I haven't but I will when I retire. It takes a while to clear out 4 generations of ny'ers. We know it's gone, but with elderly family and jobs and school, it takes a while to up and move. We are about 70% gone. I have about 5 more years. From the boo-ing they gave the governor at Madison Square Garden, I think there are a lot left. And outside the city, a lot more. But, I don't see the city ever coming back.
If they wouldn’t let them jump the turnstiles, it wouldn’t be such a shit hole. Anything free is never appreciated. Let’s see Buttigieg use public transportation in D.C.
Orlando bus fares 2 dollars one way with 90 min. transfers, 4.50 ALL day pass, 50 dollars 30-day pass. Nashville 2 dollar 1 way, 4 dollars all day, 65 dollars 31-day pass. Seniors, Students, Disabled ride half price for any ticket. Buses are much cheaper than Car Pmt, Insurance, Gas, Upkeep...
As someone who has to rely on public transportation, I can tell you its a pain in the ass. I gave up driving in 2007 due to health issues. Since then I have had experience with the bus systems in Orlando and Nashville.
Orlando: 30 days pass 50 bucks, most funding does not come from fares, but rather from the government at various levels. I often bicycled to work because it was faster! My last job there was 2 hours + on buses, 1 hour pedaling. Often it takes 2-3 buses to reach your destination as they cover 3 counties. Most buses are 1/2 hour to 1 hour so often your connecting bus left your pickup spot before you arrived so tick tock tick tock.
Nashville: 31 days pass 65 bucks, most funding from the government. Not cycling to work since the bus system has mostly shorter routes and most connecting buses are at the downtown terminal. Bus system mostly focused in 1 county.
Common traits: Many trouble makers using bus systems, arguments and fights can break out. Bus drives are harrassed and cajoled to let people ride for free. You see many tired people who use the bus system, for those with a long commute (Over an hour each way) the buses can suck up 4-5 hours of your time daily. Buses are cheap, BUT you pay in time.
Often bus drivers pass by as they didn't notice you. Now you will have to wait an additional amount of time. Buses are often late, so you may miss connecting busses. Bus routes are laid out to be efficient for the bus company and not for the passengers. One bus in Orlando actually did a 10 min. loop de loop wasting the time of all the passengers forced to ride threw the loop that's not their destination.
Side note: Here in Nashville I noticed a trend where mixed use compounds are popular to build. Office, Apt., Parking, Shopping, and eating establishments all cozied up. Rents are high, parking expensive, and the shopping and food are also expensive. BUT hey no transportation costs if you live, work, and shop in close proximity.
🧐 Public buses run on what fuel?
Are they providing public buses who live outside of town?
Honestly, I rode bus in college 1985-1986, downtown Richmond VA. We felt safer walking. I even saw my first chalk line from a dead person. Still felt safer walking.
I figured out real quick my humdrum country home wasn’t as bad as I imagined.
Thanks I really thought the buses were gas or diesel. I’m the type to research if I don’t know the answer. I was asking the question as rhetorical.
I’m glad you set me straight!
I think public transportation depends on the area. I wouldn’t dare get on a local bus. The city 20 minutes from me is very gangster! I only go to certain stores.
In Oahu Hawaii going to tourist places I felt safe.
NYC sucks anyway. I've only been on the subway in Washington, DC, and that was a pleasant experience. I parked the car in MD, went downstairs, bought a ticket with a magnetic stripe, swiped it to go through the turnstile, boarded a very clean quiet car, and at the end of the ride I came up out of the ground in front of the Smithsonian.
Public transportation only works in the city. Out where I live, a bus would drive for miles before it would come to a person who wanted a ride. Try taking a dozen bags of Black Cow home from Lowe's in a bus. :)
As someone who's been in NYC their whole life. The subway systems has always been like this. Seen a lot of crazy things in my life. Outside of the mess New York is great. What people don't realize is that there are many mini communities. What you can get away with in the Bronx you can't get away with in queens. It's really the liberal hot spots that are a trash can. I definitely want to move out of here but nothing is like New York
"Let them eat cake!"
Cake is too expensive.
Pete Butterhead doesn't eat "cake".
what do you expect form someone who spends their life with a dick up their ass?
HEY he is proud to take that dick up his ASS. KEK
Anybody with a brain, soul or 25 cents already left NYC. This remains...
I haven't but I will when I retire. It takes a while to clear out 4 generations of ny'ers. We know it's gone, but with elderly family and jobs and school, it takes a while to up and move. We are about 70% gone. I have about 5 more years. From the boo-ing they gave the governor at Madison Square Garden, I think there are a lot left. And outside the city, a lot more. But, I don't see the city ever coming back.
