Ultra liberal brainwashed across the board sibling was sent a text article from a liberal newspaper about zelensky and she said wow that's amazing if that's true. the contradictions are starting to hit, we are weeks not months away from people starting to not know what to believe anymore, they will start doing their own research. we were warned recently not to brag because the awakening is upon us. don't brag, just say welcome to the real world. be compassionate and gentle, this is gong to be a rude awakening and it's our jobs as those who have gone before to conduct them out of the darkness and into the light. make them feel like they're not alone. don't bombard them with info they didn't ask for, wait for the invitation and then answer their questions, ask some questions of your own and let the discussion blossom.
Comments (33)
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All well said. I hope you're right. I miss the two kids I birthed who won't speak to me. But I'll be damned if they're going to tell me who I can and can't vote for. I just keep telling myself that they're still caught in the MSM-created Matrix. Will be so happy when they are free and recognizing truth when they see and hear it.
Feel like their telling me who I can "be". I feel like I've been censored and canceled by my kids. I think they might be starting to come around. Slowly. Funny thing though, months ago, my daughter asked if Justin was Castros son. I was so proud! Then she spent some extra time at her mother's and came home all brainwashed again.
Wow, I'm not the only one. My children won't even speak with me and I just had a granddaughter born today.
Wow!! That's tough. Congratulations!! Your granddaughter needs you!! They will realize it the hard way soon enough.
Wow so sorry! I don't think I have any grandkids yet but they Would hold back that info to punish me.
Came across this a while ago. It's helped a little with my family.
A comrade!! the two kids I birthed haven't spoken to me for 2 years now. AND I'll be damned if they're going to tell me who I should vote for. I'll be glad when they wake up but not holding my breathe. Both Trump haters as well.
When I have kids I'd like to send them to an alternative school. To avoid the brainwashing that currently happens in education.
Maybe look into a steiner school or other were acedemic is only part of it, and creativity and practical hands-on learning is also part of it.
I understand how you feel. My son is sort of conservative (35yo) and knows the Dems are shit, but he doesn't get involved. My daughter wants nothing to do with anything political, even tho her husband and his family are rabid Dems/TDS. I don't "do" politics when they are around. I figure when they finally see the truth, it's on them to reconcile with it. I'm living my life just fine.
Won't speak to you? Wow. Pathetic. They will be super stubborn when they realize the truth. They will prob take a year or so after waking up to finally gain the courage to talk to you.
That's good to hear fren. My mother has had enough of the liberals after a lifetime of blind devotion. Justin made her switch teams!!
Lol. Hope they're thisty. Once you connect to that hydrant, you can't shut it down!
Easier said than done.
I have compassion for my friends and family who struggle to see through to the truth, but there is one “father in law” who has been beyond hateful. Not because of anything I’ve said to him directly, but because I influence my wife and that influence is in direct conflict with what he believes. My wife has told him what she believes and why and he has called me screaming “I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO POISON MY FAMILY”.
The stuff she’s told him has nothing to do with pedophilia, satanist and at that time, the vaccine. She did not talk about the military possibly being in charge or anything like that. Just that there was massive coordinated cheating and the election was stolen from the American ppl.
The man lives in a million dollar home in the Hill Country surrounded by ppl who understand what really went down and because of that he has lost many friends and in some ways isolated himself and his wife. He is STILL trying to mask our children when they visit “NOT FUCKING HAPPENING” and he demanded they get vaccinated so they could go to France with them this summer “NO FUCKING WAY”.
We have told them that they’re not going if that’s the requirement and that means my wife, myself are out, too. HIS PISSED and if he could he would destroy our marriage to get me out of the equation and him back in control.
These are only a few instances of what has been going on with him due to my wife and I holding a different view than him on politics and world events.
Also, he calls himself a Conservative, BUT has told me he REALLY LIKES the Lincoln Project.
So, yeah,,, I don’t see myself singing Kumbaya with him, EVER.
