So, I may have a life changing opportunity coming my way.
The problem is that they’re still requiring proof of vaccination and a booster.
I’ve waited years to get the point where I can have a job again. I’ve been relying on my parents financially up until now; I’m finally recovering enough physically to get a job.
I’ve been praying to God every night to protect me and to get rid of these vaccine mandates. I’ve been asking Him to show me the way, to lead me to do what I need to do with this second chance.
I don’t want the clot shot. But if God is asking this of me, and opening these doors is it necessary?
I can’t pay the legal fees to fight it. And my doctors are still asleep. I asked AFLD for an exemption but they wouldn’t give one. Understandable considering what happened to Dr. Gold.
What do, frens? I don’t have the skills to make a fake one, that’s for sure.
God is testing you, fren. Do you worship Him, or do you worship money? The choice is that simple.
Do not fear. When one door closes, God opens up another one...and it's always better than the first door.
Choose wisely, grasshopper.
I agree with everything you said. When you least expect it, another door will open better for you than the one you thought you should take. God will show you the path.
This happened for my husband, he felt like he just couldn't stay at his job any longer, he prayed everyday asking for guidance. One day out of the blue someone came to him with a job offer paying much more and doing what he is very good at. Came to him and dropped it in his lap. His previous job didn't use his "talents" (I guess you can say) to their fullest which was their mistake. Now his new job gave him the opportunity to do what he is good at.
Yeap, similiar story in our fam. Used up all leave entitlements due to forced jabs . . . One week? No money, next week started new job, same income but plus company car and fuel (blessing right now)
Thanks, fren. I am trying to worship Him as best I can. I’m not good at many things a lot of the time; feeling confused by God’s will is a part of my daily existence, lol.
It’s not even well-paying, just a really strong network opportunity doing something I love.
Truly, there is no job that is worth risking your life over, fren. There is no doubt at this point that the jabs are dangerous. God would never ask this of you. Put your faith in God and let Him show you the way to a better future.
God bless, fren.
Exactly once health is gone, are we really living? Peeps dont seem to recognise how important it is until gone
I'd look for another position. The clot shot should not be taken, period. If you have any doubts, go to this site and read the medical horrors of all the people who submitted their stories:
Stand firm. It might be a life-ending opportunity if you take that poison dart.
if you take the shot, there is no taking it out. if you take the job, you could be fired or let go at anytime -- the breakdown of the financial system is on the horizon, even good companies will be hit unexpectedly.
the best legal approach to ask a lot of detailed questions about their vax policy:
(your employer and your doctor are probably still under the psyop that the vaccine(s) are "fully approved." they are -- under EUA.)
do they enforce their policy if only EUA products are available? does their policy uphold the legal requirements of the EUA? for example, the EUA requires informed consent and upholds the right to decline. is the policy requiring you waive your rights to voluntary decline EUA "investigational" products in order for employment?
what is the policy governing the vaccination period? to be "fully vaccinated and boosted" takes at least 6 months. are vaccinated and unvaccinated employees treated as two classes of employee? do these classes of employees receive equal protection?
if the CDC recommends continuous boosters, what limits, if any, would the employer consider?
given that you are a male under 30, the CDC acknowledges a higher risk of myocarditis and pericarditis for your cohort. other countries have stopped recommending some mRNA vaccines to men under 30 due to the cardiac risk. in the case of vaccine injury or adverse event at any time from any booster, does the employer's insurance cover the employee for medical care, short and/or long term disability, and provide life insurance in the case of death?
realize that if you pursue this path they will likely withdraw the offer. but there's a chance you might wake them up. don't be an adversary, just concerned and thoughtful and exceedingly enthusiastic about the job opportunity. and don't forget, they are vaxxed. they have a need to feel secure in their choices.
but do lead with questions regarding policy for medical exemptions -- given your age and sex has been proven to have higher risk for cardiac injury. that is the main reason you have to figure out the liability for the rare but CDC acknowledged risk of vaccine injury.
Thanks. I will try this.
I've been watching Julie Green prophecy videos for quite awhile and one of the things God has said through her was, "Do not comply with a lie."
Hope that helps!
The longer people keep complying with it,the longer they're gonna require it.
The more people that pass or quit over it,the sooner the shit will stop.
I know.
But my family is at their financial breaking point. And, honestly, if it does take me out, my parents might be better off.
Your family most definitely won't be better off without you.
I'm not a religious person but I'd have to go with what everyone else says. Somebody or something is testing you.
With all you now know about the shots,is a job really worth your life?
