Beware the Watch the Water documentary. Jordan Sather weighs in.
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That's usually the sign of a shitty / poorly argued message. I felt underwhelmed by the docu, the guy was giving off a Mr. Burns vibe toward the end, strangely upbeat about ostensibly terrifying news. The spooky music didn't really help.
That's just Dr. Ardis's personality. He's light-hearted and likes to joke around. I've watched videos of Dr. Ardis speaking out against the numerous amount of vaccine injections when babies are born, and about the dangers of Remdesivir from like 4 months ago.
I trust Dr. Zelenko, who developed the Zelenko protocol which probably saved countless lives from covid or "venon" poisoning. Zelenko is the one who has revealed that they are on big pharma's hit-list.
Worth noting that nobody, afaik, has successfully synthesised snake venom. So where did the (millions of gallons of) venom come from? And how did they pump it into the water? And why wasn't it degraded by the chlorine (and fluoride)?
Also, how did [they] sneak the venom onto our Mediterranean island, whose coastline is continually monitored because of the huge American naval base here?
Askin for a fren'.
careful with logical skepticism on hot topics like these that once again eventually poison the well (pun not intended, snakes are not poisonous).
Kidnapped children rescued from underground tunnels in Central Park 2.0.
As nobody yet posted what Jordan Sather wrote, let me do it:
"Let the hit pieces begin re: "Watch the Water"
Notice how the MSM is tying Q into it just because of the title, even though Stew Peters' doc has nothing to do with Q
Notice how Watch the Water is being released right as the Cabal wants to force us into more COVID lockdowns to steal the 2022 midterms, making COVID truthers look crazy
I'll be damned if Watch the Water isn't part of a massively sensationalized fear porn psy-op.
Helluva lot easier ways to redpill people about COVID than "iT's SnAkE VeNoM".
Have fun sharing unverified, circumstantial speculation around if you want. I'm done with this topic on Telegram for now."
Then he posted the following:
Via Ashley Everly, Toxicologist:
“They did not share proof. They shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission.
This snake venom-LIKE ( important word that people are missing ) enzyme that was found to be elevated in khovid patients…
Is made BY THE HUMAN BODY NATURALLY. We literally have genes that produce this enzyme.
They are omitting this fact, leading people to believe that this enzyme is not naturally present in the body and that it was rather developed from snake venom and put in our bodies without our consent.
This natural enzyme is elevated in patients who have chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Who is at greatest risk of dying of the vid? Those who are chronically ill.
This enzyme (sPLA2-IIA) is actually very important, beneficial, and critical for the immune system to function properly and helps kill pathogenic bacteria.
Makes sense why it would be elevated in people with chronic illness… chronic pathogenic infections, chronic toxicity, etc.
Expression of this enzyme is upregulated when a patient starts to suffer a cytokine storm. Cytokine storms can happen when the innate immune system is responding too strongly and cannot trigger the adaptive immune system response to initiate. sPLA2-IIA helps coordinate / connect the innate and adaptive immune systems and initiate an adaptive response.
This particular enzyme can also be measured and used as a biomarker for SEPSIS. What do hospital patients die of, more than anything else? Sepsis.
Why are they not sharing this information? Why are they just saying it’s from snake venom and not including the fact that this is naturally synthesized by the body?”
Just another wild goose chase to distract & discredit us."
Snakes ARE venomous. Which just means the poison is injected with fangs.
Should watch a few of the videos. The water part is covered.
FWIW, I'm no doctor or scientist, but my dad was pre-diabetic and was doing injections in his belly to prevent him from becoming diabetic. The injections were not insulin, but rather something derived from Gila monster venom. I imagine it was synthesized, but I kind of doubt that they could just dump stuff like this into a city's water supply. The fact that people can use those self-tests to have tap water test positive just proves how lousy those junk tests are and how they are a waste of money.
He is a chiropractor for crying out loud. They base their entire treatment on the 'anti-germ' theory of disease. Daniel Palmer (originator of chiropractic) based chiropractic on that theory.
Don't throw the baby out with the venom water. I think people need to forget about the delivery theory because he doesn't know, he just suspected water for 2 very weak reasons anyway. But continue to focus on the venom evidence. A year ago my sister working in a hospital during one of the actual deadly outbreaks (most cases have just been flu but a few rare cases have definitely been something suspicious) called me telling me something was wrong with their blood. They were all young patients and their blood looked like it had been exposed to snake venom. She literally said this to me last year and the posts I made about it are still here and searchable. I for one think we should continue down the venom trail. Forget about the water for now.
Here, this might make you feel better.
duper's delight probably.