444 Look at the wording - "On a US Supreme Court dominated by an ambitious conservative wing, Chief Justice John Roberts has become a man on an island." -- Yea, Epstein Island! 😆😆😆 (www.msn.com) Possible comms? posted 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis 2 years ago by ChronicMetamorphosis +445 / -1 57 comments share 57 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I’d say good, but then I could see him having a revenge retirement and we’d get another Jumanji on the court.
Except its a null & void appointment to begin with
not until someone does something about it though
The military will. Alot of this shit can and will be undone.
I agree with you but I just don't see how the Military will step in.
I'm aware something can and hopefully will be done. I'm saying in the mean time, until someone does something about it, we will get the pleasure of such asshattery forced on us.
Also possible.
My thoughts exactly. Well paid retirement courtesy of the world elites.