All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
Same same. Every Lib I know is vaxxed. Most Repubs I know are vaxxed, too. Their comminality? They all listen to the MSM and the supposed "trusted experts." Only the critical thinkers I know remain unvaxxed and healthy.
It's gotten so bad within my extended family that our Independence Day celebration was cut short because my neice came home from work all pissy because her boyfriend "tested positive for Covid." So, my oldest aunt (our family matriarch) took it upon herself to send everyone home...from my cousin's house. And then my cousin's husband "tested positive" using a home testing kit. So now, more family functions until EVERYONE is tested and passes, which kills our family's July Birthday celebration later this month, because myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission during the hot FL summer months. Plus, I work outside all day, so I know I won't test (+), seeing as how Vit D and UV light kills the Coof on contact. My kids won't test positive because two of them already had the Coof and are now immune, one is a child (so she's safe) and the other child has natural immunity having been exposed to his two older brothers while they had it. I'm pretty sure I'm naturally immune having been exposed to them, as well. We're ALL super healthy, no co-morbiditiea, eat as healthy as we can, get plenty of vitamins and sunshine, yet the rest of the family is Coof vaxxed and have been sick with all kinds of bullshit since being vaxxed. But somehow, we're being punished with ostracization because we refuse the deadly mRNA injections?!
Ya know, I used to thinky family was populated with fairly smart, well educated people, seeing as how most of us have college degrees. Two were college profs and computer scientists. One is an Occupational Therapist (said cousin) her husband is a horticulturalist. My other cousin (they're sisters) is a college educated interior designer and her boyfriend is an architect with a Master's degree. Their mom holds a Bachelor's of Bus. Admin. Yet another aunt and uncle hold Master's degrees in Bus Mgt. My son has a Bus Mgt degree, too. I went to college but never graduated, having decided to go into the Navy to become an EOD tech. Which isn't easy, physically, mentally, or emotionally, btw. I have a kid who graduated college with a B.A. in Bus Admin (focus in Event Mgt). The rest of my kids haven't gone to college yet, bit one is a certified welder another is in auto mechanic school, and my youngest son just graduated H.S., so he's still trying to figure things out. My daughter, the youngest, is 11, yet she has more sense than my extended family put together, especially when it comes to what's going on in the world.
Just goes to show y'all that education doesn't mean squat when it comes to critical thinking skills or common sense.
It's been my observation and interactions with my own family that a degree means you can do what you're told really well without asking dissenting questions. Smart does not mean wise.
As the old saying goes back where I'm from; I'd rather have 1 good'ol boy with life experience than 10 " college educated" know it alls. Lotta truth to that.
Disclaimer: I know there's a rare few college folks who toed the line to get thru but are also wise enough to know bullshit when they see it. Ain't knockin y'all at all. Just know you're the exception rather than the rule.
myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission
You're missing out on the fun. My spouse got injected (twice) for his work. Came down with "covid". We went and got the test kits and for fun, I tested myself too (no injection). His came back positive, mine did not. We share food, a bed, and all that other fun stuff, yet I didn't get a sniffle and he had man-flu for a few weeks.
I got to witness a 1:1 effect of covid a few weeks ago.
I got the shit and gave it to my gf. I have 0 vax, she has vax and a booster (maybe 2? Idk.) Our progression of symptoms, degree of illness etc were all identical.
I came down with it on a mon - woke up pretty sick but I had an abscess on my leg so I assumed the fever was from MRSA or some bullshit like that and so did the ER doc when I went in (abscess + fever can have you dead pretty quick so I went in)
Tues she jumped a plane to her sister's across the country, weds morning woke up with the exact same symptoms and level of general malaise that I had on Monday. Out of genuine curiosity I tracked her symptoms alongside mine it was legitimately 100% the exact same illness and progression to the day. The only difference is she was actually worse coming out of it. Had a lingering wet cough that's just now subsiding 2 weeks later. Prob also worth mentioning that she is all-around way healthier than me - eats right, works out, etc, genuinely takes care of herself a good bit better than I do.
Tldr: gf who is prob 5x healthier than me in terms of lifestyle who is double vaxd got covid the same time as me and hers was -worse-
All the healthy people I know are pure blood, and all the people I know with issues have been injected.
I agree. Same with people around me.
All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
Darn cats! Always meddling..
I am unvaccinated but did get shingles.
