A police officer pulling a gun only long enough to frighten the driver of a tractor is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen tbh. That's so backwards. Also praying for you all...my people came from your country.
Or the Dutch govt is starting to do what Australia did: bring in mercenaries who are willing to do the dirty work that they didn't even have enough police to be doing. Their modest police forces suddenly burgeoned in numbers to army size.
The good news about that may yet come to be publicly known, that the forces brought into Canada and Australia were Ukrainian military possibly azof battalion.
With Russia wiping them out, hopefully that will not be an issue for a while. Will take time to find foot soldiers from elsewhere.
The tractor that was fired upon was well past any officers at the time they fired, this is consistent with bullet holes in the rear of the vehicle, which would have been the side facing the shooter.
I dont know if its stupidity or desperation or evil or a mix of all of these things to open fire on a child in a tractor as he is driving along a road presenting no threat or hazard to any individual. The top speed of which is almost insignificant compared to the speed a police car can reach.
As I mentioned in the p.w thread, Netherlands is degrading to lawlessness and tyranny much faster than Canada did earlier in the year, and I fully expect that banks will start freezing accounts of farmers very soon, if they haven't already begun.
That is just horrific to think about—the government taking away a citizen’s means to live. This Deep State is like a plague on our world. God bless these farmers for doing their own thing to take a stand. In America, we sit around not doing much at this point, waiting for the plan. Is this video viral around your country?
Police firing upon farmers is going to be suppressed by all state and fake-news media, so with that said I dont really have much of a good means to measure how viral something is going. The kid who was shot at has since been arrested.. I guess he is guilty of not being dead or something.
Don't piss off people with heavy machinery and access to lots of fertilizer. It might not go well for you
Kek. I miss the days of blowing up beaver dams. We used to make anfo to augment the detagel(dynamite) we bought to get a bigger boom. We made bombs that made 2k military shit look small. I know if we can do that just screwing around a bunch of serious farmers could do some crazy ass shit. Scary shit. These globohomos are mistaken if they believe guns are the only way to fix their tyranny.
Do these cops just not even know how to safely handle firearms? Shooting at the 16 yr old kid was criminal, but even the other idiot police gesturing and waving their guns around as if they forgot they were even holding guns?! That is SO dangerous.
I wonder what a ripper hook pulled behind a 250 horse tractor would do to a motorway. A few miles of damaged roadway surrounding the biggest cities would cause a real mess.
Praying for all of you.
The entire world needs to go kinetic against evil.
Amen to that!
It is shocking anywhere when police pull a gun on anyone NOT in the act of harming them or someone else.
A police officer pulling a gun only long enough to frighten the driver of a tractor is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen tbh. That's so backwards. Also praying for you all...my people came from your country.
“Life threatening danger”… as determined by a cop hopped up on testosterone, caffeine, sugar donuts and adrelaline
Or the Dutch govt is starting to do what Australia did: bring in mercenaries who are willing to do the dirty work that they didn't even have enough police to be doing. Their modest police forces suddenly burgeoned in numbers to army size.
The good news about that may yet come to be publicly known, that the forces brought into Canada and Australia were Ukrainian military possibly azof battalion.
With Russia wiping them out, hopefully that will not be an issue for a while. Will take time to find foot soldiers from elsewhere.
Hadn't even thought about that. Word on the street is that they WERE in DC on Jan 6. Same color revolution types.
More links and discussions here:
Here is an officer walking with an aimed handgun up to a stationary tractor in a queue of such other vehicles:
The tractor that was fired upon was well past any officers at the time they fired, this is consistent with bullet holes in the rear of the vehicle, which would have been the side facing the shooter.
I dont know if its stupidity or desperation or evil or a mix of all of these things to open fire on a child in a tractor as he is driving along a road presenting no threat or hazard to any individual. The top speed of which is almost insignificant compared to the speed a police car can reach.
As I mentioned in the p.w thread, Netherlands is degrading to lawlessness and tyranny much faster than Canada did earlier in the year, and I fully expect that banks will start freezing accounts of farmers very soon, if they haven't already begun.
That is just horrific to think about—the government taking away a citizen’s means to live. This Deep State is like a plague on our world. God bless these farmers for doing their own thing to take a stand. In America, we sit around not doing much at this point, waiting for the plan. Is this video viral around your country?
Police firing upon farmers is going to be suppressed by all state and fake-news media, so with that said I dont really have much of a good means to measure how viral something is going. The kid who was shot at has since been arrested.. I guess he is guilty of not being dead or something.
Thanks for the info...👍
It doesn't seem like anyone is in danger. Talk about excessive force. Psychopaths everywhere.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, they hadn't oughta done that. Brits did the same thing over here, wasn't pretty.
A pitchfork is as effective as a bullet. Albeit slower.
EDIT: A manure spreader is like a wood chipper on horrific gory steroids.
Agreed Entirely.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." Thomas Jefferson
One of the replies on Twitter.
Kek. I miss the days of blowing up beaver dams. We used to make anfo to augment the detagel(dynamite) we bought to get a bigger boom. We made bombs that made 2k military shit look small. I know if we can do that just screwing around a bunch of serious farmers could do some crazy ass shit. Scary shit. These globohomos are mistaken if they believe guns are the only way to fix their tyranny.
Then deport > other > "sticky" request please, or modmail
Looks like a job for Killdozer.
Do these cops just not even know how to safely handle firearms? Shooting at the 16 yr old kid was criminal, but even the other idiot police gesturing and waving their guns around as if they forgot they were even holding guns?! That is SO dangerous.
There are more farmers, truck drivers, and fishermen (with guns) than police and military. The Dutch govt may need to reassess .......or else.
Lord Jesus please bring their JUST REWARDS for their CRIMES and EVIL Amen
I wonder what a ripper hook pulled behind a 250 horse tractor would do to a motorway. A few miles of damaged roadway surrounding the biggest cities would cause a real mess.