posted ago by PrayerWarrior419 ago by PrayerWarrior419 +114 / -0

After years of being told I would never be able to have children, I got the news that I was expecting a baby just 3 days before Christmas of 2019. And now we are exoecting our 2nd child due 3 days before Christmas of this year. I remember being overcome with fear when the news of the pandemic was released and thinking "My God, what have I done?" He answered me. "This was not of your doing, but of Mine." He reminded me of Joel 2:28 which says "It shall come to pass that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams, young men will see visions." Alot of that seems to be happening now, but the word He gave me says that these children being born today are the pouring our of His Spirit (explains the heavily demonic fight to keep abortion and pediatric jabs going). These babies coming in will be the sons and daughters that prophesy and bring revival with them. Before finding out that the baby I'm expecting now will be a boy, I had several women of God, some I didnt even know, prophesy that not only is it a boy, but he, like many others coming, will be a strong warrior of God and even a "Moses of his time". I for one cannot wait to see the children filled with the Holy Spirit who will walk in authority with the full armor and not be afraid to speak His Word even in the face of Satan himself knowing he has no dominion or power over them. To see a generation that will refused to have their faith silenced. Oh the Glory we will see!!