See, I am not so sure about this, but its a possibility. Remember, even the founding fathers of US were freemasons and hence part of the cabal, and created a constitution that thwarted the efforts by the Cabal to destroy the country for hundreds of years.
For the founding fathers we have two possibilities.
they were part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us. They helped found America because they had faith in our ability to keep the republic, and wanted us to be free.
they were part of the cabal that hates us, which is why 2A was vague, why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency, and why they didn’t specify the constitution was to be interpreted on a literalist basis. America, Lady Liberty, was set up to be history’s biggest sacrifice of an innocent virgin to ring in the new age.
Both ring true. As for the existence of part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us… who is President Trump, really?
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny.
Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time:
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
The Titanic/Fed episode is a good example. The evil part of the cabal had to kill various other members of the cabal in order to create the Fed. Some part of the cabal, therefore, resisted the Fed and the ensuing wars, bubbles, crashes, depressions, wars, bubbles again, wars again, perma-recession masked by money printing, and finally the crash we’re seeing today.
The existence of President Trump, who’s executing an intricate plan that, let’s be honest, none of us had anything to do with and none of us knew was even being planned, suggests this part of the cabal doesn’t hate us. They averted a war with Russia and seem to have dealt a death blow to the evil cabal, who are dying worldwide but not yet dead. And they gave us Qtards just what we need to know to understand how this happened and what rules we need to prevent it from happening again.
Further reading on the topic of the good cabal and bad cabal yields discussion on a council of 9, on a schism in the freemasons which manifested in our world as the civil war, which I understand is when the good cabal actually lost and the foundation of the Fed and steamrolling of those opposed was inevitable by that time…. And the idea that our planet undergoes regular, mathematically predictable cataclysms that many ancient societies, under the throes of foreign red haired conquerors, predicted with their pyramids, which are found worldwide. The good cabal intended to save themselves as always, but didn’t intend to prevent us from doing the same. By contrast, the bad cabal has visited all these sites, gleaned the message, then vandalized/destroyed the sites to prevent others learning. They plan to ride out the cataclysm and tell their kids and any surviving normies that it was a nuclear winter caused by the old nation states and overpopulation etc., and that their way is the only way to prevent it happening again, then they’ll live happily ever after as dynastic gods ruling a herd of humans on earth.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny. Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
It could have been clearer. They left the door apparently closed but in fact it was ajar, waiting for their efforts to attack it. The message they wanted to convey with America is that freedom doesn’t work. In order for that message to stick, freedom must first be put into practice. They brought slaves here knowing freedom isn’t suitable for all of earth’s peoples, and now we’re grappling with it, proving their point. Everything happening here is being documented in excruciating detail. Ultimately we will all die in a 2 mile high tidal wave which the cabal intends to tell surviving generations was the result of a nuclear war caused by our hubris and arrogance with this “freedom” and “nation state” and “overpopulation” nonsense. And no one will ever make these “mistakes” again.
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time:
Big fan of Bill, I’ve listened and read all of them many times. He was absolutely right. But the prohibition on money magick, which was a known phenomenon at the time, could have been much clearer. They left the door ajar for the pilpul that permits what we’ve seen since 1913. To the post-cataclysm historian, it will appear as though we tried a free state and failed, but really we were set up with bad language.
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
More shit that should have been solved in the drafting stage but inexplicably wasn’t. This means of attacking a system of law was also not unknown at the time. Another way of thinking of it, the freemasons built us an apparently sound castle, but there were secret passages for their use, everywhere.
Or, our ship appears to be commanded by we the people, but they have a secret rudder control. When the time comes, they’ll slam us on the shoals and then tell everyone from then on, “this is why you must have a captain and strict control”.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
Why didn’t they make literalist interpretation a requirement? They knew of this issue at that time as well. So many unfortunate oversights, if they weren’t against us then they were incompetent. The trick was to ensure it ran for a while, but ultimately failed. How else to use us as a lesson for future generations of human cattle about the danger of self governance, freedom, etc.
The cabal fought hard against Napoleon as well, but Napoleon was a freemason who served the crown all along. Wars are population control, they always control both sides. Once Napoleon exterminated the pesky French revolutionaries in the Russian winter, far from the cabal’s interests, freemasons in France perverted France’s law (giving rise to horrors like the civil code system of law, as opposed to common law), perverted our science (freemasons like Pasteur, whose idiotic germ theory beat out Bechamps’ correct terrain theory), and perverted western culture (under their rule France went from the most powerful nation on earth to a cute little country of chefs, fashion designers, and surrender monkeys, and consider the maçons’ gift to America, the Statue of Liberty. A giant virgin to be sacrificed… what do the spikes on her crown signify? An eclipse? Like the one that will blacken the sky for days as the oceans slosh over the continents and wash away almost all evidence of what really happened here.
Now is probably a good time to mention that Alexander Hamilton was never a Freemason despite the painting depicting him as such, and Washington was appointed to lead the new Virginia lodge even though he wasn’t a member.
