posted ago by Imwideawake ago by Imwideawake +258 / -0

I have a friend and coworker that I have known for 23 years now. We work for a fairly large healthcare system. She has kept her blinders on tight the past two years and got triple vaxxed. We have argued several times over various issues. From time to time I’ll drop a small redpill and just leave it. She has responded by ignoring it or being almost hostile on occasion. Today she wheeled around in her chair and said “I think there’s something going on with COVID and miscarriages.” She then had our office manager pull the data from Epic, (showing a significant increase in miscarriages in our practice, btw) while I say, “It’s the spike proteins causing clotting, whether it’s from the COVID or the vaccine.” She said, “I think you’re right.” Then later in the day she starts talking about all the patients we have now being diagnosed with cancer and questioning that! You could have knocked me over with a feather. I honestly thought that she would never come around. I knew she was thinking about how so many things are “off” but she just refused to admit it. She would even say things like “I just want to move to a ‘Mayberry’ and forget all this”. She was coming away from the matrix but clinging to it with all her might. I relate this story because I want to share some hope, hope that those around you that you think may never open their eyes will finally see. Keep praying, and as many here have said, be ready to comfort and explain without gloating. I’ll still have to tread lightly with her as more revelations come, but I’m so buoyed by this I had to share.