Did you forget your "composite" girlfriends that you wrote about in your book, in particular the one that seems to have been based on your alleged ghostwriter Bill Ayers' girlfriend?
Unfortunately/fortunately yes (beautiful soul). Her stepfather sexually tortured her from age 9-13. Incredibly strong girl despite what was thrown at her.
Was she groomed for the purpose of being passed around or to be some MK protege? No. None-the-less, no doubt her relationships may have taken a different path without that experience.
But I don't think your speaking to Grimes faults but more or less speaking to Musks faults for choosing someone like Grimes as a girlfriend and ultimately the mother of his child. I get your point. Poor judgement if he was aware of it.
Im willing to give Musk the benefit of the doubt. We'll see. I don't have a problem pulling the rip cord if needed. Im beholden to no man.
What gives you the indication that he knowingly dated someone who was MK'd?
I'm no Musk defender but your throwing around some heavy assumptions. Can you provide some sauce? It would help the rest of us, who may not know, form a decision on who they may support.
Furthermore, wouldn't someone who was MK trained be keenly aware not to blow their cover?
But im curious. You ever knowingly dated someone who spent their childhood being tortured by clowns?
I would be utterly fucked if I was judged by the cheating sluts I dated in the past.
Comment of the day
I’ve only dated dudes and women with big dicks.
Name checks out.
Did you forget your "composite" girlfriends that you wrote about in your book, in particular the one that seems to have been based on your alleged ghostwriter Bill Ayers' girlfriend?
Unfortunately/fortunately yes (beautiful soul). Her stepfather sexually tortured her from age 9-13. Incredibly strong girl despite what was thrown at her.
Was she groomed for the purpose of being passed around or to be some MK protege? No. None-the-less, no doubt her relationships may have taken a different path without that experience.
But I don't think your speaking to Grimes faults but more or less speaking to Musks faults for choosing someone like Grimes as a girlfriend and ultimately the mother of his child. I get your point. Poor judgement if he was aware of it.
Im willing to give Musk the benefit of the doubt. We'll see. I don't have a problem pulling the rip cord if needed. Im beholden to no man.
I answered your question.
What gives you the indication that he knowingly dated someone who was MK'd?
I'm no Musk defender but your throwing around some heavy assumptions. Can you provide some sauce? It would help the rest of us, who may not know, form a decision on who they may support.
Furthermore, wouldn't someone who was MK trained be keenly aware not to blow their cover?
But im curious. You ever knowingly dated someone who spent their childhood being tortured by clowns?
That describes most the women in Austin.
You didn't marry them, big difference.
Not very different at all since they also weren't married.
Yea, my bad. To me if you're having a kid with someone, I'd assume marriage. Call me old fashioned...😆
2 kids at that!
Damn, aint that the fucking truth brother.