I'm so old that when I wanted to learn about the internet in college there was no curriculum to do that. Had to do an "independent study" (guided by the CIS dept head). Learned about the backbone and TCP/IP and other protocols.
Ask that was stellar Learning then. Most people now don’t know shit about the internet even though they use it. App doesn’t work? Just install a new one. Nevermind how the app gets from them to you or any of the sessions in between etc.
I was born to where when I was old enough I was shoving kool-aid packets into 5.25” Disk drives on Apple IIEs and learning to debut x86 computers to play “games”. Computers were fun puzzles. Never did I imagine I could work one day using them and fight for information freedom. Here j am now.
They don't even have within their brains the notion of their brains ability to function without computers. I pray the Almighty Creator of All continues to heal them as he has healed me, when they consent to the healing.
Our generation (Gen X) were also TV addicted couch potatoes who mostly had no idea how the TV technology actually worked. Vacuum tubes made a moving image? Whatever, Gilligan's Island is on.
SauceFag Here.
Before the internet there was Arpanet. Then Darpanet.
What does SUN in Sun Microsystems Stand For?
Stanford University Network - where the first network packets were moved over ARPANET €^^
Also remember there are multiple internets and new ones forming all the time. Both physical, virtual, and otherwise.
Excellent comment, Anon.
I'm so old that when I wanted to learn about the internet in college there was no curriculum to do that. Had to do an "independent study" (guided by the CIS dept head). Learned about the backbone and TCP/IP and other protocols.
Ask that was stellar Learning then. Most people now don’t know shit about the internet even though they use it. App doesn’t work? Just install a new one. Nevermind how the app gets from them to you or any of the sessions in between etc.
I was born to where when I was old enough I was shoving kool-aid packets into 5.25” Disk drives on Apple IIEs and learning to debut x86 computers to play “games”. Computers were fun puzzles. Never did I imagine I could work one day using them and fight for information freedom. Here j am now.
Mortified that young kids don’t want to know.
We need to pray for the young people daily+.
They don't even have within their brains the notion of their brains ability to function without computers. I pray the Almighty Creator of All continues to heal them as he has healed me, when they consent to the healing.
Don't forget having to configure your Trumpet Winsock and all your AT/DT commands.
First computer I ever learned any programming on was an Apple 2e and networking as well. First PC was an 8088 in a middle school Library!
Fun times!! OH.. and Fidonet before email. :D
If you think that's important and understand it, then this one is going to blow the fucking doors off of your mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=080b2xaA0RE
Our generation (Gen X) were also TV addicted couch potatoes who mostly had no idea how the TV technology actually worked. Vacuum tubes made a moving image? Whatever, Gilligan's Island is on.
Eek... Giving me flashbacks to setting up PPP between the university and my Atari 1040 ST...
And I thought my 1200bps modem was lightning fast!
Good times.
Absolutely. I come from the time of BBS systems. My first modem was 1200 baud. My last was a pari of 33.6k, for multi line use. REAL LIVE CHAT!
Bbs's were where it was at in the late 80s. We had FidoNet for an email backbone. It came with 'rules.'
But the good news was, you could make your own mail network, and distribute it to whomever wanted it. I did it myself for a few years.
Then internet killed it all.
weird thing was, ALL of us sysops identified Google as the devil. Even back then
ASCII games on the local BBS. They were all the entertainment you ever needed until the server was rebooted and you lost your character.
Before there was Facebook, there was Lifelog.