Here's a random screenshot of literally the three most recent screenshots of usernames banned by GAW's "Reddit mods." Y'all believe this epic list of losers? KEK—this is a pretty representative sample of the comedy gold-level faggotry your "Reddit-tier" mod team deals with on a daily basis! 💪😂.
Comedy GOLD 🥇

Zeitreise really made them mad huh? Or more like these little reddit cucks have a crush on Zeitreise but don't want to admit it lol.
I just deleted u/ZeitreiseEatsJizz. He was only 19 minutes old.
I'm telling you guys, these shills are not subtle at all.
They're probably panicking hardcore. Can't gain a subtle foothold anymore cuz we're all a bunch of salty bastards lol
Have your babies too? Sorry, couldn't help it.
You win today cats 😂😂
We're becoming hip to a clan of reddit cucks that show up around Zeitreise posts and start shilling, with less obvious names.
We need you guys to report them when you see it. It's makes our job very easy when we see multiple reports, followed by a ton of "fuck you" posts.
So make sure you report, but continue the conversation amicably.
(Unless they call your wife GI Jane.)
If some lame twat took the piss out of my wife, all I would be doing is getting the shovel and looking for some soft earth.
LOL, yep. Z is totally living in their heads 100% RENT FREE. Which makes me say...please keep doing and/or saying what you're doing/saying, Zeitreise!!
Z is Z tops!
Its no surprise the dude drops truth with a dumptruck
I was thinking the same thing. What an honor! Obviously passing some people off.