Siberian cat and Bengal cat are said to be causing much lower allergic reaction. Just in case ;)
Same same. Every Lib I know is vaxxed. Most Repubs I know are vaxxed, too. Their comminality? They all listen to the MSM and the supposed "trusted experts." Only the critical thinkers I know remain unvaxxed and healthy.
It's gotten so bad within my extended family that our Independence Day celebration was cut short because my neice came home from work all pissy because her boyfriend "tested positive for Covid." So, my oldest aunt (our family matriarch) took it upon herself to send everyone home...from my cousin's house. And then my cousin's husband "tested positive" using a home testing kit. So now, more family functions until EVERYONE is tested and passes, which kills our family's July Birthday celebration later this month, because myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission during the hot FL summer months. Plus, I work outside all day, so I know I won't test (+), seeing as how Vit D and UV light kills the Coof on contact. My kids won't test positive because two of them already had the Coof and are now immune, one is a child (so she's safe) and the other child has natural immunity having been exposed to his two older brothers while they had it. I'm pretty sure I'm naturally immune having been exposed to them, as well. We're ALL super healthy, no co-morbiditiea, eat as healthy as we can, get plenty of vitamins and sunshine, yet the rest of the family is Coof vaxxed and have been sick with all kinds of bullshit since being vaxxed. But somehow, we're being punished with ostracization because we refuse the deadly mRNA injections?!
Ya know, I used to thinky family was populated with fairly smart, well educated people, seeing as how most of us have college degrees. Two were college profs and computer scientists. One is an Occupational Therapist (said cousin) her husband is a horticulturalist. My other cousin (they're sisters) is a college educated interior designer and her boyfriend is an architect with a Master's degree. Their mom holds a Bachelor's of Bus. Admin. Yet another aunt and uncle hold Master's degrees in Bus Mgt. My son has a Bus Mgt degree, too. I went to college but never graduated, having decided to go into the Navy to become an EOD tech. Which isn't easy, physically, mentally, or emotionally, btw. I have a kid who graduated college with a B.A. in Bus Admin (focus in Event Mgt). The rest of my kids haven't gone to college yet, bit one is a certified welder another is in auto mechanic school, and my youngest son just graduated H.S., so he's still trying to figure things out. My daughter, the youngest, is 11, yet she has more sense than my extended family put together, especially when it comes to what's going on in the world.
Just goes to show y'all that education doesn't mean squat when it comes to critical thinking skills or common sense.
It's been my observation and interactions with my own family that a degree means you can do what you're told really well without asking dissenting questions. Smart does not mean wise.
As the old saying goes back where I'm from; I'd rather have 1 good'ol boy with life experience than 10 " college educated" know it alls. Lotta truth to that.
Disclaimer: I know there's a rare few college folks who toed the line to get thru but are also wise enough to know bullshit when they see it. Ain't knockin y'all at all. Just know you're the exception rather than the rule.
God bless
You're missing out on the fun. My spouse got injected (twice) for his work. Came down with "covid". We went and got the test kits and for fun, I tested myself too (no injection). His came back positive, mine did not. We share food, a bed, and all that other fun stuff, yet I didn't get a sniffle and he had man-flu for a few weeks.
Same here. Now my husband’s had two bad colds in the past month.
Same here.
Same here, I don't know any freebloods who have taken ill lately.
Freeface - freeblood - freethinkers FTW
I got to witness a 1:1 effect of covid a few weeks ago.
I got the shit and gave it to my gf. I have 0 vax, she has vax and a booster (maybe 2? Idk.) Our progression of symptoms, degree of illness etc were all identical.
I came down with it on a mon - woke up pretty sick but I had an abscess on my leg so I assumed the fever was from MRSA or some bullshit like that and so did the ER doc when I went in (abscess + fever can have you dead pretty quick so I went in)
Tues she jumped a plane to her sister's across the country, weds morning woke up with the exact same symptoms and level of general malaise that I had on Monday. Out of genuine curiosity I tracked her symptoms alongside mine it was legitimately 100% the exact same illness and progression to the day. The only difference is she was actually worse coming out of it. Had a lingering wet cough that's just now subsiding 2 weeks later. Prob also worth mentioning that she is all-around way healthier than me - eats right, works out, etc, genuinely takes care of herself a good bit better than I do.
Tldr: gf who is prob 5x healthier than me in terms of lifestyle who is double vaxd got covid the same time as me and hers was -worse-