New Lisa Page Memo Confirms We Were Right: Comey Lied to Everyone - House, Senate, Even Courts -- Corney Harvest Time
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I read through that and wonder how we got through the first 10 months of PDJT'S presidency without Q. I can't even remember what I was thinking about the bogus investigation, at the time.
As far as I can see everything in that memo was known four years ago.
A landslide amount of evidence and this POS is still a free man.
Justice is dead in this country.
I doubt he's a free man.
Just 2 more weeks friend /s
Yes that's probably a factor.
But I think the primary reason is to evade FOIA requests.
To thwart requests like "Give me every incident of 'Obama' in these documents".
It was theorized at the time , it was to evade any searches for his correspondence. He used "corney" on stuff he did not want found in a search. It looks like comey at first glance.
Arrest someone, please, for the love of God!
I think it's already happened.
A justice system without justice is just a system. The System.
this is not new news to certain people, and some of those certain people are not in D.C.
I am not sure about Comey...still think he may have done the best he could. In the climate and justice system at that time any attempt at justice by him would have failed.
I don’t see how you could possibly think that; especially after the evidence that came out from the Sussman trial. IE: he knew the Alfa bank stuff was fake and he still pushed it anyway.
You are probably's just sometimes double roles exist
True, but more likely things seem to be in two roles and you just don't have enough information about the differences. No man can serve two masters/roles, he will always be untrue eventually to one or another.