This is totally misleading. If you read the whole thread Loyd Austin said the typical bureaucratic bullshit, “we are reviewing our policies.” He never says they will defy the law.
The military has its hands tied by the Hyde Amendment. They couldn’t fund a service members abortion before the ruling. They’re probably looking for a convoluted loophole where they send a person on temporary duty to a state that allows abortion.
Here is why this helps our cause.
At this point. I think most of us here would agree.
There is no going back to the way things were.
In reality... We aren't conservatives at this point. No one is a conservative.
All of us are progressives who want to change the system completely.
Our side are progressives who want to return back to the original constitution.
Their side is progressives who want the Green new deal with a NWO centralized government.
If they ignore the surpreme court. This means you don't have a real offical government at this point. They are discrediting their own system.
In order to destory the Cabal's system. We need them to discredit it completely.
Let’s call ourselves reeeeeeeegressive
Progressive to me just means change. A true conservative would fight to keep the system as is.
We all know the system is broken. It needs a rebot.
It needs a major change.
Now what that change should look like. That's the debate right now.
If we’ve already “regressed” from our founding principles wouldn’t we need to “progress” back to them?
That's the courts business to see our lawmakers don't stray.
Agreed... A wise man once said question everything...
Did he really say that?
LoL, I got that!
No but a wise man once did…
The correct term is reactionary.
Military openly defying the Supreme Court - Treason
This is totally misleading. If you read the whole thread Loyd Austin said the typical bureaucratic bullshit, “we are reviewing our policies.” He never says they will defy the law.
The military has its hands tied by the Hyde Amendment. They couldn’t fund a service members abortion before the ruling. They’re probably looking for a convoluted loophole where they send a person on temporary duty to a state that allows abortion.
I am pretty sure this is fake news
read the thread, pretty sure its legit
Enlisted troops only
It is referring ONLY to enlisted soldiers.
Two seconds to check on this and determine that (YOU) are propagating a falsehood by not providing ALL the information.
Lying by omission is still LYING!
The Fentagon.
WOW..... WTF
the Pentagon doesn't pay; their health insurance carrier does
WTF????? Who is BNN?
Bot News Network.
What I thought
THE PENTAGON? wth do they have to do with abortion. beyond absurd
Pentagon? It's not their area.
A country divided cannot stand
Totally meaningless statement. Unless you are intending to be arrested for treason!
Do they mean in the states that permit abortions at any stage of pregnancy up to birth?
It's illegal here in oklahoma, if the DOD performs any abortions,our govenor will have them arrested.
They must have forgotten their oath!