167 Delta coming up tomorrow, could it have some signifigance? [Future Comms] (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 2 years ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers 2 years ago by One_Of_Gods_Soldiers +168 / -1 17 comments download share 17 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
SC has opinions scheduled
Wow thanks.
This article lists those awaiting decision: https://archive.ph/cOdpt
SCOTUS opinions:
The fraudulently certified election comes to mind.
Keeping the EYE on the BALL...thank you!!!
As always, thank you for the sticky mods!
Same info was in #1314 from May 2018, but had a pic of a cannon firing.
Thanks for the info!
Well, I'm watching the old Q drops pretty closely nowadays.
I’ve always wondered about those spaces.
Directory? Secretary? Capacity? Electricity?
Any ideas?
I'm hoping that the '_y' represents something else and 'ele_y' is for 'election'
Possible thoughts:
'ele_y' : 'election' 'sec_y' : 'security' 'dir_y' : 'directive' 'cap_y': 'capitol'
Same. I was trying to find one substitution that would fit for every _y.
Why does all four ended with a letter "y"?
nobody knows
Just listing the permutations in case it jars anything.
ele_y elegy electorally electability electrically electricity electrify electrochemically electrolytically electromagnetically electronically elementally elementarily elementary
sec_y secondarily secondly secrecy secretary secretively secretly secretory securely security
dir_y directionality directionally directly directory direly dirtily dirty
cap_y capability capably capacity capillary capitally capriciously captaincy captivity