Envy... 💊 RED PILL 💊
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +18 / -0

I think I understand these pro-abortion goblin's mindsets a little more today.

Most of these women never have had an abortion, mostly because they're too physically unattractive and emotionally toxic to be around. You know the ones, with their thick-frame cat glasses, dyed half-shaven hair, and often times a body mass index large enough to throw off plane instruments every time they fly over.

The chances of them getting knocked up and not having a miscarriage, especially with the depopulation "vaccine" juices coursing through their veins, is little to none.

So, they see pretty women having sex all the time in this post-sexual revolution world and they are jealous that they can only get soyboys with low sperm count to barely be able to find their box among the sewage that they've turned their bodies into, that they grow jealous.

Jealous enough to demand these pretty women have full access to abortion, because we all know these blue and pink haired gremlins aren't the target demographic. In reality, they know if these pretty women actually settle down and have a family and kids it will prove that it's not the system which is at fault for their inability to find a loving partner -- it's them.

It's their mannerisms; the way they handle themselves; the way they treat their bodies; the foul emotional breakdowns; their beliefs; and most importantly, their ego.

They don't want to risk realizing THEY are the reason their life is shit -- not a patriarchal system which wants to reduce women into objects.

Envy is not just wishing you had what another person has. Envy is the desire that the other person not have it at all. Envy is the belief that someone doesn't deserve what they have.

That is why these fiends are so vehemently pro-abortion; not because it's "a woman's right to choose" but because they are so jealous at what they cannot have that they would rather all pretty women who get knocked up have the baby sucked out of their wombs one limb at a time because they "don't deserve" a family.

"Pretty women don't deserve to be able to have sex with any guy and then just start a family whenever they choose! I can't do that, so they shouldn't be able to either!"

They are all green-eyed monsters, prowling about to ruin everything you have because they are too lazy or emotionally disturbed to pursue it themselves.
