This was in 2018. And he was calling out the international cabals to Harari.
Was this image from 2022? No. Also 2018.
Russell Brand admits he was Left leaning and fell for some of the BS. Shit, he probably still will, so will we all.
To demand perfection from someone is silly. If this became a trend? (I.E. Hannity shilling endless for Deep State), then he can fuck off.
But Brand is reaching millions with a message of logic and inquiry. Undoubtedly making people question shit and think for themselves. A lot of what he says runs parallel to Q-like thinking... shining lights on pretty taboo subjects.
He's 99% an asset ATM. Eyes on. Always. Never trust anything completely. But Brand gets my vote.
Agreed. He’s awake like the rest of us and can’t turn back, but also has a platform and following of millions.
And lets be real. The ones of us who have been here for the long haul have been taught how to discern. If he was to come out of left field all of a sudden and start to gas light the community he’s been red pilling, anons would recognize it and call it out from a mile away.
Until he does something that puts up red flags I think he is truly trying to wake people up.
Fuck who knows, where's this picture been. Is it even real? Pick it apart and every .outh piece that comes forward. It only happens because people have intching ears vthe entire thing is fiction left to right.
NO, THE DUDE HAS THEIR SYMBOLOGY TATTOOED ON HIS ARM. Their whole operation is deception. you think hes on our side? FAT CHANCE, hes lying to get your trust to misdirect you AGAIN AND AGAIN. This is their most basic methodology yet people like you are defending him over and over again. i have to wonder if youre a bot or shill. This is so in your face obvious i really cant fathom how people are falling for it.
Fuck off. Who do you trust then?! The people WE listen to?
News Flash: The normies don't listen to these people. They DO listen to Russell Brand and Joe Rogan however.
They are more important than you think. If this mislead? Ok. We've been down that road countless times. If you want to live in an echo chamber, that's not going to help wake people up. Makes you just as bad as "them".
waking sheep up by gaining their trust just to misdirect them again. this is their most basic method of control yet every other post here is people like you clambering to have him on our side. what the fuck
Once they're awake they're awake, you can't put that genie back in the bottle, if he does try to turn them back it'll be too late.
Obviously Russle just got red pilled recently, plus fcuk off filthy handshake shill.
theres so many idiots here defending him, turning a blind eye to the fact that this is their number one method of control, deception. yet most people on this board that claim to be awake turn a blind eye. fucking incredible.
having a 33 tattooed on your arm pretty well indicates youre one of them for life. even if the tattoo was a mistake and youve switched sides too bad. theres a thing called paying for your mistakes. russell will pay with the label of satanist forever. DO NOT TRUST THIS SNAKE
There are several faces that act like they are being slowly woke up along with their audience. Tim Poole being one, Rogan another. Could be planned. They have a large following. People are being woke up in the same way they were brainwashed.
Possible brand woke up. He is the kind of guy who would have acted loose and overly familiar around a guy like Harari. Maybe we can get Joe Rogan to ask him?
I mean look at Harari, why does he have power? Access to fake money.
thanks for posting this. just yesterday people here on this site were defending this guy saying any red pilling is good even if its from russel brand. completely forgetting that this is how they operate. gain trust through any means and then once they have that theyll start dripping misinformation back in to distract and confuse you.
This guy has a 33 tattooed on his arm, he is one of them and anything he says to the contrary is a lie. thats what these people do, they lie.
This Harari guy is REALLY bad! X22 Dave had a special Spotlight program Saturday morning with Clay Clark and Gen. Flynn as guests and Clay had loads of dirt on this guy. Sound bites and sources. It was horrifying! I really hope this pic isn't recent or it says a lot about Russel Brand's credibility.
Yup…this guy is bad.
May be unpopular here, but, I do not care. Check this video out:
This was in 2018. And he was calling out the international cabals to Harari.
Was this image from 2022? No. Also 2018.
Russell Brand admits he was Left leaning and fell for some of the BS. Shit, he probably still will, so will we all.
To demand perfection from someone is silly. If this became a trend? (I.E. Hannity shilling endless for Deep State), then he can fuck off.
