Child porn material maybe used as a weapon but people who get into child porn are sick and evil and need to be severely dealt with for the protection of children.
You'd be welcome in Little Rock, fren. Have gotten no cross looks in my MAGA hats or Biden "quicker sniffer upper" shirt. Now in process of getting a Pepe tattoo (needs more shading once it heals enough).
Child porn material maybe used as a weapon but people who get into child porn are sick and evil and need to be severely dealt with for the protection of children.
Makes me sick with anger when kids are messed with. There is nothing worse in my eyes. Nothing.
Even hardened, violent criminals, draw the limit on child molestation.
Yup,and then they kill the perps in jail. If criminals kill you for a crime you committed, that says a ton about the nature of that crime.
I dunno. I think misgendering someone is way worse.
Especially in NYC xD
Even wearing a MAGA hat there made me feel like I was flashing everyone the way they were acting.
You'd be welcome in Little Rock, fren. Have gotten no cross looks in my MAGA hats or Biden "quicker sniffer upper" shirt. Now in process of getting a Pepe tattoo (needs more shading once it heals enough).
It is all part of the same game: destroying kids to create their puppets.
I am finding it difficult to classify the most evil into even more evil, like one would have to choose between Obama or Mittens, or Noname.
No thanks.
I hear you and feel the same exact way.