I experienced this yesterday. Recommended “Ukraine on Fire” on FB (yes, in know…but this is the battlefield I have chosen).
Anyway, a very liberal acquaintance word vomited all over my post on how evil I was to support Putin and all the brutish atrocities he is doing to the poor, helpless Ukrainian people. And why on earth would I recommend a film from 2016 when it has nothing to do with what’s happening now? ie, “old news”.
I responded that I enjoyed Oliver Stone docs and found them more unbiased than I expected. And that it gave 90 years of historical background on Ukraine, which I found enlightening. Followed by, “I don’t watch MSM, I prefer to research.”
More word vomit followed and then I blocked her. Enough is enough when they turn it into a personal attack.
Women are the worst.... they have been the most vicious online... they get a script and glass of wine in them and off they go to fakebook to use all their words.
Lol I had a similar experience when I shared a bunch of old MSM articles (from the libs favorite news sources) from 2016 and 2018 about the Ukraine's rampant neo nazi problem and how the US was one of 3 countries to vote AGAINST an Anti nazi UN resolution. And how they cited "free speech", as a reason they could not condemn the Azov.
Except I didn't block the libtards. It does make no good to stay on the Fakebook battlefield if I'm going to just block everyone who I trigger.
Trust me - I went round and round with blocking her in my head. She’s been a pain in my ass since 2016, when she told me I was stupid for supporting criminal Trump and how awesome Killary was.
Once she gets wound up, she’s like a dog with a bone and just will not stop.
Outright calling me evil was the last straw. On MY post.
You can only walk into someone’s house and shit on their carpet so many times. I deserve better as a human being.
I get ya. Maybe I'm just an anomaly then. When all my old libtard "friends" actually turned on me on a public forum like that, I was both livid and shocked.
I spent every day from around October 2020 for the next year or so nonstop butting heads with all of these traitors and triggering them nonstop by calling them brainwashed, covid cultists, vaxtards, imbeciles and incorrigible.
I single handedly forced THEM to block ME if they decided they grew tired of being compared to stupidity by a lone right winger they once knew so well, kek.
The only person I actually blocked was this one assmunch of a progressive who kept trying to spread his LGBTQ agenda on all of my posts.
Hearing him openly call for the normalizing of the gay agenda on tiny children and condemning "heteronormative" environments was enough to trigger even my normie friends who ended up telling him he should be put on a list lmao.
So once I saw that he was actually freaking out for the first time and desperately trying to defend his extremist pro-trannies reading to kids agenda, i saw it as the PERFECT opportunity to trigger him further by blocking him before he could finish ranting.
I know his head exploded after that 😂😂 lmao this dude wasn't even gay either. He was just in the "gay fraternity" at my college, all of whom felt extremely betrayed when I decided not to join them (I'm not exaggerating when I say I typically get along with all people) and opted to join the single underground fraternity with a reputation for "killing people", doing hard drugs, and throwing American Pie style parties.
*note: we didn't actually kill anyone. It was just one stupid pledge in the 80s who escaped from the back of a uhaul after an event and walked right out onto the highway and got splattered by an on-coming vehicle. The drivers were all sober.
This is what originally forced us to operate underground for decades. I thought it was pretty cool personally.
Actually you should unblock her and send her this and ask her if she feels this is an appropriate election campaign video.
(Zelenskyy used this as a way to point out members of Parliament that he thought were corrupt and subservient to Russia. If you have not seen it, just a bit of a heads up - it is a little disturbing.)
I prefer to research? Hahaha. A libtards idea of research is perusing CNN and MSNBC articles.
Should have asked her when she said that "Oh so if you do your research you are aware that the US Embassy in Kiev deleted all reference to the biolabs from their website the day after news of biolabs was broke by Clandestine on Twitter? And have checked out the documents that are still available on archive.com?"
The reply to that, if you didnt recieve nothing but silence in response, would have been gold.
I experienced this yesterday. Recommended “Ukraine on Fire” on FB (yes, in know…but this is the battlefield I have chosen).
Anyway, a very liberal acquaintance word vomited all over my post on how evil I was to support Putin and all the brutish atrocities he is doing to the poor, helpless Ukrainian people. And why on earth would I recommend a film from 2016 when it has nothing to do with what’s happening now? ie, “old news”.