I have asked God to take the anger and despise I hold for him away, but as it stands, it is deep and resolute! 🇨🇱🇺🇸🇨🇱🇺🇸
I agree. Honestly I am beginning to view a lot of this as God’s punishment not just for the deep state players but for people like your father in law and some of my family members.
Our society has grown into a godless and feminized weak society. America’s cities have grown into Satanic strongholds. In addition most Churches at least in my experience are cucked. I still can’t believe how many Churches shut down for months on end.
Our society is like an overgrown forest that must burn in order for new growth to occur.
I used to be scared of shit hitting the fan but now I embrace it and understand it’s necessary.
This society of narcissism, degeneracy, sickness and godlessness must end. I look forward to the internet/communications blacking out and financial collapse.
I look forward to watching the woke tards panicking as their false reality is destroyed. I will enjoy it more then seeing the cabal face justice.
I have doubts America will be reunited again. There are so many wounds to heal from divided family and friends. I also think tons of leftists will kill themselves being unable to handle the truth.
That last part is something I’ve been thinking/saying since the beginning of Trump’s presidency when I came to an understanding of what the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA situation was all about.
The left was so destructively vile and absolute in their understanding of that situation. It was still early on in his presidency and I had no idea just how far the left would go. But, I understood then, from that situation, that if/when the truth came out on RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA there would be ppl killings themselves.
When I discovered Q and this magnificent group of badass patriots I had to accept that unless God stepped in many suicides were inevitable.
Maybe, in part, that’s what’s meant by suicide week.?.
As much as I despise certain people I do not wish suicide on anyone.
Sorry for your situation fren. I would feel the same as you, hang in there.🙏
This is by far the best and easiest way to redpill. Let them bring the topic to you, hear them out, and then pop holes in their logic by asking reasonable questions and answering their questions. If you don’t know, don’t be afraid of admitting so, but do not force the hard topics on them, and absolutely don’t “connect the dots” for them across 50 different topics.
It’s one YUUGE web, and just because we can see the map laid out on the table doesn’t mean they can
That’s good advice “do not connect the dots across 50 topics”, I’ve learnt that the hard way.
Most folks here devour information like it’s fried chicken in a famine, but that is not true for the average person. When you factor that into us also having removed the rose colored glasses you are left with a group of ppl who are able to “”see”” and “”discern”” in a way most can not even imagine.
There’s also the issue of us being able to see patterns that paint a picture that is formed through strong, developed, intuition. Theres really no way to share that logically with a person who doesn’t share the same reference points.
Exactly!! A good example of that is SuperStonk… while they are extremely good at finding corruption where it may lay, add politics and globalism into the mix and it becomes an absolute train-wreck. They might work in parallels with Anons and other Q researchers, but there are boundaries that they will not cross quite yet.
I remember when the "walk away movement" was allowed on you tube. I would watch the newest members. For the most part, most of them said they were leaving the democrat party, but that did not mean they were for Trump. Eventually, they came around to Trump.
I think if we can get our loved ones to just get to that same point. They don't have to agree with us, they just need to understand that, like us, they have been lied to forever.
I think this is more of a process than we realized.
I'm sick and tired of being called a conspiracy theorist. I knew this 2 years ago and these a hole's only now look at me with.did you know BS. YES I knew it two fing years ago and you are only now realizing this Idiocracy. Sorry for ranting.
Being amongst political 1st graders basically. No grooming! Let them awaken
Don't brag. Your words will be much more efficiently used TELLING THE STORY.
That'll be the primary job. Oh... You thought you weren't going to have to WWG1WGA?
They can do their own research if they don't use Gulag as their search engine.
How do you down vote a top level posting?
Not worthy....
The IDIOTS will NEVER Red Pill. They consume Blue Pills on a daily basis. NOT gonna happen.
Just rip the fucking bandaid off already. Let them drown in their salty tears!
Great advice...