All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
I know many sick. Local funeral director is overun. I posted thus before.
This is why people won't wake up. Husband's great nephew 18 year old died of heart attack. Brother in law cancer came back. Niece's husband at 40 has stage 4 lung cancer and AFib. Oldest sister testing for lymphoma or leukemia. Cousin died of heart attack. All within 8 months. All VACCINATED.
His oldest sister the most recent to get sick sends him a card and says .. wait for it .. hope you are all vaccinated and masked.
Says stay home world is crazy with computers and guns.
I agree. Same with people around me.
All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
I know many sick. Local funeral director is overun. I posted thus before.
This is why people won't wake up. Husband's great nephew 18 year old died of heart attack. Brother in law cancer came back. Niece's husband at 40 has stage 4 lung cancer and AFib. Oldest sister testing for lymphoma or leukemia. Cousin died of heart attack. All within 8 months. All VACCINATED.
His oldest sister the most recent to get sick sends him a card and says .. wait for it .. hope you are all vaccinated and masked.
Says stay home world is crazy with computers and guns.
Watchs MSNBC.
Darn cats! Always meddling..
I am unvaccinated but did get shingles.
Siberian cat and Bengal cat are said to be causing much lower allergic reaction. Just in case ;)