Every single "constitutional right" activist judges invented out of thin air since 1973 is going to be revisited.
The Left used judicial activism to simply invent constitutional rights out of thin air over the past 50 years to grab issues it wanted total and immediate and complete victory on.
If/when these decisions on gay marriage and contraception are revisited, if they are overturned that doesn't mean gay marriage is outlawed in all 50 states.
It means a return to the actual constitutional system where the states deal with this issue and litigate it via legislatures.
And the SCOTUS plays referee for state-level disputes rather than taking over the responsibilities of the state legislatures and ruling the entire country by judicial fiat from Washington DC.
There are two things I would like to see to keep all of this sex perversion crap in the social domain where it belongs :
1> Remove the word "marriage" from government and replace it with "civil union".
2> Make biological sex the standard on government forms ... do not replace them with "gender".
I have myself convinced that the swamp always wanted legal precedence to redefine words. Same sex "marriage" gave that to them via judicial precedent.
To prevent that from happening, let any couple enter into a civil union. They don't even have to be gay. Once that's entered, a man and woman can then get married via a religious ceremony. Same sex couples can choose whatever places that recognize their "bond" to get "married". People can argue in the social domain about what constitutes marriage until they are blue in the face ... so long as it stays out of government, everything is fine.
The same idea would apply to biological sex. There are NO exceptions to the rule. You're either XX or XY. Gender can remain in the social domain. They can invent thousands of genders if they wish. It won't mean squat.
I saw an article the other day about the idiots wanting to replace the word "sex" with "gender". The article then mentioned redefining "sex" to mean "gender" to avoid having to rewrite history. I can almost guarantee you that they'll attempt to use the same sex marriage Supreme Court case to support this plan. If they can pull it off twice, it won't be much longer before words like "well regulated militia" means "only certain people can own guns", "freedom" means slavery, and "liberty" redefined to "obey".
I think if they'd be able to institute the two things I mentioned, you'd see a decline in interest in deviant sex related nonsense that the mainstream media shoves down our throats every day. They wouldn't have any ability to use marriage and "gender identity" as political weapons to amass more power. Since the topics wouldn't really help the swamp tear down the country, they wouldn't care about it anymore.
There are NO exceptions to the rule. You're either XX or XY. Gender can remain in the social domain. They can invent thousands of genders if they wish. It won't mean squat.
Perversion of language is a leftist go-to play. Making words more ambiguous and less precise dumbs populations down -- if you can't express an idea clearly, you can't think about it. George Orwell covers this in many works; most pointedly in Politics and the English Language.
Replacing "sex" with "gender" was a means of swaping that which is clear, definite, and determined for something that is ambiguous, fuzzy, and arbitrary.
This is probably an attempt to make militant liberals calm down. If they get too feisty... things can get a WHOLE lot worse. At this point, the can of worms was only opened a little bit. If they want to open the WHOLE can of worms... it will get messy and they won't like the results.
I thought after what transpired this week, oh, they're are taking us back to the original Constitution step by step, slowly so we don't have a civil war and something we cannot recover from. If this is true and we are revisiting those rulings then yes we may be jumping right off into some unknown territory. I like it but 😬.
The fed is limited by the 10th Amendment and it's time we got back to States deciding what is right for them through self-determination. I don't give a flying fuck about what the crazies in California want to do. But I sure as fuck care what MY state wants to do.
Every single "constitutional right" activist judges invented out of thin air since 1973 is going to be revisited.
The Left used judicial activism to simply invent constitutional rights out of thin air over the past 50 years to grab issues it wanted total and immediate and complete victory on.
If/when these decisions on gay marriage and contraception are revisited, if they are overturned that doesn't mean gay marriage is outlawed in all 50 states.
It means a return to the actual constitutional system where the states deal with this issue and litigate it via legislatures.
And the SCOTUS plays referee for state-level disputes rather than taking over the responsibilities of the state legislatures and ruling the entire country by judicial fiat from Washington DC.
It seems like common sense to so many of us. This is the way it was meant to be. Federal government has gotten way too big.
There are two things I would like to see to keep all of this sex perversion crap in the social domain where it belongs :
1> Remove the word "marriage" from government and replace it with "civil union".
2> Make biological sex the standard on government forms ... do not replace them with "gender".
I have myself convinced that the swamp always wanted legal precedence to redefine words. Same sex "marriage" gave that to them via judicial precedent.
To prevent that from happening, let any couple enter into a civil union. They don't even have to be gay. Once that's entered, a man and woman can then get married via a religious ceremony. Same sex couples can choose whatever places that recognize their "bond" to get "married". People can argue in the social domain about what constitutes marriage until they are blue in the face ... so long as it stays out of government, everything is fine.
The same idea would apply to biological sex. There are NO exceptions to the rule. You're either XX or XY. Gender can remain in the social domain. They can invent thousands of genders if they wish. It won't mean squat.
I saw an article the other day about the idiots wanting to replace the word "sex" with "gender". The article then mentioned redefining "sex" to mean "gender" to avoid having to rewrite history. I can almost guarantee you that they'll attempt to use the same sex marriage Supreme Court case to support this plan. If they can pull it off twice, it won't be much longer before words like "well regulated militia" means "only certain people can own guns", "freedom" means slavery, and "liberty" redefined to "obey".
I think if they'd be able to institute the two things I mentioned, you'd see a decline in interest in deviant sex related nonsense that the mainstream media shoves down our throats every day. They wouldn't have any ability to use marriage and "gender identity" as political weapons to amass more power. Since the topics wouldn't really help the swamp tear down the country, they wouldn't care about it anymore.
100% Spot on....
State contract for marriage i.e. licenses should be abolished. They are tools of ownership by the state over us.
There is no reason any person should need the states permission for marriage and the state should never care.
You're right ... I was thinking more for legal reasons in the event of a separation though. That's all.
Perversion of language is a leftist go-to play. Making words more ambiguous and less precise dumbs populations down -- if you can't express an idea clearly, you can't think about it. George Orwell covers this in many works; most pointedly in Politics and the English Language.
Replacing "sex" with "gender" was a means of swaping that which is clear, definite, and determined for something that is ambiguous, fuzzy, and arbitrary.
Perhaps then the liberals will go back to a few states and live in their utopia instead of contaminating the majority red states
Ty very well put
Clarence is a smart man, I think we should listen to him.
It must have been pure torture for him to be on that court while all these bullshit ruling got handed down.
This is probably an attempt to make militant liberals calm down. If they get too feisty... things can get a WHOLE lot worse. At this point, the can of worms was only opened a little bit. If they want to open the WHOLE can of worms... it will get messy and they won't like the results.
I think it’s actually fear mongering to fire them up more
Yup, bad guys need their distractions.
He's "Saint" Thomas in my book.
I thought after what transpired this week, oh, they're are taking us back to the original Constitution step by step, slowly so we don't have a civil war and something we cannot recover from. If this is true and we are revisiting those rulings then yes we may be jumping right off into some unknown territory. I like it but 😬.
The fed is limited by the 10th Amendment and it's time we got back to States deciding what is right for them through self-determination. I don't give a flying fuck about what the crazies in California want to do. But I sure as fuck care what MY state wants to do.
They should. All fake rights should be purged.