posted ago by DonSpectacularis ago by DonSpectacularis +205 / -0

Way I see it, the storm is already here.

Everyone from Killary to Hussein suddenly contracting the rona all at once along with some surprisingly similar comms, Schwab is down, Soros is now a wanted terrorist, that damned laptop just won't shut the fuck down, and their beloved WW3 simply isn't happening...and yet, their PANIC levels are straight up skyrocketing wherever you so look!

There's a reason all comms have (covertly) begun telling you it's all about to get real stormy in here, hell, even mother nature agrees.

But hey, what do I know of storms with an aptitude towards exposing pedo-files, it's not like I'm a weatherman or anything.

What you're now seeing are the very first little winds of the momentum-gathering STORM. A few leaves blown over here, a few branches thrown over there.

Very, very, shortly; you'll see their entire forest of darkness being uprooted in front of your very eyes. Who knows, maybe, just maybe they'll even announce it on their fancy ass EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) thingy too!

Enjoy the storm.

Coz it's about to get real windy.