I think the Masons hijacked the image of the Founding Fathers just like they hijack everything else.
We can debate which founding fathers were and which weren’t, but the founding documents and US gov’t documents since then have been festooned with cabal symbols. The cabal was there.
Freemasons were I think given or learnt secret knowledge perhaps after the last cataclysm and kept it to themselves as no one would believe it as most went back to a caveman type existence where everything was forgotten....cycles of Yuga. Perhaps some of them went rogue...used their knowledge against not all freemasons are bad. Just the top tier and perhaps not all of them
I find this theory compelling as well. Why are the moon and sun of equal apparent magnitude in the sky? Why is ours the only planet with mountains? Why pyramids aligned with stars, worldwide? Why don’t Canada’s Indians know about the astrological significance of medicine wheels, did they even create the medicine wheels or find them? Why are dinosaurs impossible (consider the pterodactyl, which is laughable)? How’d ancient cultures who hadn’t invented the lens know about Saturn’s rings? Why does our own sun burn our skin? Why are our backs so ill suited for the use they’re put to? Studies on mice show that fucking with magnetic fields can produce antisocial behaviour, consider in the context of God flooding the world as sin grows out of control…
Yet it’s being pilpulled to shreds and we all have memes about how it could have been clearer. The people who fought the British have no excuse for not knowing this would happen.
Imagine having to specify that a law is supposed to be interpreted as it is written. The problem would not be with them for failing to do so, the problem would be with the LIAR that is interpreting it.
Don't get me started on banning the government from issuing fiat currency. Watch The Money Masters instead.
Pretty sure our founders were freemasons before freemasonry got infiltrated and taken over by the cabal, this would have been in the early to mid 1800s that freemasonry was infiltrated by the cabal as per the fall of the cabal sequel
I've studied up on pyramids, and other things, being alien vessels. Perhaps Trump took his time machine and made them unoperable? That's why they look like that today?
No in the Bible they are called cities but they were moth erships. Ezekiel even saw a ship destroyed by another space ship..the elohim constantly fighting each other for more territory here and more power. Killed millions. Ezekiel said they could control the weather and showed him
Read Erich Von daniken the book of maharbarrata and the motherships on his channel on yt. He tells who the NASA guy was and when they copied ezekiel and patented the space shuttle he describes.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. He was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he saw too much.
There was a time when the cabal didn't hate and intend to exterminate us.
See, I am not so sure about this, but its a possibility. Remember, even the founding fathers of US were freemasons and hence part of the cabal, and created a constitution that thwarted the efforts by the Cabal to destroy the country for hundreds of years.
For the founding fathers we have two possibilities.
they were part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us. They helped found America because they had faith in our ability to keep the republic, and wanted us to be free.
they were part of the cabal that hates us, which is why 2A was vague, why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency, and why they didn’t specify the constitution was to be interpreted on a literalist basis. America, Lady Liberty, was set up to be history’s biggest sacrifice of an innocent virgin to ring in the new age.
Both ring true. As for the existence of part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us… who is President Trump, really?
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny.
Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time:
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
The Titanic/Fed episode is a good example. The evil part of the cabal had to kill various other members of the cabal in order to create the Fed. Some part of the cabal, therefore, resisted the Fed and the ensuing wars, bubbles, crashes, depressions, wars, bubbles again, wars again, perma-recession masked by money printing, and finally the crash we’re seeing today.
The existence of President Trump, who’s executing an intricate plan that, let’s be honest, none of us had anything to do with and none of us knew was even being planned, suggests this part of the cabal doesn’t hate us. They averted a war with Russia and seem to have dealt a death blow to the evil cabal, who are dying worldwide but not yet dead. And they gave us Qtards just what we need to know to understand how this happened and what rules we need to prevent it from happening again.
Further reading on the topic of the good cabal and bad cabal yields discussion on a council of 9, on a schism in the freemasons which manifested in our world as the civil war, which I understand is when the good cabal actually lost and the foundation of the Fed and steamrolling of those opposed was inevitable by that time…. And the idea that our planet undergoes regular, mathematically predictable cataclysms that many ancient societies, under the throes of foreign red haired conquerors, predicted with their pyramids, which are found worldwide. The good cabal intended to save themselves as always, but didn’t intend to prevent us from doing the same. By contrast, the bad cabal has visited all these sites, gleaned the message, then vandalized/destroyed the sites to prevent others learning. They plan to ride out the cataclysm and tell their kids and any surviving normies that it was a nuclear winter caused by the old nation states and overpopulation etc., and that their way is the only way to prevent it happening again, then they’ll live happily ever after as dynastic gods ruling a herd of humans on earth.
It could have been clearer. They left the door apparently closed but in fact it was ajar, waiting for their efforts to attack it. The message they wanted to convey with America is that freedom doesn’t work. In order for that message to stick, freedom must first be put into practice. They brought slaves here knowing freedom isn’t suitable for all of earth’s peoples, and now we’re grappling with it, proving their point. Everything happening here is being documented in excruciating detail. Ultimately we will all die in a 2 mile high tidal wave which the cabal intends to tell surviving generations was the result of a nuclear war caused by our hubris and arrogance with this “freedom” and “nation state” and “overpopulation” nonsense. And no one will ever make these “mistakes” again.
