Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country NOW. And if there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate to do it, and there are not, we must end the filibuster to pass it with 50 votes. (article link with Bernie quote is below)
Why would Congress codify something being struck down by SCOTUS, knowing it will also be struck down? As a pressure tactic to end the filibuster.
Bernie’s call to end the filibuster is not about Roe v. Wade, if this ruling is true and stands the DS knows they can’t counteract it through legislation. But they need the filibuster out of the way to ram their agenda through before they lose control in November.
If they can get that done a new Republican majority will not be able to repeal anything because Biden will veto everything they send up.
Panic in DC continues.
There are multiple prongs for the leak. Its a call to action - battle stations so to speak. Senate will try to nuke filibuster. At the same time, the folks controlling the Antifa and illegal terrorists will start prepping for the riots.
BTW, what the heck is this about "law of the land" ? So what if Congress passes a legislation, if its a constitutional issue, states can take it back to SCOTUS, right?
Exactly! This is a typical and cynical play by the DS. They know such a law would not stand, but it’s useful as an emotional sledgehammer to end the filibuster.
Bigger problem if they nuke the filibuster is next stop: Court Packing
Ding ding ding
Yup. We already know Mittens and Collins are down to stab is again.
The Pavlovian dog whistles to get the zombies salivating over the promise of fresh meat, that never finds its way to the table. I wonder if the zombies even have a clue as to, someone is pulling the strings, or the master calls so I must dutifully go.
Correct. Congress doesn't establish new constitutional rights via mere statutory law. They'd have to pass an amendment, which would have to be ratified by the states. Any "pro abortion" statute they might pass (such as denying Medicare to states who ban abortion), will be struck down by this Court.
This is an interesting take. Perhaps another one of those bright Dem ideas that can backfire?
I am not sure thats in their DNA ...