If they wouldn’t let them jump the turnstiles, it wouldn’t be such a shit hole. Anything free is never appreciated. Let’s see Buttigieg use public transportation in D.C.
And how does that help the prices in the grocery stores that get jacked up because of the high gas prices truckers have to pay? Jerk.
Orlando bus fares 2 dollars one way with 90 min. transfers, 4.50 ALL day pass, 50 dollars 30-day pass. Nashville 2 dollar 1 way, 4 dollars all day, 65 dollars 31-day pass. Seniors, Students, Disabled ride half price for any ticket. Buses are much cheaper than Car Pmt, Insurance, Gas, Upkeep...
As someone who has to rely on public transportation, I can tell you its a pain in the ass. I gave up driving in 2007 due to health issues. Since then I have had experience with the bus systems in Orlando and Nashville.
Orlando: 30 days pass 50 bucks, most funding does not come from fares, but rather from the government at various levels. I often bicycled to work because it was faster! My last job there was 2 hours + on buses, 1 hour pedaling. Often it takes 2-3 buses to reach your destination as they cover 3 counties. Most buses are 1/2 hour to 1 hour so often your connecting bus left your pickup spot before you arrived so tick tock tick tock.
Nashville: 31 days pass 65 bucks, most funding from the government. Not cycling to work since the bus system has mostly shorter routes and most connecting buses are at the downtown terminal. Bus system mostly focused in 1 county.
Common traits: Many trouble makers using bus systems, arguments and fights can break out. Bus drives are harrassed and cajoled to let people ride for free. You see many tired people who use the bus system, for those with a long commute (Over an hour each way) the buses can suck up 4-5 hours of your time daily. Buses are cheap, BUT you pay in time.
Often bus drivers pass by as they didn't notice you. Now you will have to wait an additional amount of time. Buses are often late, so you may miss connecting busses. Bus routes are laid out to be efficient for the bus company and not for the passengers. One bus in Orlando actually did a 10 min. loop de loop wasting the time of all the passengers forced to ride threw the loop that's not their destination.
Side note: Here in Nashville I noticed a trend where mixed use compounds are popular to build. Office, Apt., Parking, Shopping, and eating establishments all cozied up. Rents are high, parking expensive, and the shopping and food are also expensive. BUT hey no transportation costs if you live, work, and shop in close proximity.
🧐 Public buses run on what fuel? Are they providing public buses who live outside of town? Honestly, I rode bus in college 1985-1986, downtown Richmond VA. We felt safer walking. I even saw my first chalk line from a dead person. Still felt safer walking. I figured out real quick my humdrum country home wasn’t as bad as I imagined.
The trend is hybrid buses for fuel. The further from Down Town the crappier the service. Yup streets are safer as you can run!
Thanks I really thought the buses were gas or diesel. I’m the type to research if I don’t know the answer. I was asking the question as rhetorical. I’m glad you set me straight! I think public transportation depends on the area. I wouldn’t dare get on a local bus. The city 20 minutes from me is very gangster! I only go to certain stores. In Oahu Hawaii going to tourist places I felt safe.
NYC sucks anyway. I've only been on the subway in Washington, DC, and that was a pleasant experience. I parked the car in MD, went downstairs, bought a ticket with a magnetic stripe, swiped it to go through the turnstile, boarded a very clean quiet car, and at the end of the ride I came up out of the ground in front of the Smithsonian.
Public transportation only works in the city. Out where I live, a bus would drive for miles before it would come to a person who wanted a ride. Try taking a dozen bags of Black Cow home from Lowe's in a bus. :)
There's a popular trend in New York. It involves pushing someone onto the subway tracks while the train is arriving. https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/aKZBa_2bp1NmglELjdO4K-McYfg=/1200x0/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/BBTVVW6LWREU5MW36H3CXMGSE4.jpg
People being pushed onto subway tracks: https://www.google.com/search?q=people+being+pushed+onto+subway+tracks+new+york&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit9fr49M32AhVqIDQIHRCuBmAQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1333&bih=579&dpr=1.2#imgrc=gUgtY8bx60SAnM
The solution to high gas prices is over 200,000 Federal indictments. How many of those clowns do you think work in the energy sector?
As someone who's been in NYC their whole life. The subway systems has always been like this. Seen a lot of crazy things in my life. Outside of the mess New York is great. What people don't realize is that there are many mini communities. What you can get away with in the Bronx you can't get away with in queens. It's really the liberal hot spots that are a trash can. I definitely want to move out of here but nothing is like New York