Actually, Liberalism is a mental illness. There are a lot of things you have to pretend not to know. In addition, what [[They]] have been doing to us with the lockdowns, masking, constant state of fear, breaking all trust and stable relationships with our foundational institutions of family, church, law enforcement, medical, etc. Yes, Brandon is right about so many people needing mental health help. But like h@ll are we ever going to get it— Red flag laws and they will take 2nd amendment rights.
In psychology this is called "projection".... ascribing to others what is really wrong with you. I'm talking to YOU, JOE!
EDIT: It just occurred to me that in abusive relationships, the abuser always tries to convince the abused that it's the abused's fault, that if they were just smarter, or more obedient, the abuser wouldn't HAVE to be so abusive.
Not sure why since, we have an excellent jobs report, unemployment at near historic low of 3.6%, families are carrying less debt and average savings are up.
He's not wrong. He is the prime representative of all that is causing the mental unwellness.
I don't think anyone ever accused Brandon of being smart....
Biden's job is to wake everyone up by being incompetent. He;s very good at it.
He isn't the old Biden.
Normies learn very slowly
Actually, Liberalism is a mental illness. There are a lot of things you have to pretend not to know. In addition, what [[They]] have been doing to us with the lockdowns, masking, constant state of fear, breaking all trust and stable relationships with our foundational institutions of family, church, law enforcement, medical, etc. Yes, Brandon is right about so many people needing mental health help. But like h@ll are we ever going to get it— Red flag laws and they will take 2nd amendment rights.
And the left's supporters. They most certainly have mental health issues.
I may be crazy...but I'm not stupid.
In psychology this is called "projection".... ascribing to others what is really wrong with you. I'm talking to YOU, JOE!
EDIT: It just occurred to me that in abusive relationships, the abuser always tries to convince the abused that it's the abused's fault, that if they were just smarter, or more obedient, the abuser wouldn't HAVE to be so abusive.
Yep, it’s called gaslighting. I’ve seen it in relationships and I’ve been seeing it out of the Dems for a while.
I honestly think im more positive and optimistic than i have been in decades. Why??? Because i found Jesus.
A crisis created by who? Who are the puppet masters?
Sounds like he's trying to indict the entire country with "Red Flag Laws."
Enter red flag laws.
Projection, projection!! Biden is an idiot that if fulfilling his purpose (destroying America) well.
If only we drink from the poison well, then all will be revealed, and he would finally be cherished and beloved.
Poor slow joe, to demented to know what's real.
Even reading what that doddering old man says doesn't make sense. It's so disjointed.
That damn monkey that knew sign language spoke more eloquently.
Brain dead MF
Yes, "Covid" did it, just like an SUV drove over a crowd of people in wakesha....
The puppet gets dumber everyday.
I ignore filthy pedophiles unless they get close to children. FJB.
Not sure why since, we have an excellent jobs report, unemployment at near historic low of 3.6%, families are carrying less debt and average savings are up.