Starvation Squeeze Is On! Union Pacific is Agreeing to Help The Cabal Openly Starve Americans.
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
Union Pacific has been found agreeing to limit fertilizer shipments to farmers long before supplies and fuel issues really cause problems. I wonder whom in the Cabal is directing this so openly, not worrying about being caught?! But luckily for us, GWP is putting it out for all Patriot farmers to read! Now they need to become VERY LOUD in their knowledge and protest about this straight BS!!
Most Americans still have time to plant a summer garden and make snares, deadfalls or buy box/leghold/conibear traps.
This isn't a joke, we have been warned to prepare for worse times than the demonic "lockdowns"
If you've never owned a gun, buy a shotgun now, so you do not 'miss' dinner
The NPC must feel pain and be pushed to the brink, this will happen, prepare.
It’s not going to go this deep in America but it’ll get close. Now, that’s not the case in other countries. It’s going to get bad in places that aren’t able to become self-sufficient, and they don’t have guns. But here in the US, it’s about a “near death” experience to wake up most, in order for us to help ourselves quickly, and then turn to help the rest of the world. The Cabal is much much deeper outside of the US and it’s going to be up to the US to shoulder much of freeing the rest of the world as we move forward. Trust The Plan.
I agree. It's gonna scare people but nobody's gonna starve.
So perhaps it’s the scare event.
I'm assuming so.
Growing veg is simple enough but when millions starve, game meat will go in a flash.
The squirrels are getting nervous.
Back to Eden Gardening
Why would I do that when rice is 51 cents a pound, beans are 75 cents a pound, ans generic SPAM is $3 a pound at Walmart and all these things will last forever in my basement sealed in mylar or a can?
You still need hot popcorn while watching a movie.
I tell my wife this over and over again. We should be able to retire if we win this war. And probably buy a great property near the shore if the vaccinated keep dying.
Not sure if serious... This plan has gimped or killed untold millions with toxic "vaccines". I avoided that, and I'm damn sure not going on rationed food from the government.
Have you read the parable of the drowning man?
You still have to be responsible for yourself, and if God is sending us messages about the destruction of our food system and upcoming famines.... you should probably make sure you and your family will have food in the coming year(s) while you still have time.
Q and God have awakened us to the evil happening in our world, it is up to us to spread the word and take care of our families & friends. I remember when Q first started posting and I thought for sure that in a few months this would all be over and the evil ones arrested... here we are 4+ years later.... that is to say, that I don't expect this to all wrap up in a neat little bow before the globalists can do more harm - starve us out, try to destroy our way of life and our freedoms.
No they do not. But they sure want to help Xiden and that is the post’s point. But you are correct in assume other rail lines will step in. And I would certainly hope so, with Union Pacific choosing stupidity haha!
The railroads didn't AGREE to help. They are and have been owned by the Deep state actors since they were built. They are being told what to do.
Union Pacific’s biggest shareholder is Rothschilds
Isn’t Warren Buffet also huge in the rail-transport industry? Seems to me that’s why the keystone pipeline keeps getting shut down, so Buffet makes a fortune shipping the oil by rail.
Sure they agreed. The principle owners have a choice. Just because they’ve been paid prior doesn’t mean they can’t turn coat. There is always a choice to make in decisions such as these. One just has to decide using their balls, or giving them up.
I work for a Class 1 Canadian competitor of UP. Trust me, anything the grapevine has to say about similar happenings at my work will get reported right back to you pedes!
The Government Already owns the railroads via subsidy's. Why do you think they are doing this, their bottom line?
Choices are choices. Even owners have choices to what is wrong or right.
Can some based truckers step in an take care of it?
I do hope some do step up and help mitigate this as a countermove.
......and don't forget.....most of your local horse farms will give you horse shit for free. Start your victory garden now.
Subsistence farming is a very inefficient way to feed yourself in an industrialized nation that sells rice for 51 cents a pound. Go work an 8 hour shift even at McDonald's and buy three months worth of rice and beans at Walmart. Way better use of your time.
Yep to grow hay with your peas.
It is called companion planting.
Time to get the government to take over the railroads. This is war, and they are trying to starve Americans. Get on it, Congress! Wish we had a President.
Even Alexander Cassatt knew EH Harriman was no good.