Big fan of Bill, I’ve listened and read all of them many times. He was absolutely right. But the prohibition on money magick, which was a known phenomenon at the time, could have been much clearer. They left the door ajar for the pilpul that permits what we’ve seen since 1913. To the post-cataclysm historian, it will appear as though we tried a free state and failed, but really we were set up with bad language.
More shit that should have been solved in the drafting stage but inexplicably wasn’t. This means of attacking a system of law was also not unknown at the time. Another way of thinking of it, the freemasons built us an apparently sound castle, but there were secret passages for their use, everywhere.
Or, our ship appears to be commanded by we the people, but they have a secret rudder control. When the time comes, they’ll slam us on the shoals and then tell everyone from then on, “this is why you must have a captain and strict control”.
Why didn’t they make literalist interpretation a requirement? They knew of this issue at that time as well. So many unfortunate oversights, if they weren’t against us then they were incompetent. The trick was to ensure it ran for a while, but ultimately failed. How else to use us as a lesson for future generations of human cattle about the danger of self governance, freedom, etc.
The cabal fought hard against Napoleon as well, but Napoleon was a freemason who served the crown all along. Wars are population control, they always control both sides. Once Napoleon exterminated the pesky French revolutionaries in the Russian winter, far from the cabal’s interests, freemasons in France perverted France’s law (giving rise to horrors like the civil code system of law, as opposed to common law), perverted our science (freemasons like Pasteur, whose idiotic germ theory beat out Bechamps’ correct terrain theory), and perverted western culture (under their rule France went from the most powerful nation on earth to a cute little country of chefs, fashion designers, and surrender monkeys, and consider the maçons’ gift to America, the Statue of Liberty. A giant virgin to be sacrificed… what do the spikes on her crown signify? An eclipse? Like the one that will blacken the sky for days as the oceans slosh over the continents and wash away almost all evidence of what really happened here.
Now is probably a good time to mention that Alexander Hamilton was never a Freemason despite the painting depicting him as such, and Washington was appointed to lead the new Virginia lodge even though he wasn’t a member.
I think the Masons hijacked the image of the Founding Fathers just like they hijack everything else.
We can debate which founding fathers were and which weren’t, but the founding documents and US gov’t documents since then have been festooned with cabal symbols. The cabal was there.
Freemasons were I think given or learnt secret knowledge perhaps after the last cataclysm and kept it to themselves as no one would believe it as most went back to a caveman type existence where everything was forgotten....cycles of Yuga. Perhaps some of them went rogue...used their knowledge against not all freemasons are bad. Just the top tier and perhaps not all of them
I find this theory compelling as well. Why are the moon and sun of equal apparent magnitude in the sky? Why is ours the only planet with mountains? Why pyramids aligned with stars, worldwide? Why don’t Canada’s Indians know about the astrological significance of medicine wheels, did they even create the medicine wheels or find them? Why are dinosaurs impossible (consider the pterodactyl, which is laughable)? How’d ancient cultures who hadn’t invented the lens know about Saturn’s rings? Why does our own sun burn our skin? Why are our backs so ill suited for the use they’re put to? Studies on mice show that fucking with magnetic fields can produce antisocial behaviour, consider in the context of God flooding the world as sin grows out of control…
2A is not vague.
Yet it’s being pilpulled to shreds and we all have memes about how it could have been clearer. The people who fought the British have no excuse for not knowing this would happen.
Imagine having to specify that a law is supposed to be interpreted as it is written. The problem would not be with them for failing to do so, the problem would be with the LIAR that is interpreting it.
Don't get me started on banning the government from issuing fiat currency. Watch The Money Masters instead.
Imagine writing a law for laymen instead of for hostile lawyers.
Pretty sure our founders were freemasons before freemasonry got infiltrated and taken over by the cabal, this would have been in the early to mid 1800s that freemasonry was infiltrated by the cabal as per the fall of the cabal sequel
That makes sense
Escape to where? Back to home planet?
I've studied up on pyramids, and other things, being alien vessels. Perhaps Trump took his time machine and made them unoperable? That's why they look like that today?
No in the Bible they are called cities but they were moth erships. Ezekiel even saw a ship destroyed by another space ship..the elohim constantly fighting each other for more territory here and more power. Killed millions. Ezekiel said they could control the weather and showed him
Read Erich Von daniken the book of maharbarrata and the motherships on his channel on yt. He tells who the NASA guy was and when they copied ezekiel and patented the space shuttle he describes.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. He was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he saw too much.
This realm has had multiple depopulation events. There used to be billions more people on earth.
That IS where that rabbit hole leads, isn’t it. And also that another one is coming very soon…
We are in it right now.
Take all the tares, see if I cares.
Prior to the sinking of the Titanic, there was a group of them powerful enough to prevent the creation of the Fed.