear...
MY RESPONSE to many of the criticisms being levelled against me in the comments section: Alright folks. I'd usually simply add this response as an "EDIT:" to the main post itself for the benefit of ALL readers concerned, but alas, the character limit prevents this. So well, here goes nothing...!
To start off with, there's a lot of name calling going on within this post. Calling me everything from a cocaine addict to literally satan or whatever. (Side Note: It is quite frankly hilarious to me that literally every single post that I make on here -- posts which are literally ALL about concepts such as LOVE, FREEDOM, PEACE, ENLIGHTENMENT, AWAKENING, SELF EMPOWERMENT and SELF FUCKING BELIEF get me labelled as the literal devil or satanic and whatnot. Like seriously people, if your version of Satan is talking to you 24x7x365 about loving others, standing up for yourself and your freedoms, and taking back your own fucking power, guys, I'll say this honestly, you better consider FOLLOWING that guy.)
In any case, I digress. Nevertheless, apparently, putting forth ( * checks notes * ) well researched arguments on a topic now makes me the literal devil incarnate... or perhaps, a coke addict. Great. So now here's a few more things for these ones' brains to chew on...
ONE, at the time of writing this comment, this post has 250+ upvotes / likes, versus a mere 2 downvotes / dislikes. This, on a board that's filled to the brim with smart and wise AF people who do their own research, critical thinkers, skeptical thinkers, and, above all, autists. So if I'm somehow fooling these ones, then guys, credit where credit's due, that must make me a genuinely Good. Fucking. Con. (or Troll or whatever).
Alas, I'm fooling no one and nothing on here and YOU KNOW IT.
YOU KNOW IT NOT because I'm "not a gifted writer", as one poster on here so very eloquently put it, but because I'm presenting LEGITIMATE FUCKING EVIDENCE for making my CORE CLAIM on here, which is, that your: MIND / WILL makes YOU stronger than whatever it is that the fakeass "Medical Science" Establishment would have you BELIEVE.
The Placebo Effect, scientifically proven. Wim Hof, scientifically proven. The power of Hypnosis, scientifically proven. The Guinness Book of World Records, scientifically proven.
Militarymen drinking their own piss to survive (and getting exactly ZERO side effects from this), OBVIOUS FACT, Circus Performers doing crazy shit, OBVIOUS FACT, Psychological Effects of Method Acting, OBVIOUS FACT.
So, just as an FYI, if you wanna call me names and things (whilst also wishing to be taken seriously on here), then, my dear friends, at least make an attempt to BACK THAT SHIT UP.
And now, do you know who isn't being called names in here?
Or who isn't being called the who's who of woo woo?
Your beloved "modern medical science", that's WHO.
So, by all means, if you want to call out someone on why they're spreading woo woo, then please, be my guest and go hit up your nearest local doctors / hospital administration / medical scientists or whoever else is dealing you health advice and please, PLEASE do us ALL a favour and ask THEM:
WHY the FUCK are they OPENLY allowing (and even scientifically VALIDATING) WOO WOO shit like the PLACEBO EFFECT?
It's so funny that I'm the one getting called out for spreading "woo woo" when ya'll won't even call out your (so called) "medical scientists" or the entire fucking medical establishment or big pharma or fauci or whoever on the simple fact that WHY did they NEVER ONCE address, in their plandemic preventative measures' communications (for the last 2+ FUCKING YEARS), the sheer power that one's MIND and one's WILL POWER hold on their very fucking WELL BEING? (not to mention OTHER obvious (and outright CRITICAL!) things such as staying / eating healthy, or empowering one's natural immunity etc...?)
Go ask them, that WHY IS IT SO that a literal fucking NOBODY on the internet (who is WITHOUT as much as a smidgen of a fucking "medical degree") can put TWO AND TWO TOGETHER and have enough LEGIT DATA on their hands to reach the OBVIOUS fucking conclusion pertaining to the sheer, immense POWER of one's own MIND / WILL POWER on their health...
...but THEY can NOT?
And if they CAN'T, then, why the FUCK are these ones even our "qualified medical professionals" and "respectable, legitimate SCIENTISTS?"
But you're so NOT going to ask them that, of course.
And that, my friends, tells you all there is to know...not about them, but about YOU.
And finally, a personal anecdote (because some of you decided to get personal and ask me as to just why I don't practice what I preach --- rather RICH coming from some people, but whatever):
I'm a person who has NOT been born into what one would consider a healthy family genetic lineage --- ALL kinds of disorders and ailnesses abound in my family line. And having born into a near-poverty situation, I was a skinny fuck who never even had ACCESS to food to eat to even as much as IMAGINE getting healthier. ZERO access to any sort of exercising equipment or whatever either.
Anyways, during this pandemic, and from DAY ONE, I neither wore a mask, nor did I sanitize my hands every 5 minutes or whatever. And, above all, forget social distancing, I literally went right into crowds and whatnot, knowing and TRUSTING FULL WELL in the sheer, immense POWER of my MIND.
This, I did in a COVID HOTSPOT.
And not only did I just do that myself, I also got a normie / NPC friend of mine to do the same, thanks to some truly convincing ARGUMENTS. Yep, I used exactly those ones.
Neither HE caught COVID even ONCE, nor did I. NEITHER of us jabbed even ONCE.
And meanwhile...
Literally ALL of them got it. Some of them MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES; and THAT TOO when they were "triple jabbed, double boosted" and whatnot.
Make of this what you WILL.