I responded that I enjoyed Oliver Stone docs and found them more unbiased than I expected. And that it gave 90 years of historical background on Ukraine, which I found enlightening. Followed by, “I don’t watch MSM, I prefer to research.”
More word vomit followed and then I blocked her. Enough is enough when they turn it into a personal attack.
This acquaintance seems to have a very strong opinion about a video for not having watched it. Cognitive dissonance is real.
She's been programmed to react that way when anything counter to the narrative enters her thoughts
“Anyone we haven’t unplugged is potentially an Agent. Inside the Matrix they are everyone and they are no one”
That movie hits differently these days
The two things you mention are not mutually exclusive.
Women are the worst.... they have been the most vicious online... they get a script and glass of wine in them and off they go to fakebook to use all their words.
😂😂 So very true.
Lol I had a similar experience when I shared a bunch of old MSM articles (from the libs favorite news sources) from 2016 and 2018 about the Ukraine's rampant neo nazi problem and how the US was one of 3 countries to vote AGAINST an Anti nazi UN resolution. And how they cited "free speech", as a reason they could not condemn the Azov.
Except I didn't block the libtards. It does make no good to stay on the Fakebook battlefield if I'm going to just block everyone who I trigger.
Trust me - I went round and round with blocking her in my head. She’s been a pain in my ass since 2016, when she told me I was stupid for supporting criminal Trump and how awesome Killary was.
Once she gets wound up, she’s like a dog with a bone and just will not stop.
Outright calling me evil was the last straw. On MY post.
You can only walk into someone’s house and shit on their carpet so many times. I deserve better as a human being.
I get ya. Maybe I'm just an anomaly then. When all my old libtard "friends" actually turned on me on a public forum like that, I was both livid and shocked.
I spent every day from around October 2020 for the next year or so nonstop butting heads with all of these traitors and triggering them nonstop by calling them brainwashed, covid cultists, vaxtards, imbeciles and incorrigible.
I single handedly forced THEM to block ME if they decided they grew tired of being compared to stupidity by a lone right winger they once knew so well, kek.
The only person I actually blocked was this one assmunch of a progressive who kept trying to spread his LGBTQ agenda on all of my posts.
Hearing him openly call for the normalizing of the gay agenda on tiny children and condemning "heteronormative" environments was enough to trigger even my normie friends who ended up telling him he should be put on a list lmao.
So once I saw that he was actually freaking out for the first time and desperately trying to defend his extremist pro-trannies reading to kids agenda, i saw it as the PERFECT opportunity to trigger him further by blocking him before he could finish ranting.
I know his head exploded after that 😂😂 lmao this dude wasn't even gay either. He was just in the "gay fraternity" at my college, all of whom felt extremely betrayed when I decided not to join them (I'm not exaggerating when I say I typically get along with all people) and opted to join the single underground fraternity with a reputation for "killing people", doing hard drugs, and throwing American Pie style parties.
*note: we didn't actually kill anyone. It was just one stupid pledge in the 80s who escaped from the back of a uhaul after an event and walked right out onto the highway and got splattered by an on-coming vehicle. The drivers were all sober.
This is what originally forced us to operate underground for decades. I thought it was pretty cool personally.
Well done. Truly the digital battlefield.
Actually you should unblock her and send her this and ask her if she feels this is an appropriate election campaign video.
(Zelenskyy used this as a way to point out members of Parliament that he thought were corrupt and subservient to Russia. If you have not seen it, just a bit of a heads up - it is a little disturbing.)
I wonder how many of the people he was begging in his plea to Congress have seem this.
Interesting it is still up on Twitter, isn't it?
Whoa, the libs would have very heavy cognitive dissonance if they saw this…..
I prefer to research? Hahaha. A libtards idea of research is perusing CNN and MSNBC articles.
Should have asked her when she said that "Oh so if you do your research you are aware that the US Embassy in Kiev deleted all reference to the biolabs from their website the day after news of biolabs was broke by Clandestine on Twitter? And have checked out the documents that are still available on archive.com?"
The reply to that, if you didnt recieve nothing but silence in response, would have been gold.