KNOCK KNOCK FBI / CIA / MKUltra Operatives: We know y'all lurk here. Did y'all really expect the world to believe that an Ultra Maga Q autist wrote your Buffalo Manifesto? Your writing glows so hard you may as well have ingested a gallon of radium. Its just like Q told us. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Tick tock! Your time is running out. Feeling desperate?
Yep, in this small town I live in, there was a "White Lives Matter" rally and all of them were wearing... facemasks. Yeah obvious false flag is obvious, but it got the libtards raging and cursing at them.
There were like 15 people altogether and they had signs saying, "White Lives Matter" with the telegraph link on the bottom as well as "Don't mix white babies!" and more.
I mean, this town is VERY small and rarely have anything going on in this town, yet they had this "rally"... Hmm. The last time we had something like this was back when Fentanyl Floyd kicked the bucket.
Anything actually racist is a left wing production.
Maybe they had masks bc you’re in such a small town…
But most of the people have ditched the mask a long time ago once the governor said it's time to stop using the masks. The people who kept on wearing a mask are either the ones still worried about getting Covid or clearly a libtard.
The latter is true as I'd see the ones wearing a mask, would also have dyed hair, earrings/tats all over their face and body, males having a weak posture in appearance (high soy consumption/vegans) and some are trannies. So yeah I would say the majority of the mask wearers are libtards (which is probably like .001% of this town).
I live in a heavily republican town.
They had masks to reduce chances that YOU would see outsiders, but I'm happy knowing you saw through the bullshit.
Yeah the mayor of this town told a bunch of concerned citizens (read: Angry Libtards) that the rally participants all are from out of state and to just ignore them. They are outraged by the mayor's statement because the mayor is a republican and now they want the mayor out after making that comment.
What's wrong with White Lives Matter?
Well nothing's wrong with that but usually we would say, "All Lives Matter" and those libtards were saying, "Typical white supremacists and their white power" and all that.
But the odd thing is this is something out of the norm in this small, problematic town I live in. Other than drugs, students failing their academic studies, poverty, a large company manipulating the local politics and such, something like this would come out on a day where there's a lot of shootings and chaos going on across the nation, is quite odd.
Plus they had facemasks on so why wear them if you're proud of being white? One can say they're scared of being exposed due to them being in a small town and everyone knows everyone, but it's actually more of them not wanting to expose who they are as far as who they work for. They could even be Demoncrats LARP'ing as "Proud To Be White" people, like the Patriot Front LARP.
A few people mentioned that they know the WHOLE town and they have never seen those people before. Some talked to them and they said they came from out of state. So what the hell are they doing in this town, of all towns? Not sure if there are rallies all over the nation, similar to this one.
Your town was a test. If they got the reaction they think will work they try this on a large scale. Just my 2 cents.
That's a very probable reason for them to be here. This town is bigger than a rural town but smaller than a large scaled suburban area. Not sure of the correct term to define this town but it's average at best. I've lived in bigger suburbs than this town and to me, I think this town is very small, but for someone to come from a rural town, they'd think this town is huge lol.
But yeah that's a good guess. The comments made by the libtards showed how angry they are cuz they repeatedly said, "FUCK THIS TOWN!", "I SO MUCH WANT TO MOVE OUT OF HERE, FUCK THIS TOWN AND THE FUCKING REDNECKS!!!" etc.
He was a strange one. The AU gov was extra quiet on this one.
Just commented here to say hello to the faggots.
"I was not born racist, I grew up to become a racist" "I was browsing 4chan" "Then after browsing /pol"
and always the same face ...like they clone them or the meds are causing some face deformity ...
It reminds me of what a leftard would think a person would say who was "browsing 4chan". These people are seriously fucking stupid.
Yeah not sure if you frequent /pol/ on 4chan, they often have a thread or two, saying why do they all look alike? Is it the water or is is in the food they take? Or the pills? Etc.
bot really anymore, after Q left but I get the feeling...
Its not to fool you dummy. Its to fool libtards. And they do not care if true. They care if it can be used to hurt the movement.
Daaah. Glows hard. Pour me another glass of dat ❤️
Some purple haired tranny wrote that.
Hehe - cucks
And the response with the calls of FF and glowtard involvement was immediate.
Ackshully, I'm pretty sure the world WILL believe. It's the Anons who know better. That's why this whole thing is taking so long.
Have we done the Unibomber yet?! Ol Ted Kazinski?
Well... 'the enemy' isn't so much clumsy glowies as much as basically a lucifarian alliance, including ai components.. faith 🙏 and will 🙏 we are the human spirit. We choose freedom and truth.
Globohomos can't even fake stuff well anymore