Just take the number of dollars in circulation divided by the number of ounces of gold in our vault. It will have to be a guess because nobody really knows how many dollars are floating around out there.
I think Q team is sitting on a huge stack of gold.
Yep. I think many ops have reclaimed the hoarded gold from the cabal over the past 4 years. Lots of weird shit surrounding the Vatican. Rumor was the Vatican vaults and underground tunnels contained unimaginable amounts of gold. The Philippines was rumored to have been in possession of some.
With so many rumors it is difficult to know the truth, but lots of covert shit has gone down in a silent war for several years now.
There's not enough mined gold on earth, much less in US vaults, to go back to the gold standard in any reasonable way.
Not to mention, the entire financial system of the United States (and the world for that matter) is so convoluted, twisted and unintelligible that fixing it would be like forcing four Helen Keller clones to play Jenga, but no one told them how to play.
They'd be trying to figure out the rules of the game without bringing the whole game crashing down around them in the process.
Any process which doesn't end both the Federal Reserve AND Fractional Reserve Lending would be a failed process that would lead our nation right back into financial ruin. If you fix one, but not the other, then you've fixed nothing.
Of course, the number of dollars per ounce of gold will be shockingly high when pegged to gold, but then, a $20 bill and an ounce of gold used to have the SAME VALUE. You could slap a $20 bill down on the counter at a hardware store or a bank and exchange it for a $20 gold piece -- a one-ounce gold coin. Foreign nations could bring as much US paper currency as they had collected to the Mint and exchange that paper for gold at $20 per ounce. (Gold was actually $20.67 in this scheme; the extra was the seignorage, which paid for the minting of gold into the coins; thus a $20 gold coin actually contained a bit less than one ounce of gold -- but, the important point: it was a fixed and unchanging amount. We'll ignore the slight difference from here on).
Today, the heavily suppressed price of gold (a long topic for another time; "paper gold" plays a big part in it) is bobbling between $1800 and $2000. But the number of dollars out there has increased far beyond anything that would allow a gold peg at those prices, so going back to a gold standard would require either a huge number of dollars per ounce, or a "new dollar" (a common tactic when inflation has destroyed the currency, as it ALWAYS does eventually) with a higher value per unit, or a partial backing -- which seems the most likely although it would be my least favorite option.
There are indications that both Russia and China may be planning such a move, with gold fully or (more likely) partially backing their currency. If the United States wants to remain anything like a "superpower" it WILL have to back its currency with something real, and nothing fits the bill like gold.
I agree, but I think without gold convertability, our currency will never be taken seriously in a world where other large nations have even poorly designed and implemented gold backing. Digitial currency is being pushed by governments almost entirely because it allows for total control over people's spending habits; everything money-related can be turned off at will and pressure of varying types can be applied to encourage this and discourage that. Gold and cash are havens of freedom, as would be Bitcoin if it were as safe and private as people think.
Also: I believe you're right about China and Russia having built up considerable gold reserves over the last few years. India also has a lot of gold and interestingly, much of it is in the hands of individuals.
Fiat IS a scam, yes -- and that's been clear for centuries. Hell, other nations (and traders) stopped taking Roman coins -- causing Roman money to become near-worthless very quickly -- after the silver in the coinage was diluted beyond anything reasonable. Dishonest money is always a scam and pure fiat is . . . I can't even find a strong enough word for it.
I don't have any evidence that "we have the gold" other than Q's statement that we do . . . and that could mean something other than the obvious.
Trump's EO's about confiscating assets of certain persons etc might be in play; imagine the assets held by the Rothschilds, the Paysers (sp), and other major-league Cabal people and organizations. That's the thinnest of speculation right now, but I have long thought that most of the gold in Ft. Knox and elsewhere held by the US government has been replaced with gold-plated tungsten bars or otherwise stolen, "leased" out, or whatnot.
One of the many attractive possibilities of what might be called the near-term endgame is that we may find out whether we DO have the gold, and if so what we'll be doing with it.
That’s a Gold troy ounce, Walking Liberty… not exactly sure of the weight. I just needed a photo for the post… not necessarily relevant to the question.
Arrest, Investigate, and Convict EVERYONE directly connected to the FRBC....
Apply ""Corruption of Blood"" to all of them....
FORCE the U.S. Congress to Temporarily Print United States Notes, while Forcing Congress to MINT U.S. Gold and Silver Coins....
FLIP the ""NATIONAL DEBT"" on it's head, and give EVERYONE Full Credit at their Bank or Credit Union, for the Value they are accused of ""OWING"" the FRBC, the Bottom Right Corner of the NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK, ""Liability Per Citizen"", flip it to be ""Asset Per Citizen"", and THAT is what is credited, Because THAT is what Congress Borrowed on OUR CREDIT LINES, and that is what they Contractually OWE US.....
Begin the spread of Gold and Silver Coinage across all States....
Make it UNLAWFUL for Congress to create Bills/Laws longer than 1 Page....
Make an Amendment stating that Corporation Charters END in 5 Years, but Corporate Bodies can re-apply before they are shut down.....
END and Abolish the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, at a minimum, if not ALL of them from starting with the current 13th thru 27th, BUT Re-instate the ORIGINAL 13th.....
Just take the number of dollars in circulation divided by the number of ounces of gold in our vault. It will have to be a guess because nobody really knows how many dollars are floating around out there.
I think Q team is sitting on a huge stack of gold.
There are massive unmined gold reserves in Arizona
Yep. I think many ops have reclaimed the hoarded gold from the cabal over the past 4 years. Lots of weird shit surrounding the Vatican. Rumor was the Vatican vaults and underground tunnels contained unimaginable amounts of gold. The Philippines was rumored to have been in possession of some.
