The dims are really dumb. Trans is a losing issue for their side. Even liberals are turned off by it. Can't they see that the republicans are making sure it is in the foreground? Yes, they want dims to fight them on this because it unites the right and divides the left.
Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake. Keep going. Disney too, keep pushing your pedo perversion, Disney. See how many parents will be willing to pay hundreds of dollars per person per day to stand in line an hour for a two minute ride in a a Florida summer. 10 -15 years ago Disney used to have decent food at its parks now it’s just all garbage that’s four times what you would pay at McDonald’s. Add to that your parking fees and hotel stay and it becomes ridiculous.
A prerequisite step to destroying your enemy utterly, is flushing them out of hiding and into the open. Where they cant go to ground any more, there is no more concealment or escape route or evasion opportunity.
Getting democrats to openly vow child torture, mutilation and abuse as a core platform of their party means there is no more hiding or dissembling.
The sad thing is that those whom I've heard talking about their (multiple) trips to Disney (often with kids too young to appreciate it) are those who can least afford it.
'Guess they've been brainwashed to believe that Disney trips are mandatory childhood/family pilgrimages and that the visits put them on the same level as people who are better off financially in their kids' eyes/hearts and in society's eyes.
If only they knew what they were/are supporting, . . .
The Dims aren't concerned with geographical states. Only the State of Mind. They somehow think they can place everyone in a specific "state" of belief and govern over the "Land of Confusion". There will never be a complete state of chaos or anarchy without calculated control. Human Resolve wins every time.
Democrats only try to protect anything that is bad for people. Like anything that is immoral, unethical, perversion, etc. They need to be dealt with in a very painful way
Not all. Many are normies who don't pay attention, believe the party is still much like it was when JFK was in office and still have "Orange Man Bad" repeating on an endless loop in their heads.
IMHO, they will be shocked and horrified when they learn the truth about what and whom they've been supporting and most of them will turn away because they actually have a sense of decency and morality.
Hooefully, the exodus will decimate the party and leave only the most ignorant/apathetic, those with terminal TDS, the socialists and communists and the whackadoodles.
giving kids chemicals to mutilate their bodies for the merriment of the parents and the "teachers" and all the mentally ill people on the left is NOT healthcare... it's evil.
Today, Republicans chose to attack transgender youth, roll back reproductive health care and voting rights all while ignoring the real problems facing our state.
Horrific bills signed by the governor today do not reflect the Arizona I know and love.
This is insanity! How in the world does 'making it illegal to permanently alter a childs genitals' = 'rolling back reproductive health care'???? how is purposefully permanently removing your ability to reproduce considered reproductive healthcare???
It is, in an evil and/or mentally-ill mind, NEITHER of which "reflects the Arizona (or the COUNTRY or the WORLD) which NORMAL people (who comprise the majority) love" or in which they want to live.
The dims are really dumb. Trans is a losing issue for their side. Even liberals are turned off by it. Can't they see that the republicans are making sure it is in the foreground? Yes, they want dims to fight them on this because it unites the right and divides the left.
Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake. Keep going. Disney too, keep pushing your pedo perversion, Disney. See how many parents will be willing to pay hundreds of dollars per person per day to stand in line an hour for a two minute ride in a a Florida summer. 10 -15 years ago Disney used to have decent food at its parks now it’s just all garbage that’s four times what you would pay at McDonald’s. Add to that your parking fees and hotel stay and it becomes ridiculous.
A prerequisite step to destroying your enemy utterly, is flushing them out of hiding and into the open. Where they cant go to ground any more, there is no more concealment or escape route or evasion opportunity.
Getting democrats to openly vow child torture, mutilation and abuse as a core platform of their party means there is no more hiding or dissembling.
The sad thing is that those whom I've heard talking about their (multiple) trips to Disney (often with kids too young to appreciate it) are those who can least afford it.
'Guess they've been brainwashed to believe that Disney trips are mandatory childhood/family pilgrimages and that the visits put them on the same level as people who are better off financially in their kids' eyes/hearts and in society's eyes.
If only they knew what they were/are supporting, . . .
The Dims aren't concerned with geographical states. Only the State of Mind. They somehow think they can place everyone in a specific "state" of belief and govern over the "Land of Confusion". There will never be a complete state of chaos or anarchy without calculated control. Human Resolve wins every time.
Democrats only try to protect anything that is bad for people. Like anything that is immoral, unethical, perversion, etc. They need to be dealt with in a very painful way
Not all. Many are normies who don't pay attention, believe the party is still much like it was when JFK was in office and still have "Orange Man Bad" repeating on an endless loop in their heads.
IMHO, they will be shocked and horrified when they learn the truth about what and whom they've been supporting and most of them will turn away because they actually have a sense of decency and morality.
Hooefully, the exodus will decimate the party and leave only the most ignorant/apathetic, those with terminal TDS, the socialists and communists and the whackadoodles.
Some sacrifices to Moloch averted.
Oh yeah. "Controversial measures signed." The commie paper is really up in arms, more so that now you have to prove you are a citizen to vote.
giving kids chemicals to mutilate their bodies for the merriment of the parents and the "teachers" and all the mentally ill people on the left is NOT healthcare... it's evil.
The far left wants to blur the line between the genders.
This is insanity! How in the world does 'making it illegal to permanently alter a childs genitals' = 'rolling back reproductive health care'???? how is purposefully permanently removing your ability to reproduce considered reproductive healthcare???
It is, in an evil and/or mentally-ill mind, NEITHER of which "reflects the Arizona (or the COUNTRY or the WORLD) which NORMAL people (who comprise the majority) love" or in which they want to live.