Doesn't sound like they have any such plan. They have a leader who is dictating their movements and his plan is to drive around the beltway a couple times. Then the next day they will do it more times. And then more the next day. Apparently they plan to do this until they are out of funds. And they might go to other locations at some point . The guy makes it super-clear that the convoy's only purpose is to "show how many of us there are" which is not really the same as change and reminds me of a pride parade. And he constantly tells people not to actually go anywhere (like DC, where the convoy was supposed to be headed in the first place) or do anything (like legally protest) because it might provoke the police and they could end up in jail.
Because it's not a blockade. This guy is taking good legal advice. Some people here are falsely claiming there is no plan. One of the most effective advertising there is happens to be on the road. It's a captive audience. Watch out for the naysayers and those that bear false witness.
I watched the video of their meeting. He clearly receives input from the truckers themselves and clearly asks for it. He didn't strike me as a tyrant.
It seems to me that God is providing opportunity for truckers to know US and for us to know them, and for them to get to meet each other--to see the real people behind the CB (Citizens Band) radio.
yeah that's not the plan here, in fact they are doing the opposite of tightening their belts. They seem to have been taken over by a probable fed who has decided apparently that they will be driving in circles around the beltway X number of times per day, with X increasing daily. So they are not blocking off anything. Literally their entire plan is to burn a million dollars a day in gas until it's gone, and not really protest.
I read beltway and deep inside I hope they surround DC like a belt. It’s about time we collectively tighten our belt.
Blockade DC off from the rest of the nation sounds like a good start to take our country back!
Doesn't sound like they have any such plan. They have a leader who is dictating their movements and his plan is to drive around the beltway a couple times. Then the next day they will do it more times. And then more the next day. Apparently they plan to do this until they are out of funds. And they might go to other locations at some point . The guy makes it super-clear that the convoy's only purpose is to "show how many of us there are" which is not really the same as change and reminds me of a pride parade. And he constantly tells people not to actually go anywhere (like DC, where the convoy was supposed to be headed in the first place) or do anything (like legally protest) because it might provoke the police and they could end up in jail.
He can't overtly state that it is a deliberate blockade can he - he risks being falsely accused of an attack on DC.
Because it's not a blockade. This guy is taking good legal advice. Some people here are falsely claiming there is no plan. One of the most effective advertising there is happens to be on the road. It's a captive audience. Watch out for the naysayers and those that bear false witness.
Ok let's see what comes from all of this then.
consider the meme of all the pawns cornering the King Queen and Bishops..
That's a fantasy and clearly not what they (or the leadership, rather) intend.
You are not looking at this through war-tinted glasses.
Maybe it is a test?
I watched the video of their meeting. He clearly receives input from the truckers themselves and clearly asks for it. He didn't strike me as a tyrant.
It seems to me that God is providing opportunity for truckers to know US and for us to know them, and for them to get to meet each other--to see the real people behind the CB (Citizens Band) radio.
Yeah. Looks like it will wither faster than the Canadian's.
yeah that's not the plan here, in fact they are doing the opposite of tightening their belts. They seem to have been taken over by a probable fed who has decided apparently that they will be driving in circles around the beltway X number of times per day, with X increasing daily. So they are not blocking off anything. Literally their entire plan is to burn a million dollars a day in gas until it's gone, and not really protest.