With so many rumors it is difficult to know the truth, but lots of covert shit has gone down in a silent war for several years now.
With the stroke of a pen if we had the right leaders
There's not enough mined gold on earth, much less in US vaults, to go back to the gold standard in any reasonable way.
Not to mention, the entire financial system of the United States (and the world for that matter) is so convoluted, twisted and unintelligible that fixing it would be like forcing four Helen Keller clones to play Jenga, but no one told them how to play.
They'd be trying to figure out the rules of the game without bringing the whole game crashing down around them in the process.
Any process which doesn't end both the Federal Reserve AND Fractional Reserve Lending would be a failed process that would lead our nation right back into financial ruin. If you fix one, but not the other, then you've fixed nothing.
It can’t.
Yes it can, and will.
Of course, the number of dollars per ounce of gold will be shockingly high when pegged to gold, but then, a $20 bill and an ounce of gold used to have the SAME VALUE. You could slap a $20 bill down on the counter at a hardware store or a bank and exchange it for a $20 gold piece -- a one-ounce gold coin. Foreign nations could bring as much US paper currency as they had collected to the Mint and exchange that paper for gold at $20 per ounce. (Gold was actually $20.67 in this scheme; the extra was the seignorage, which paid for the minting of gold into the coins; thus a $20 gold coin actually contained a bit less than one ounce of gold -- but, the important point: it was a fixed and unchanging amount. We'll ignore the slight difference from here on).
Henry Ford made the news when he doubled his production-line workers' wage from $2.50/week to $5/week. Five dollars was a quarter-ounce of gold.
Today, the heavily suppressed price of gold (a long topic for another time; "paper gold" plays a big part in it) is bobbling between $1800 and $2000. But the number of dollars out there has increased far beyond anything that would allow a gold peg at those prices, so going back to a gold standard would require either a huge number of dollars per ounce, or a "new dollar" (a common tactic when inflation has destroyed the currency, as it ALWAYS does eventually) with a higher value per unit, or a partial backing -- which seems the most likely although it would be my least favorite option.
There are indications that both Russia and China may be planning such a move, with gold fully or (more likely) partially backing their currency. If the United States wants to remain anything like a "superpower" it WILL have to back its currency with something real, and nothing fits the bill like gold.
Do we have the gold?
Gold shall destroy the FED
Ummmm, “Gold shall destroy The Fed” doesn’t mean a Gold Standard necessarily.
I agree, but I think without gold convertability, our currency will never be taken seriously in a world where other large nations have even poorly designed and implemented gold backing. Digitial currency is being pushed by governments almost entirely because it allows for total control over people's spending habits; everything money-related can be turned off at will and pressure of varying types can be applied to encourage this and discourage that. Gold and cash are havens of freedom, as would be Bitcoin if it were as safe and private as people think.
You are on the right track for sure. I just don’t know that Gold will back the Dollar. Who knows if the US even has any gold? When was the last audit?
If you account for 0 exports from China and Russia for years now, you could see it where they have way more Gold than the US.
See my point :)
Hey, not pretending to know the answer... fiat is a scam for sure!
Also: I believe you're right about China and Russia having built up considerable gold reserves over the last few years. India also has a lot of gold and interestingly, much of it is in the hands of individuals.
Fiat IS a scam, yes -- and that's been clear for centuries. Hell, other nations (and traders) stopped taking Roman coins -- causing Roman money to become near-worthless very quickly -- after the silver in the coinage was diluted beyond anything reasonable. Dishonest money is always a scam and pure fiat is . . . I can't even find a strong enough word for it.
C'mon, Q, let's get this show on the road!
I don't have any evidence that "we have the gold" other than Q's statement that we do . . . and that could mean something other than the obvious.
Trump's EO's about confiscating assets of certain persons etc might be in play; imagine the assets held by the Rothschilds, the Paysers (sp), and other major-league Cabal people and organizations. That's the thinnest of speculation right now, but I have long thought that most of the gold in Ft. Knox and elsewhere held by the US government has been replaced with gold-plated tungsten bars or otherwise stolen, "leased" out, or whatnot.
One of the many attractive possibilities of what might be called the near-term endgame is that we may find out whether we DO have the gold, and if so what we'll be doing with it.
How does America move to backing our money on the Gold/Silver standard, can it be done? And if so, How do we do it?
What's the value of that gold piece? We talking about a $50 piece or a $500 amount?
That’s a Gold troy ounce, Walking Liberty… not exactly sure of the weight. I just needed a photo for the post… not necessarily relevant to the question.
Audit the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation....
Shut Down the FRBC....
Arrest, Investigate, and Convict EVERYONE directly connected to the FRBC....
Apply ""Corruption of Blood"" to all of them....
FORCE the U.S. Congress to Temporarily Print United States Notes, while Forcing Congress to MINT U.S. Gold and Silver Coins....
FLIP the ""NATIONAL DEBT"" on it's head, and give EVERYONE Full Credit at their Bank or Credit Union, for the Value they are accused of ""OWING"" the FRBC, the Bottom Right Corner of the NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK, ""Liability Per Citizen"", flip it to be ""Asset Per Citizen"", and THAT is what is credited, Because THAT is what Congress Borrowed on OUR CREDIT LINES, and that is what they Contractually OWE US.....
Begin the spread of Gold and Silver Coinage across all States....
Make it UNLAWFUL for Congress to create Bills/Laws longer than 1 Page....
Make an Amendment stating that Corporation Charters END in 5 Years, but Corporate Bodies can re-apply before they are shut down.....
END and Abolish the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Amendments, at a minimum, if not ALL of them from starting with the current 13th thru 27th, BUT Re-instate the ORIGINAL 13th.....
Or something like this.....