Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.
That's the entire point of this operation.
It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.
It will all make sense.
Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.
Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.
Your President needs your help.
He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.
Everything stated is for a reason.
God bless, Patriots.
When put into context and actual cause to effect over time is considered, the booms have been rather like a long continuous rolling barrage.
They've been happening.
But, they're not the exact boom we think we want to hear "Right! Now!" like a 4 year old demanding a cookie, or we let doomers, blackpillers and shills downplay them, poo poo them or ridicule those who post them...
And, those who are able to pay attention and track events over time get rather numbed by them, just like what happens to humans in actual long duration barrages.
Another problem concerning the "booms" is that we have all, each and every one of us, been conditioned over the entirity of our lives to see an issue come up and it be addressed more or less quickly with a sacrificial goat dragged through the public mud and a meaningless prosecution and a wrist slap sentence. That is the way we, at least sub consciously, expect such things to be handled. Over and done, from start to finish, in a year or so. The real perps never touched. Some low hanging fruit of a cutout put through a clown court show trial.
That is not what's been happening. And because that's not what has been happening, a lot of people default to the conditioning by claiming nothing at all is happening. But we have the evidence of happenings in our faces damn near daily.
And last but not least...
The program, or "the plan" is far far far more complex and comprehensive than many, most or even all of us originally recognized. It is indeed global. And a lot of it has to be handled in serial processes. One thing has to be done before another and on and on.
We see it happening.
But because so many of us first envisioned what was gonna happen as in our own country only, rounding up the deep state and just being done with it, many of us have simply blanked out the reality that a whole lot of shit has to get kanked outside the US before the real work within the US can start.
And, again, we see it happening.
My sister is as normie as it gets, and she is even starting to see it all. I’ve been having talks with her about all of it since 2020. She’s yelled at me in the past and told me that I’m crazy. We had dinner the other night and she was updating me on the new Hunter laptop info coming out now. It’s been a slow red pill adventure, but it’s working
Very well said!
Well said, fren.
The attempt To make castrating young boys the cool new fad seems to be waking folks up.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy. That is why the drops are 'layered' for not only OPSEC, but for confusion and distraction as well. I see 5-6 paths to take embedded in there and that only covers the US portion. It is happening, but the microwave generation wants their burrito now while these guys are serving a much more satisfying prime rib with all the trimmings. I would love to see a meme of the boss at a grill cooking the MSM. That would be hilarious.
Right. This isn't some haphazard game of let's see what happens. This is a military operation planned with military precision. The plans have plans.
That's why when the first plan (preventing the election steal, as in 2016) and second plan (preventing Biden from actually getting inaugurated) didn't go through, many Patriots panicked; but the ones conducting the operation didn't. They knew exactly what to do when and where and to whom, and which phase of the plan to graduate into, and we're in that phase of the plan now.
Special operations do not proceed without multiple layers of plans for every contingency
No, the election steal happened as planned. Brandon being inaugurated happened as planned. The PAIN of what is going on now and in the future is meant to wake up the normies. This is happening as planned. Trump is out of the picture and can't be blamed, as planned.
We are operating off differing data sets. We'll see.
Dealing with the C factor in METT-TC has been the most difficult part, but it is getting easier.