BeachMilk: Putin is absolutely correct!
🗣️ DI$CU$$ION 💬
Biden’s action of banning Russia from trading in the world’s Reserve Currency (ie the US dollar) has sent shockwaves throughout the world, and significantly eroded trust in the dollar, because other countries now know this could happen to them also.
If the US fails to retain reserve currency status, the USA is finished because that status is the only thing preventing the US from being crushed under the weight of their enormous debt.
Q says we have the gold, and that gold will destroy the fed.
As far as US being crushed under the weight of enormous debt, there will probably be a jubilee when all the bankers are being hung.
I don’t understand the idea of debt in the US, who is/was ever going to make the country pay up?
Paying back the debt isn’t even possible to begin with as the debt continues to grow vs money in circulation etc. , it was always meant to be a permanent perpetual situation. But beyond that I don’t think the cabal cared about getting all their shekels back when their real objective was depopulation and enslavement anyways.
High value comment
It was created by the deepstate cabal to keep the working people of the world in bondage to them forever
Wilson later admitted regretting the signing of the Fed legislation.
P+I > P, ad infinitum
Control the Money, control the World.
Aye and it almost worked.
"Oh no, you won't pay me back my monopoly money! Ok, we'll just put more 1s and 0s into a computer..."
Of course they don't care about the shekels, its just a means to an end. And one that costs them nothing to boot.