"Forcing a minor to give birth".. treated as a "sex crime"...
The cognitive dissonance is deafening..
Brought to you by the same crowd that wont treat grooming as a sex crime..
Have the minds of these people really crossed some sort of mental rubicon where giving birth to new people = terrorism, rather than murdering people, torturing people? Retardation isnt a green-light, nor an infinite legislative power to re-interpret or redefine 'hate' to any other concept or grouping you want to attack.
Birth itself is not something that anyone even has to consent to, it just happens in a biologically autonomous way, like hearts beating or breathing. The baby doesn't have the choice, nor does the mother, the biology makes things happen when its time. Sure, you can hold your breath until you turn blue in the face.. just like you can try and hold a child inside you when nature has other ideas.. not gonna work out so well.
'rape' was the one term that has been creatively reinterpreted perhaps more than any other. The premise to going after Assange before the embassy thing even kicked off, was some backward country declaring that adults consenting to sex is the same thing as rape. And how ironic that the same nation is now full of actual violent foreign rapists.
Like she said, they have very powerful hate crime laws. All they have to do is designate a certain thing is "hate crime" and you can ruin people's lives.
Calling out gender dysphoria is a hate crime - they equate it to what happened to Native kids in Residential Schools... Completely negating all pain and trauma that happened to the victims of Residential Schools...
Canadian laws are so fucked... This is my home and I'm not deserting it because marxists are making laws...
It's also interesting that the left here always claim everything is a hate crime -- whilst also voting for a meathead who's worn black face on multiple occasions... The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
"Forcing a minor to give birth".. treated as a "sex crime"... The cognitive dissonance is deafening.. Brought to you by the same crowd that wont treat grooming as a sex crime..
Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/vqqa5c/comment/ieqnoqk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
I knew vaccines had addled some brains, but this one takes the cake!
DS pushing their death agenda as much as they can for as long as they can. Pray people see it.
Everything that holds a woman accountable to their actions is a hate crime.
Have the minds of these people really crossed some sort of mental rubicon where giving birth to new people = terrorism, rather than murdering people, torturing people? Retardation isnt a green-light, nor an infinite legislative power to re-interpret or redefine 'hate' to any other concept or grouping you want to attack.
Birth itself is not something that anyone even has to consent to, it just happens in a biologically autonomous way, like hearts beating or breathing. The baby doesn't have the choice, nor does the mother, the biology makes things happen when its time. Sure, you can hold your breath until you turn blue in the face.. just like you can try and hold a child inside you when nature has other ideas.. not gonna work out so well.
'rape' was the one term that has been creatively reinterpreted perhaps more than any other. The premise to going after Assange before the embassy thing even kicked off, was some backward country declaring that adults consenting to sex is the same thing as rape. And how ironic that the same nation is now full of actual violent foreign rapists.
This is exactly what "hate crimes" were created for. To let the NWO elites define what is "hate."
By « gardening », xir means « get xis chest and legs hair shaven ».
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Ewwwww!!!
...and underarms too.
They need some hair up there to signal themselves to lezzes.
...and "sensible shoes"....
It's like these morons don't know how babies are made!
Babies are made by suppressing the rights of the people with uteruses!
biology = forcing birth?
Yet they vaxx their adults and children to die. Indeed, a split reality.
Soon they will say that not killing people is a hate crime.
Who do I complain/whine to about being forced to be tolerant?
People like that don't get franchise on earth. Imagine, calling saving a life a hate crime. Tje Devil has effectively seared many minds.
The sad part is they will probably succeed.
Like she said, they have very powerful hate crime laws. All they have to do is designate a certain thing is "hate crime" and you can ruin people's lives.
Calling out gender dysphoria is a hate crime - they equate it to what happened to Native kids in Residential Schools... Completely negating all pain and trauma that happened to the victims of Residential Schools...
Canadian laws are so fucked... This is my home and I'm not deserting it because marxists are making laws...
It's also interesting that the left here always claim everything is a hate crime -- whilst also voting for a meathead who's worn black face on multiple occasions... The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
It's almost like they taunting people to hate them even harder.
Abortion is a hate crime
Lefties being alive is a hate crime these days. It certainly offends the fuck out of me.
Insert surprised face (:|) if it does.. Esp in the great white north.. Seems the wackier a proposal is the greater the chance it becomes law..
Yes, I think we have split and are living through the collision of two completely different worlds and schools of thought.
This “forced birth” narrative needs to be challenged.
Just ask questions like,
“Was your mother forced to give birth to you?”
“Who exactly is “forcing” you to get pregnant?”
The phrase 'hate speech' makes me want to shit.
As it should. Its the "loophole" in people's brains they have found and used to dismantle our society