I mean, the premise is that these shootings are used to convince people that gun control is needed, right? But this event shows the exact opposite as it is clear that the police will just stand down and even restrain you from protecting your family. If that’s not an argument for the right to bear arms, I don’t know what is. I simply cannot fathom how the police behaved the way they did. And I am very pro law enforcement as I am married to one.
Comments (41)
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It might have been set up to expose all the other false flag operations.
Honestly, they did a terrible job.. unless they meant to expose the modus operandi.
There's a white hat hand in there somewhere IMO, if not in the actual event, then in the info which is coming out about it.
I think it is possible that everything that has happened since at least 2020 has been this.
Controlled Opposition.
Everyone is controlled opposition (and always has been). The tail has been wagging the dog for millennia. I think in 2017 a new director showed up. I think by 2020 the new director had completely taken over production.
As an aside, I think the new director is Monty Python.
I sense that this is the case, but I'm not 100% confident of it yet, at least, I'm not 100% confident that:
Maybe there are still some organic events out there messing up everyone's calculations.
Otherwise, you are insinuating that our team controls all pertinent events and uses them all for swamp draining, exposing baddies and redpilling.
I'm not 100% confident of anything ever. For me "100%" really means "beyond a reasonable doubt" (I have no doubt based on reason). That leaves my mind open to the possibility to see evidence to the contrary of my "no reasonable doubt" (at the moment) beliefs.
My research into The Matrix (first half coming out in the next couple weeks) suggests that it isn't about "micromanagement." Organic things happen all the time. It is about self-correcting programs that align the general motive of society in the desired direction.
The thing is, I don't think that any of the big events that have ever happened (school shootings, bombings, etc.) have ever been organic. I think they have all been contrived. In all my searching, I have yet to find a single event that has been influential on a large scale that doesn't have evidence of Cabal fuckery behind it.
Everything else is secondary to the reprogramming.
I see.
So when I said "all pertinent events", they are already in the list of cabal ops rather than organic events.
So given that, it really is possible for the white hats to know about and adjust or replace some of these ops for reprogramming purposes now that the white hat executive power rivals or exceeds that of the cabal.
And nobody has to be omnipotent or all knowing for this to occur.
I always appreciate your thinking style fren.
What politician was it who said "Nothing is a coincidence."
It is like we are living in the Flying Circus...
Wow great lateral thinking!
Yes, it could be that it's just a sloppy false flag and not an exposure op. Either way, it's opening eyes.
What even the left underestimates is the skill and speed of common people (I mean that in a very good way) to disseminate the truth. And to capture events in real time to expose what is going on.
Think about the real time videos on January 6, 2021, from the Capitol. It was clearly a FF, but a year and a half later the DS is still pretending it wasn’t.
Let’s just say it was a false flag, they were not counting on the off-duty officer that showed up at ended the whole thing. He messed everything up for them. Everything
I disagree. It is focused on schools where you cannot protect your children with personal weapons.
It is tightly focused on getting the foot in the door on banning all weapons. The first step will be the AR-15.
So after the supposed tragedy, people will be wondering how we can prevent it from happening again. The first thought would be to put police and security officers in the schools.
So it is very important for them to nip that idea in the bud. Nope, that won't work because police and security are useless.
So we really need to just ban the AR-15. There is no other viable option.
They don't care if people buy more guns. They are going after the law and the precedent. They believe they will eventually be able to confiscate them back.
They just want their foot in the door.
what if the idea was turning pro-police people against police?
Then it’s time they wake up to the difference between a sheriff, who is an elected official held accountable by the people compared to city police commissioners who are political appointed cronies. It’s time to end all political cronyism. Every good officer and first responder should be outraged at the way this was handled.
^THIS^ A sheriff, properly, is elected by awake and intelligent people. Both the sheriff and the people understand that HE answers to the people, obeys the Constitution and interposes himself between the people and a rogue government, rogue bankers, etc. Cops are not Constitutional public servants. They answer to a slimy mayor.
I would go so far as to say that he would be the one to rally the minute men and or be in charge of the local well regulated militia.
I believe that the governor could call them up but, since people have no idea about any of these things, it won't happen even in a "red" state. The sheriff has his own deputies and can call on local men if posses are needed.
It sure could have that result
It violated their own training in a mass shooting event. It's not just unfathomable. It's a staged attack. Police don't just suddenly become incompetent, cowardly, unable to react. They were compromised. The compromise came from above. As soon as the stand down order was violated, the situation was controlled. Dems thought they could (notice the trolls pushing this narrative) demonize police, smear ALL police for the acts of a handful. A whole anticop movement is being pushed by a bot army. That is the game here. It's just collapsing in real time.
IMO, this was a botched false flag. They had a plan, but the shooter snapped after the argument with the grandmother and deviated from it. The plan started to fail catastrophically from there. The false flag team isn't in position, local police don't know how to respond to the unexpected change of plans and wait for orders from higher up, then outsiders like the Border Patrol show up and do their own thing. None of it makes sense and the narrative keeps changing because nothing went according to the original plan.
Honestly, the more I hear about this, the more realistic it is it was some kind of setup. Was this planned to find out who what where when why, of the usual ff operations? Did it really happen? I don't know.
Desperation makes for sloppy performance.
May everyone involved in this false flag operation be brought to justice and then burn in hell.
Seems half-assed. Like their heart isn't in it anymore. Just going through the motions at this point.
Honestly, the way LE has been villianized over the last two years, that is the result. They don’t care anymore.
Americans need to get this into their skulls. Police are not coming to save you. The Courts have upheld this many, many times.
Good discussion of this on here, today: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15IEF9pmim/x/c
Its just to set off conflicts between the left and right. Divide and conquer. These events polarize both groups to further and further extremes. They need civil war in order to destroy the US so that they can have a global communist government.
False flag or not, the fact that 19 innocent children and 2 adults were killed, and LEO did nothing for over an hour, just makes my blood boil.
Yes, that’s what is baffling to me. And that is the message being sent to the public right now. Don’t expect LE to help you when you need it most.
Couldn't agree with you more OP
Why are you pro-government control?
I am not sure where you derived that from my post.
Seems to be sloppy and desperation, many conflicting stories and mistakes made. All of this used to be incredibly easy for them, and Beta was in place to garner the outrage that used to be gained from these type of events. They got the wrong kind of outrage with this one, and Beta was told to sit his dumb ass down when he was under the impression he would become the hero of the story. They have way too much sunlight to run these ops the way they used to.
Everything the DS does boomerangs back in their face. Their ego stops them from seeing the plot holes imo
It convinced jon voight to alter his oppinion on guns .
Damn really ..I’m afraid Fox watching republicans will cave ..times are going to get rough ..FOOD , I can see these pricks offering a side of beef and bags of potatoes for every gun brought in ...they are definitely going to push hard to gun grab .. “ “ “shall not be infringed “
I missed that. How did his opinion change?
I looked back at the article and the original tital was kind of misleading. I think it has a different total now. He's just saying that mentally ill people need to be evaluated more and have some restrictions for obtaining firearms. Also, not to let this tragedy allow them to take our 2nd amendment rights.
I think this may be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Makes me want to go brush up on my skills and volunteer at my local school!
Unless they knew there was no real threat to begin with..,