Think GOD will weigh in on this one. About time. So you can do a satanic posturing on a sports field over a drugged up abusive woman beater but you cant pray. We will see.
It's a reference to Clarence Thomas. 4chan call him the "rape ape" because he looks like a gorilla and Biden accused him of being a rapist during his confirmation hearing or some shit.
I’m stick-ing this so we all keep eyes on it! This will be very telling of our Supreme Court of how they actually rule on this as this directly affects the 1st Amendment. If this fails, I hope our military sees all 3 branches are certainly compromised and acts accordingly! Yes I know there have been plenty of other cases to suggest such recently, but none so in your face 1st Amendment as this religious point of freedom. So keep eyes and ears on Anons.
We prayed as a team before every game. Christian prayers. And I went to a school with such a high Jewish population that we had Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah as days off.
Even non religious kids joined in, nobody had a problem with it.
As an atheist, it never bothered me to join in team prayers before hands. Why would it? Just because I don't believe, doesn't mean they don't. It's important to my teammates, so why would it bother me?
And we had a JW and an exchange student from Japan who would not participate in prayers. And you know what? That wasn't a big deal either. Everyone had respect for everyone else.
Exactly - I had a JW classmate in HS - he wouldn't stand or say the pledge - first week into high school - we asked why he didn't stand or say pledge - he told us against his religion. Ok
Not another issue for the rest of high school years. So I'm with you there - I do not understand the issue. Pray - don't pray. Your right but stop trying to stomp on mine
It's similar to the Pledge of Allegiance issue. Altheist has an issue with saying God, just don't say it. Don't force that on everyone else.
The non religious kids on the team would keep their head down and hands on shoulders. Wouldn't say Amen after the prayer but were there with the rest of us. Together as a team.
I say 'under God' even though I'm not a believer - because I understand that the men who founded this wonderful nation did so under their firm belief in godly principles. I appreciate their wisdom and inspiration. If this great nation was founded on a belief in tuna fish, I'd still be grateful - even if I didn't like tuna.
Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
I checked papad's twitter and this article is there... I'm not sure why your first post said it was deleted ... ... maybe he had a typo and reposted ....
Seriously, fuck the 'supreme court'. I'm amazed that people get so worked up because the court might actually get it right this time. The SC has proven time and time again that it is unable to perform it's role in upholding the constitution and instead is a politically controlled branch of the legislature that is out of reach of not only the will of the people, but the very checks and balances put in place to avoid what they have become. Any respect for rulings of this court is misplaced and naive. Throwing an occasional scrap to silence us while using their power to continue the destruction of the very documents they were created to protect should not be tolorated. We are so far from the ideals of the constitution now we may never find our way back, and giving these charlatans any credit for maybe sometimes making a decentish call is just bowing further to the people we claim to be fighting.
Think GOD will weigh in on this one. About time. So you can do a satanic posturing on a sports field over a drugged up abusive woman beater but you cant pray. We will see.
"iF i CaNt sHoW kIdS mY dIcK yOu CaNt PrAy"
8 - 1 decision against football couch. Ape man is lone dissenter.
Ape man?
It's a reference to Clarence Thomas. 4chan call him the "rape ape" because he looks like a gorilla and Biden accused him of being a rapist during his confirmation hearing or some shit.
I’m stick-ing this so we all keep eyes on it! This will be very telling of our Supreme Court of how they actually rule on this as this directly affects the 1st Amendment. If this fails, I hope our military sees all 3 branches are certainly compromised and acts accordingly! Yes I know there have been plenty of other cases to suggest such recently, but none so in your face 1st Amendment as this religious point of freedom. So keep eyes and ears on Anons.
We prayed as a team before every game. Christian prayers. And I went to a school with such a high Jewish population that we had Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah as days off.
Even non religious kids joined in, nobody had a problem with it.
As an atheist, it never bothered me to join in team prayers before hands. Why would it? Just because I don't believe, doesn't mean they don't. It's important to my teammates, so why would it bother me?
And we had a JW and an exchange student from Japan who would not participate in prayers. And you know what? That wasn't a big deal either. Everyone had respect for everyone else.
This is what is missing today.
I love that you honored your friends and what's important to them.
Exactly - I had a JW classmate in HS - he wouldn't stand or say the pledge - first week into high school - we asked why he didn't stand or say pledge - he told us against his religion. Ok Not another issue for the rest of high school years. So I'm with you there - I do not understand the issue. Pray - don't pray. Your right but stop trying to stomp on mine
Couldn't agree more.
It's similar to the Pledge of Allegiance issue. Altheist has an issue with saying God, just don't say it. Don't force that on everyone else.
The non religious kids on the team would keep their head down and hands on shoulders. Wouldn't say Amen after the prayer but were there with the rest of us. Together as a team.
I say 'under God' even though I'm not a believer - because I understand that the men who founded this wonderful nation did so under their firm belief in godly principles. I appreciate their wisdom and inspiration. If this great nation was founded on a belief in tuna fish, I'd still be grateful - even if I didn't like tuna.
The football team was not compelled to pray with him. They could pray with him if they wanted to.
Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Matthew 6:5
Thank You! :)
I checked papad's twitter and this article is there... I'm not sure why your first post said it was deleted ... ... maybe he had a typo and reposted ....
If he were a Muslim, there would be no problem, and anyone with a problem is Islamophobic.
Seriously, fuck the 'supreme court'. I'm amazed that people get so worked up because the court might actually get it right this time. The SC has proven time and time again that it is unable to perform it's role in upholding the constitution and instead is a politically controlled branch of the legislature that is out of reach of not only the will of the people, but the very checks and balances put in place to avoid what they have become. Any respect for rulings of this court is misplaced and naive. Throwing an occasional scrap to silence us while using their power to continue the destruction of the very documents they were created to protect should not be tolorated. We are so far from the ideals of the constitution now we may never find our way back, and giving these charlatans any credit for maybe sometimes making a decentish call is just bowing further to the people we claim to be fighting.
Kennedy huh? As in, on of the top 13 satanic bloodlines in the brotherhood of the snake? Hmmm
conservativeclickbait - - - I hate their headlines so much that I never click
Watch any NFL game - at the end of the game, the Christians on both teams meet at mid-field and pray together.
Happens after college games and high school games, too.