Or even just having the ability to slam your dick on the table and buy major partial ownership of the people who fucked over someone else you care about.
Oh, Twitter banned my favorite news? Dicks out for news group.
Oh, Twitter is fucking over Americans? How do Americans feel about that? Oh, they think that Twitter is suppressing their freedoms? Dicks out.
By this point Elon makes some interesting moves both ways, but Elon is, unlike everything else, actually making me feel like I'm watching a movie.
I just read about an African who developed a car a TV and a drone that uses radio waves...free energy...couldn't get a patent on it as they said it broke the law of physics!! Elon must know of this...is this so Tesla cars could be adapted to use radio waves? Or why he sold his shares?
Gurdjieff a mystic said over a hundred years ago that two previous civilizations had gone down due to too much use of electricity.
Iirc, warrants expire sept(might be wrong on that) but when they come to a close your broker will send out the relevant info to convert them. Think it was like another $12 to convert each share.
Hijacking top comment to I.D. Seth Dillon as CEO of Babylon Bee, for anyone who may be unaware
Thanks catssix
Thank you, you saved me the time spent searching.
Or even just having the ability to slam your dick on the table and buy major partial ownership of the people who fucked over someone else you care about.
Oh, Twitter banned my favorite news? Dicks out for news group.
Oh, Twitter is fucking over Americans? How do Americans feel about that? Oh, they think that Twitter is suppressing their freedoms? Dicks out.
By this point Elon makes some interesting moves both ways, but Elon is, unlike everything else, actually making me feel like I'm watching a movie.
Like, how does that even happen?
I just read about an African who developed a car a TV and a drone that uses radio waves...free energy...couldn't get a patent on it as they said it broke the law of physics!! Elon must know of this...is this so Tesla cars could be adapted to use radio waves? Or why he sold his shares?
Gurdjieff a mystic said over a hundred years ago that two previous civilizations had gone down due to too much use of electricity.
Are radio waves electricity?
"Prince of the power of the air."
Sorry no idea what you mean by prince of the power of the air
they contain electricity and can be converted to use in electrical applications.
Oh dear that doesn't sound good then
Research Viziv Technologies and Texone Energy
Dwac warrants are still dirt cheap and will convert to a share of Trump Media when they merge for a $11.50 fee per contract at the time.
You will be on the line for the tax burden of the price difference if you exercise the warrants, though, but still worth looking into.
Might you be so kind to ELI5 how to do that when they merge? I'm on ETrade🐸
Iirc, warrants expire sept(might be wrong on that) but when they come to a close your broker will send out the relevant info to convert them. Think it was like another $12 to convert each share.
E: $11.50, not $12
Thank you! So Etrade will send out a notice?