But Brand is reaching millions with a message of logic and inquiry. Undoubtedly making people question shit and think for themselves. A lot of what he says runs parallel to Q-like thinking... shining lights on pretty taboo subjects.
He's 99% an asset ATM. Eyes on. Always. Never trust anything completely. But Brand gets my vote.
Agreed. He’s awake like the rest of us and can’t turn back, but also has a platform and following of millions.
And lets be real. The ones of us who have been here for the long haul have been taught how to discern. If he was to come out of left field all of a sudden and start to gas light the community he’s been red pilling, anons would recognize it and call it out from a mile away.
Until he does something that puts up red flags I think he is truly trying to wake people up.
Awesome. Yep. And that's really what matters right now. It makes sense. The more people that see through this? The better.
Lefties are always the last to catch up to what is going on. It's like tunnel vision.
But Brand is charismatic with good word salad, so I'm in two minds whether he is saying this stuff for real or he has good intentions.
No matter what, his 5mil followers are listening intently.
Fuck who knows, where's this picture been. Is it even real? Pick it apart and every .outh piece that comes forward. It only happens because people have intching ears vthe entire thing is fiction left to right.
NO, THE DUDE HAS THEIR SYMBOLOGY TATTOOED ON HIS ARM. Their whole operation is deception. you think hes on our side? FAT CHANCE, hes lying to get your trust to misdirect you AGAIN AND AGAIN. This is their most basic methodology yet people like you are defending him over and over again. i have to wonder if youre a bot or shill. This is so in your face obvious i really cant fathom how people are falling for it.
Cool handshake idiot.
Fuck off. Who do you trust then?! The people WE listen to?
News Flash: The normies don't listen to these people. They DO listen to Russell Brand and Joe Rogan however.
They are more important than you think. If this mislead? Ok. We've been down that road countless times. If you want to live in an echo chamber, that's not going to help wake people up. Makes you just as bad as "them".
waking sheep up by gaining their trust just to misdirect them again. this is their most basic method of control yet every other post here is people like you clambering to have him on our side. what the fuck
Once they're awake they're awake, you can't put that genie back in the bottle, if he does try to turn them back it'll be too late. Obviously Russle just got red pilled recently, plus fcuk off filthy handshake shill.
Not surprising
Controlled Opposition
"Controlled Opposition"
Dude you're dumb, he's spilling truth everyday and waking people up, once they wake up that's it, his job is done.
How's he going to make them take the blue pill after they swallowed the red one???
Question is: are you really awake??
That guy looks like a ghoul.
I would like to take that filthy skinny bitch fishing.
I guess Brand wanted to say that he had kissed the devil. This dude HATES anything that is good in this world.
Russell is one of them.
theres so many idiots here defending him, turning a blind eye to the fact that this is their number one method of control, deception. yet most people on this board that claim to be awake turn a blind eye. fucking incredible.
He achieved their trust. They idolize him and think he can do no wrong. He is shifting his narrative now that they are in.
He is pushing the “you will be happy and own nothing” moto now. He is one of them.
There is many here that complacent now. I find it now that many don’t want a challenge.
Official website
The corruption and infiltration never ends!
Russell also loves the idea of one world government:
having a 33 tattooed on your arm pretty well indicates youre one of them for life. even if the tattoo was a mistake and youve switched sides too bad. theres a thing called paying for your mistakes. russell will pay with the label of satanist forever. DO NOT TRUST THIS SNAKE
There are several faces that act like they are being slowly woke up along with their audience. Tim Poole being one, Rogan another. Could be planned. They have a large following. People are being woke up in the same way they were brainwashed.
Possible brand woke up. He is the kind of guy who would have acted loose and overly familiar around a guy like Harari. Maybe we can get Joe Rogan to ask him?
I mean look at Harari, why does he have power? Access to fake money.
What a self-loving, gay, lunatic looks like.
thanks for posting this. just yesterday people here on this site were defending this guy saying any red pilling is good even if its from russel brand. completely forgetting that this is how they operate. gain trust through any means and then once they have that theyll start dripping misinformation back in to distract and confuse you.
This guy has a 33 tattooed on his arm, he is one of them and anything he says to the contrary is a lie. thats what these people do, they lie.