No. It's more likely to end up with a chronic condition that requires regular cardiologist visits. Medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy. It's how the industry works, drain their money before letting them die.
I am the current massive medical drain bill on my family.
So I am tempted by the fact this job will stop that problem, and that if I do have problems from the vaccine, they won’t have to pay for me any longer.
Take advantage of social help, like the food bank.
Don't think that way about your parents. Having once been a child, I once entertained those thoughts, but as a parent I realize those ideas were always mistaken. As a parent, I would be aghast if one of my children believed that. No parent wants to lose a child, even if they complain too much about the work and responsibility.
Continue to pray.
Thank you.
It’s been a long road, and they’re in their 60s, and have spent a lot of money trying to get me a miracle. I have miraculously healed by God’s grace and their generosity, but I want them to have the retirement they deserve.
To be honest, their retirement isn't your responsibility. If you get to a place where you can help, then great.
Have you talked to them about this at all? As a parent of adult children, I would never want them to get the vax for a jab. There are other jobs and other options. Don't crash through the window just because this door is shut.
Do not store treasure on Earth, store treasure in heaven.
Money is the root of all evil fren. If you don’t want to comply with the company’s requirements, don’t take the job. More business you can definitely get a job at. If you’ve been struggling to find one I get it, but after all you have seen and heard about the clot shot, is this job really worth it vs permanent damage to your body?
Love of money is the root
I guess I was taking the “infiltration not invasion” approach to fight back with this opportunity.
And, quite frankly, I’m exhausted. I’m 28 and feeling completely stuck. I figured if I’ve been praying, and God didn’t want it, He wouldn’t even be putting it on the table.
Im right there with you age wise and feeling stuck, just a few years younger than you are. Been trying to make small businesses of my own work out and sadly none have panned out the way I wanted so far.
God will put things on the table for you as tests, open a door as a test, etc. God gives you the ability to do what you want regardless of whether it is a sin or not. Not sure if God plays a part on the jab for you or not but for me he does and from my guy feeling taking it is a no.
Look into Peggy Hall The Healthy American. She has many videos on how to fight back. My husband and step daughter used her advice to write anti vax letters. They were both approved.
God is protecting you by giving you a gut feeling. Ignore it at your own peril - He's not going to intervene on Earth if you make bad choices against your own better judgement.
New opportunities will come along if you stand strong, but once you jab, there's no going back.
Your doctor in his white coat wants you to trust him like you do a priest. Don't fall for the false prophets of Dogmatic Scientism.
You don’t “request” an exemption. You assert your right to it on religious grounds. They must provide you with an accommodation or be in violation of federal law.
I have been turned down for a few jobs because I'm pure blood or are we using ultra maga blood or untainted blood idk either way and just last week I got rejected because I have a case in court (divorce court) I keep all them on a list with all emails and texts for my future law suit.... how is it legal to ask if you have a pending court case or ongoing trial?
You could play this another way.
"Look, i know i'm the best person for the job, and i know i'm the person you need. But i'm not willing to work for you if you're insisting i take something that has been proven to cause a lot of problems. I'm interested in an employer who follows the science, not propaganda. So are you sure you want to hold to your mandate? because you're losing the best worker if you do."
It's ultimatum land though, and it could leave the door open for another chance when they drop it.
They are reassessing their COVID protocols this week. So my prayers may be answered.
Almost perfect: "Look, i know i'm the best person for the job, and i know i'm the person you need but I cannot ignore my deeply held, sincere beliefs regarding the covid vaccine. Would you consider authorizing my religious exemption?"
Sorry to hear of your financial stress. Lots of us in the same position right now. All kinds of different circumstances. But if they are requiring the vax, then it isn't really a life changing opportunity, is it? It isn't even an opportunity at all. You only wish it was an opportunity, but unfortunately you don't qualify.
Keep waiting.
I am reminded of the Passover blood painted on the doors of the Jews.After the deaths of many first born,grieving people probably struck out at unaffected families.
the risk of honeypot and jail and/or fines for getting a fake cert is a much lower relative risk than actually getting the clot shot
Wise comments on here... take heed my fren.
2 things. 1 you can fight for the job without giving in to the jab. Some places have hired back unjabbed people. The tide will turn, but the stronger you stand the better chance of the tide turning. Don’t give up in the interview process, do your best so it is their loss of a great employee, not your loss.
Taking the jab for a job reminds me of giving up your birthright for a meal. It’s a short term decision.
Life changing opportunity or life altering consequences? If it were me, I'd roll with the mundane no change option.