As the older generations are replaced by the younger ones, the Dems biggest problem is that the young liberals are absolutely too lazy to go stand in line to vote. We're talking about a generation that, if Doordash ceased to exist, would probably starve because they don't know how to use a toaster. (Much less own one) Without "an app for that" (voting) I don't think it is happening. Sounds logical, doesn't it?
Comments (36)
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The telephone has them by the balls. It's amazing to see, driving around Lost Angeles, all the imbeciles, puttering along in the left lane, staring at the apostacy of the day, instead of the road, with miles of open expressway in front of them.
apostasy - but full marks for trying. :-)
You will get some free cackling as appetizer
If they did that I bet Brandon would lower gas prices real quick.
Brilliant !
Logical indeed. While attempting to cook breakfast, my young neighbor was constantly setting off her smoke alarm until I told her about the exhaust fan over her stove.
The older generations still have gumption. Took my 84 year old mother in law to vote in our primary elections. Did not want to mail in ballot or do curbside. She said, "I can walk, just help me with the computer," so that's what I did!
Did they allow you to help her with the computer? I could absolutely seeing them saying it violated some idiotic rule.
Yes, they did! I had to swear an oath and sign that I would only assist. She has a little bit of dementia, so some candidates were not familiar to her, and so she skipped those. She did have an opinion on the propositions on the ballot, so I helped her check yes or no on those. Overall it was a good experience. i was really glad she wanted to go out and vote, get out of her house. On our way out, she told everyone, "I want to vote twice, just like all them Democrats do!"😳 fortunately no one overreacted as we slipped out the door.
That's great they let you do that. And there is no shame in skipping races you don't know anything about. They alow a cheat sheet for the propositions so you can help with those before you go.
yes, this was our first time, next time we will be prepared.
Yes. I've always thought that there should only be limited efforts to make voting easier. That way only those who feel it is a duty to vote actually do vote.
I have zero problems with early voting by mail, it's how my family has voted since we started voting. The difference is we had to register for those ballots and go through a vetting to be sure it was us requesting said ballots.
So you folks had to make some effort in order to cast your votes.
Yes and we have to periodically reverify.
Yes, you're correct. Everything they do has nefarious reasons behind it.
You're too logical. The answer is fraud. Same answer for electronic voting: fraud.
The apathy, depression and laziness of the population is just a side benefit for the overlords.
If you think about it, being cynical and lazy about voting is a natural reaction to a voting system that has never been honest, never actually worked properly in their lifetimes. The logical reaction of being involved in a non-functioning voting system isn't to vote, it's to protest and revolt, or simply ignore it and do something else.
I recall in my investigation that Fulton County implemented Mobile Voting and had some vans moved about the city of Atlanta during 2020 primary and general elections. This blew my mind as I wondered how they kept the voting machines calibrated properly for the precincts, not to mention tested, as required by law. I remember the stink raised when Georgia legislature eliminated these mobile voting vans that the county paid a bunch of dollars for.
But... but, they are not connected to the internet.
Boy Gates and Fizer will team up on a vaccine that will automatically determine who you should vote for and cast that vote during "election month"
Soon they'll push for online voting. Of course, if they're still walking freely they'll push for it. Kek
I would also have no problem with online voting. If they could make it secure. It would have have to be from a device with location turned on with you at your REGISTERED address at the time your vote is cast. It couldn't be that hard. You can check in your UHaul when dropping off after hours from an app. But only once you are in the parking lot of your drop off location. It's easy to have 300 ballots mailed from a single address. It would be a bit harder to have those same 300 ballots have a current cell phone bill to that property to back them up.
I have many problems with online voting
I'm just saying that I have no problems with any type of voting that can be verified as secure and 100% auditable. Every legal voter, every election. The tech is there. It's just in the wrong hands.
Why is it better to make it hard for people to vote? Do you hate the disabled?
No. I like you just fine. Never said I wanted to make it harder.