Texas' congressional primaries were very disheartening. After Dan Crenshaw won his primary, I realized it's not just Democrats who are stealing elections, but RINOs as well, though this isn't a surprise to anyone watching closely.
My question is what do we do now? I feel like voting for a RINO will just encourage their bad behavior, but what does that leave us with?
Do we vote for the Dems just to spite the RINOs? Rally behind a true MAGA candidate and hope for a miracle? Or do we just stay home and refuse to play games with cheaters?
I'm really torn on this one pedes, I'm curious to hear if anyone has any ideas.
A spite vote accomplishes nothing. If you cannot vote for a non-establishment (non-RINO) candidate, then cast your vote to help ensure that the RINO loses. That means vote for the democrat. Yes, I said that.
Why? Because if democrats gain power, then we can rely on the democrats to use that power to hurt the RINO establishment. If the republican party wants to play stupid games by elevating candidates who are not aligned with American patriot values- in effect assisting the radical left agenda, then we reject those candidates in order to purge traitors from within our ranks. Let the radical democrats feast on RINO blood. The more vicious, and hate filled the democrat candidate is, the better- empower the beast, and destroy our traitors. We can slay the radical left beast next election, when we have America First patriots to vote for. It is easier to defeat the enemy we can see, than to attempt to march into battle with traitor enemies at our backs, and within our ranks.
I wonder if we simply have to let the Dems win in order to simply give people what they think they want and show them how awful it is, like letting a child eat too much candy and get sick. Rebuilding will cost us immensely, but I don't see another way.
We simply have to weather the storm, so we can be there to rebuild once people realize we were right and come to us, begging for is to lead them. We must be patient and forgiving, while keeping our moral integrity.
Wow. Just wow.
There needs to be a 3rd party candidate pushed in any district that a rino wins a primary in.
We need the MAGA party. No more compromises.
Patriot party
My congress critter is crenshaw, I can not vote for him. There is a rageheaded commie woman running as the dem and I don't care if she gets the seat, it might be better to vote her in and let people see there is no difference between her and crenshaw.
But I cannot vote for crenshaw, besides we still have the same frauds as our Primaries proved.
We can not vote our way out of this mess.
Wait. is there a libertarian running?
Not yet. I just checked and it appears the usual rageheaded commie dem isn't running either, Fix must really be in for crenshaw.
Not according to Ballotpedia.
Libertarians are almost as bad as Democrats though. They're willing to let human traffickers and pot dealers run wild just so they can "get the government off their backs". Freedom isn't about doing what you want, it's about having the ability to do what is right and not be prosecuted for it.
Exactly. The radical left is already so far left, that the majority of voters are opposed to their agenda.
When the RINO party elects candidates who will enable the radical left, and support radical left agenda's, like confirming radical left idiots to the supreme court, confirming radical left idiots throughout our entire govt., enacting radical left legislation, certifying fraud elections, etc. it is essentially the same thing as voting for a radical left candidate.
You need a grassroots "no more RINOs" campaign movement. They really only usually give us 2 choices: bad and badder, stinky and stinkier, pukey and pukier.
Numb D and R voters will usually vote their preferred party, and then we still haven't cured the stolen elections problem. The Cabal has ways of getting their preferred man or woman into office.
Helping to vote the Dems into power will only "teach a lesson" to the RINOs if it is clearly communicated to them that we consider them to be traitors and will no longer support them with our votes.
My suggestion is to study the life of Senator Sinema. It sounds like she was originally a grassroots liberal activist. She gradually developed into a moderate Dem, and she and Manchin held the Dem wolves at bay. She became a successful and powerful politician, while they say she grew up in poverty, which is probably why she became a Democrat.
In every district, people need to research their candidates, to figure out who is the less stinky of the two, and then help to inform voters.
And then, we could always pray and ask God to give us righteous leaders.
We all make our own decisions on who to vote for, but my approach has always been to vote for the most conservative person in the primary but the party member in the general election. I take this approach because the first vote in every congress is to elect the leadership and in that election a RINO is much better than a democrat. Like it or not, after the leadership vote the average congressman has zero influence on what legislation is enacted. A RINO can posture and preen all he wants but his only leverage is his vote for leadership and that is in proportion to the size of the majority.
I heard there wasn’t even anyone challenging Crenshaw, or if there was, there was no real effort to beat him.
There was a primary. Crenshaw "took" 75% vote.
Yeah, I know there was a primary, but who seriously ran against him?
I think that once the Rino is in office, from the start, inundate him with what he's doing wrong via letters, calls, rallies. Especially his 1st term he will be afraid to lose his seat so soon. Teach him from the start he represents the people and if he doesnt he's out.
During the O years a vote was coming up for O care. My rep was the only Dem who voted against it because people were protesting in front of his office for a NO vote. When interviewed he said outright my constituents made it loud and clear and I cannot go against them. So people stopped protesting. A while later there was another vote for O care. People didnt protest because they trusted what he said before BUT this time he voted for O care. Next election he was voted out and nobody heard from him ever since.
Moral of the story - he was used for his vote by administration then thrown out by his lack of integrity.
I live near Houston too fren. These RINOs are weak and will be easy to deal with in the Texas Legislature. Remember that the Lt Governor decides what does and doesn't go to the floor for a vote, and we have Dan Patrick. Please don't vote for the socialists. We can crush them and their plans if we will just be active in our state and local community. The RINOs and the socialists are compromised and are pussies. These aren't the good old blue collar dems like Ann Richards that you can share a beer with while debating the issues of the day. Stand with me. We're Texans. No one fights like a Texan.