They ain't catching shit. It's a reason for them to miss something, or communicate to others by announcing they have covid. How come no one on our side is announcing they got it and shilling for the vax?
And the brainwashed masses still believe they live through these covid outbreaks due to the booster shots........nothing to see here....move along sheeple. Kek
Certainly not the ugly tree. That sucker has struck gold.
She fell out of that tree and there's no doubt that she hit every limb on the way down.
She must have bounced off of Nadler and hit every branch on the way back up, too.
Oof. Bones, prescribe me some eye bleach.
Dear God!
Holy fuck! She shat that out !
Her undercarriage must be like Stargate but without Kurt Russell.
The "elites" are devolving. If left alone by the GA they would accomplish "Idiocracy" all by themselves.
This obese, hobbit like extrusion is in need of extensive civic re-beautification. Do your fucking job Maxine you troglodyte!
They look like sisters instead.
Are they really catching covid over and over?
If so, did they believe the propaganda too?
Why would the news report them catching it over and over again?
Nothing about this makes sense...
They ain't catching shit. It's a reason for them to miss something, or communicate to others by announcing they have covid. How come no one on our side is announcing they got it and shilling for the vax?
That's a big deal... Whoops
In two months she'll be 84. She probably has no idea what's going on around her.
Now they have to watch what she says.
“I hung out around all those gay people now I have aids!”
And the brainwashed masses still believe they live through these covid outbreaks due to the booster shots........nothing to see here....move along sheeple. Kek