I must confess that in the first 2 or 3 months of this moronicy I did use a cloth mask a handful of times when going into stores and such that required it, just so they'd stfu and leave me alone.
I was a conspiracy nut long before trump and Q and even I wore a mask for the first 2 weeks. Figured out what was going on and took that face diaper off. (In my defense 1 of those weeks was due to me procrastinating)
I am willing to bet a lot of people were similar. We had no studies done yet (or so we thought) and things were looking pretty bleak with the Chinese propaganda.
That changed at some point though, and I'm going to give a shout-out to the people who said "fuck it" first as they're the sole reasons that inspired so many others to do the same.
Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄
Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂
I was at a restaurant that made you wear masks to go in, but there are literally tables out to the front door, so while I'm standing there yet to be checked for a fever and sprayed with alcohol, I'm standing next to unmasked customers eating their meals.
If any of this is true, isn't that completely unsafe for both of us? I don't want any of it, but lets at least have some logic go into these measures if they must exist.
I also love the little plastic dividers they put between seats since viruses can't travel upward a few inches.
I hate that when I point these things out to people, NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING. It's as if I'm the only one in the world that notices how ridiculous this is.
Taiwan still has mandatory masks at all times while outdoors.
I must confess that in the first 2 or 3 months of this moronicy I did use a cloth mask a handful of times when going into stores and such that required it, just so they'd stfu and leave me alone.
but that's it.
Similar situation for me. I've only worn that damn thing twice and only because they wouldn't shut the hell up about it. Never again.
I was a conspiracy nut long before trump and Q and even I wore a mask for the first 2 weeks. Figured out what was going on and took that face diaper off. (In my defense 1 of those weeks was due to me procrastinating)
I am willing to bet a lot of people were similar. We had no studies done yet (or so we thought) and things were looking pretty bleak with the Chinese propaganda.
That changed at some point though, and I'm going to give a shout-out to the people who said "fuck it" first as they're the sole reasons that inspired so many others to do the same.
Only time I’ve worn it is taking my mom to doctor visits and our local hardware store. I know the owner and he was crying about how they’ve threatened to fine him $5k if they see anyone in his store without a mask🙄 Rest of the places I just wait and see if anyone was gonna say anything and I already had the response of the day prepared if they did. Only had words with a few customers and about half a dozen store clerks the entire time. A lot of times I’d start spewing facts about masks and covid and then customers would come up to me asking to clarify this or that and wanted more info about what I was saying. Spewing red pills everywhere. 😂
Man, you really showed them
It's pretty important to cover your mouth AT THE DENTIST.
I'm in Taiwan. Things are crowded.
I was at a restaurant that made you wear masks to go in, but there are literally tables out to the front door, so while I'm standing there yet to be checked for a fever and sprayed with alcohol, I'm standing next to unmasked customers eating their meals.
If any of this is true, isn't that completely unsafe for both of us? I don't want any of it, but lets at least have some logic go into these measures if they must exist.
I also love the little plastic dividers they put between seats since viruses can't travel upward a few inches.
I hate that when I point these things out to people, NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING. It's as if I'm the only one in the world that notices how ridiculous this is.
Taiwan still has mandatory masks at all times while outdoors.