The cabal was in power long before any of us were born. I voted 3 times to recognize marriage was only between a man and woman in CA where the majority did the same and it was overturned by a court. If our vote has meant nothing for 60, 70 years then do you propose mass violence?
However, Jews have dominated control over our government, academia, banks mainstream media, internet and social media and they are all working together to kill us.
Add this fact to your timeline and everything will start to make sense.
I must be missing your thoughts here. How is the graphic conveying thinly veiled transphobia?
As i read it, and agree with, trannies are exactly part of what its talking about. The whole transgender bullshit is evil to its core....both those participating and promoting. No thin veils here.
Its not broken... its fixed...
The cabal was in power long before any of us were born. I voted 3 times to recognize marriage was only between a man and woman in CA where the majority did the same and it was overturned by a court. If our vote has meant nothing for 60, 70 years then do you propose mass violence?
It all starts with the indifference of good men.
This! ☝🏻
Frog in the pot ... but not the pepes; we knew to jump out and are on the offensive march ... er ... hop.
I’ve always said you can’t legalize morality.
There are many good Jews.
However, Jews have dominated control over our government, academia, banks mainstream media, internet and social media and they are all working together to kill us.
Add this fact to your timeline and everything will start to make sense.
The only ones I know world rent their Mom out in a whorehouse for another dollar.
Seinfeld has entered the chat.
Coworker used to come in an re-tell all the Seinfeld jokes, but without context they just weren’t funny...
So i decided to watch Seinfeld for myself, and then i saw the context, and the jokes still weren’t funny.
You mean another shekel.
Thinny veiled transphobia!!!
I must be missing your thoughts here. How is the graphic conveying thinly veiled transphobia?
As i read it, and agree with, trannies are exactly part of what its talking about. The whole transgender bullshit is evil to its core....both those participating and promoting. No thin veils here.