Star Wars is a DS depopulation plot to keep nerdy virgins from ever being able to attract the opposite sex. Also, in the Gospel According to Star Wars, we're supposed to be Vader and Luke is Jesus. its obviously illuminati propaganda which is why Disney bought Lucasfilm in the first place 😜
Of the stopping, there shall be none, and the coming shall be an arriving, and that which has arrived shall be here, and of that which is here, there shall be an abundance, and the abundance shall be .... biblical.
Three shall be the number thou shalt go, and the number of the going shall be three. Four shalt thou not go, neither arrive thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Scary Poppins of Board (Bored works also) of Misinformation towards thy foe, who, being naughty Brandon in My sight, shall snuff it
Nothing can stop what is going.
Nothing can go with what is stopping
Stop, what is coming, nothing can.
... you know, the thing....
Star Wars is a DS depopulation plot to keep nerdy virgins from ever being able to attract the opposite sex. Also, in the Gospel According to Star Wars, we're supposed to be Vader and Luke is Jesus. its obviously illuminati propaganda which is why Disney bought Lucasfilm in the first place 😜
The nonexistence of which you are unable to cease will thus be on its way.
I like this one
Coming is stopping... No wait I mean stop coming... Wait... I'm not good at this.
That’s what she’s said.
Stop with the nothing if you can.
Take long, this did not.
Two wrongs do not make a right. But three rights make a left.
Are you a ups driver?
Of the stopping, there shall be none, and the coming shall be an arriving, and that which has arrived shall be here, and of that which is here, there shall be an abundance, and the abundance shall be .... biblical.
Three shall be the number thou shalt go, and the number of the going shall be three. Four shalt thou not go, neither arrive thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Scary Poppins of Board (Bored works also) of Misinformation towards thy foe, who, being naughty Brandon in My sight, shall snuff it