I’m right at #200,000. Successfully registered the morning after the Midnight release for Apple users. A majority of the comments I’m seeing are from people who are finally on. I get it might take until the end of March but since I was a very early registrant shouldn’t I be on by now?
Comments (35)
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Still waiting. I don’t think the number means anything. I’m 214,376. SMS verified and notifications on. Crickets. 😥
I don't even have a list to be on yet.
I was #95,576 and finally got on yesterday.
I'm still in line waiting for a number so I can get on the list.
I'm at 400,000ish and still waiting.
Number must not be significant. I was in the 179k range and made it on many weeks ago. I have iPhone. My parents have androids though and are still waiting.
I’m still at the same 38500 # since day 1
Still waiting at 206k
Mine keeps telling me I missed a step ???
Mine did that I deleted the app reinstalled it does take keep trying unfortunately don’t give up took like 20 xs for me I’m currently waiting at 1 million plus 🤦♀️ but I’m patient good luck!
Thanks I did the same thing but I’ll keep plugging away !
I got in this very morning! I was at #115,xxx since the night it was released. I was never a fan of Twitter, and TS appears to be a Twitter clone. I may be in, but this site is my home for the foreseeable future.
That's what I thought, too. Not on yet. Trying to be patient. I'm an android user.
Still waiting, 225,9xx. By the way, there is an update to the app!
I just got in this morning. My number was 180,+++.
719,049 that’s my sleep number.
Ever time I follow the confirm your email link….it says “Something went wrong, Please try again”. I’m on an iPad.
So I uninstalled the app and reinstalled…now I get to the email verified. Then this “ Close this tab and continue the registration process on the same device from which you sent this email confirmation.” Closing the tab simply closes the tab….nothing else to allow me to finish the sign up. Thoughts anyone?
I'm 168,xxx, SMS verified and notifications on and still waiting. We'll get there.
I haven’t budged from 1,044,766. Been there since 3/1(?).
Still waiting as well
I'm still waiting for TS to be available in Germany...
Still waiting also 243,XXX. Did the sms verification last week
Still waiting!
Still waiting. #450k range
I have an Android so I'm on the hate list
I haven't even received a notification. I am waiting for the desktop version as my vision is bad and I don't use my phone for internet info.
I'm still waiting at 199,277...Sister in law was about 60K behind me on the waiting list and got in 4 days ago....go figure.
I’m in 279k bracket. SMS verified and notifications on. Crickets.
#227K still haven’t gotten in.
I'm 329,000 and still waiting. Registered early on. Apple user.
Hoping by mid 2023. Seems to be moving at the speed of congress. Not so sure putting Nunes in charge was such a great idea.