- We know Twitter is an indispensable propaganda machine for the left. (It is worth far more than $45B to them for that reason alone.)
- We think that (at least) some portion of the Twitter code and server farms are government-connected. (So turning over actual evidence of this to a third party makes no sense.)
- No one knows whether Elon is a black hat or white hat.
It makes no sense to me that the DS would relinquish control of the propaganda machine and evidence of the gov't infrastructure without more of a legal fight.
Therefore, I personally see only two options:
First, this is an elaborate scheme by (black-hat) Elon and the DS to 'pretend' that Twitter will be 'more fair'. They know that they will (temporarily) piss off some libs, but they are hoping to keep normies from joining TruthSocial. (Plus, they take Twitter private, further hiding the gov't connections.)
Second, the only way that (white-hat) Elon had the leverage to force the purchase was through behind-the-scenes white-hat pressure. It will eventually be folded into DWAC and/or the inner-workings will be revealed to Durham (or other prosecutors).
Unfortunately, only the black-hat first option seems plausible to me. I hope I'm wrong - or that there are other options I've missed.
Any ideas?
I'll be honest, as entertaining as the whole thing is, given the amount of coverage it's received, it falls squarely into the distraction category. Like Johnny Depp's silliness. Makes you wonder what they're ignoring.
As for Elon, he's not a white hat, that much is for certain. He's bought and paid for by China, so ask "why would China want control of Twitter?" I can come up with half a dozen reasons without thinking hard, considering the personal data and private messages involved.
But here's the thing....who cares? He's gotten under their skin worse than anyone except the Orange One, and he's supposed to be one of theirs. Never interrupt an enemy in the process of self destruction.
I'm seeing that side of things too. We'll see if Trump goes there or stays with Truth Social.
I honestly believe Elon is a white hat. I think there was dirt brought up on the board as well as the fact that shareholder lawsuits forced them into the deal.
I also believe that they knew it was going to happen, so the negotiations gave the three-letter-entities time to torch their back channels and leave the Twitter board as scapegoats. Dorsey seems to allude to this.
Not to mention, we were told by Q why it would happen:
Post 896:
*"are we going to have more freedom of speech on "private" public speech services or not?
please answer this question"*
100% Regulated. Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities. Q
I have tried to adopt that mindset. This one has me stumped, however - I can't figure out how a 'transfer of ownership' could actually take place. (Which makes me think it's not.)
Third Option: Musk is a black hat and this purchase is to fuel talks of Section 230 reform to increase censorship before Truth Social becomes available across all platforms.
Fourth Option: Musk is being manipulated by both sides.
AI vs. AI
Like Person of Interest?
like "artificial intelligence vs. artificial intelligence"...
(That was the main plot of the last few seasons of Person of Interest)
oh...never heard of it...many years with no tv... It will become a more common plot as we get closer though. The ancient one has been challenged!
Time will tell. Trusting any source is a mistake without sauce.
They have no reason to pretend. It's not like people were storming the servers, and now they're stopping because of Musk. If it's BH, it's really a nothingburger on our end while they shuffle money around. Conclusion: it only makes sense as a WH op, mostly because BH don't gain anything significant. The only nefarious interpretation is if the BH side is simply full of divided parties who look out for themselves and have internal squabbling, which is still good for us anyway.
There's always the grey hat option.
Elon could just be in it for Elon, and that's about it.
Elon loves twitter, is somewhat addicted to twitter, and decided "what the hell, i can afford a new toy for myself and bonus, I'll never get banned".
Elon may not give two squats about wh vs bh because he has his eyes set on being emperor or mars one day and plans to leave behind all this earth drama in his dust trail.
He is a trickster, and can't be trusted by any side.
He can be an asset, or an asshat to either side at any time, just depends if his goals align with others' goals, but neither side can count on loyalty from him as he's in it for himself first.
If they come at him like they did trump, we'll know they feel threatened by him.
If Trump is holding the trump card, Elon is holding the wild card.
I agree he may be a grey hat, but it doesn't explain why Twitter would be willing to sell.
Because their asses would have been sued by shareholders.
“No standing.”
The deal won’t go through. This is just to appear like they want to do the right thing but the deal will not make it all the way.
I'm inclined to agree with you.
If musk is serious about free speech, he is in for the fight of his life!
It will expose the government-run media boards they sell our data from.
The deep state stakeholders will go bananas and this will be a real war if Elon musk is serious about free speech.
Most Conservatives have already left Twitter when Trump did. We will find out pretty soon what Musk is up to.